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Neural Networks to the Rescue

As we discussed in our previous blog, chatbots have a big problem: they are expensive to build, hard to…

Training Data is The New Oil: Where Should I Drill?

CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, recently said that AI is as fundamental as electricity. If AI is the new electricity, then high quality training data is the new oil. For an early stage AI company, forming data sharing relationships with your…


In today’s time, everyone wants to be in the latest trend and wants to step out of the stereotypes of fashion that certain outfits carry with themselves.

Huawei Unveils AI-Powered Smartphone

Huawei Unveils AI-Powered Smartphone - Trade Flock
In a first, Chinese Techy giant Huawei Unveils AI-Powered Smartphone-driven car that uses its artificial…www.tradeflock.com