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MKR token upgrade and Oasis redeployment

Makerdao.com/redeem is the only official page for upgrading MKR tokens

Important note: Do NOT send tokens directly to the redeemer contract. Doing so will cause all tokens you send to

Bitcoins and Blockchains for Mums and Dads: Part 2 — Delving into Blockchain

If you haven’t read part 1 of this series, you can find it here. I promise that very little of this will make sense until you have a good understanding of the basic concepts, so I would strongly

What is Faucethub?

FaucetHub is a Microwallet. It acts & serves like a middleman between the hundreds of faucets and your crypto currency wallet (For example Coinbase, Blockchain, Dogechain, Coinpayments, Cryptonator etc.). Faucets are websites that dispenses Bitcoins in Satoshi, Dogecoin in DOGE, Litecoin in…

Arbitrage In Cryptocurrency

Author: Jacob Carter, CTO Swapchain

*disclaimer: I assume you have a basic understanding and some experience with cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency exchanges like Poloniex, Kraken, etc.

What Is Waltonchain?

A joint project between Chinese and Korean developers, Waltonchain aims to merge the innovative technology of blockchain and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to assist in the supply chain of organizations.

The Story of Cryptonaut begins…

Welcome to Cryptonaut’s Medium channel! Over the next few months we will regularly post articles about…

Did Andreas call it?

As Andreas hath sayeth regarding Bitcoin:


“In the time between December 11 and December 31st, we will see a *lot* of volume (through CME).”

Introducing FundCrowd: Decentralized, Fee-Free Crowdfunding on Ethereum

Coinvest ICO Review

Coinve.st (https://coinve.st) ICO is the first market for a decentralized investment market for cryptocourants.
Invest in multiple encryption and index funds with one account, one wallet and one money.

the good idea: https://coinve.st

Until now we are all trying to understand the nature of each ICO and its positive, negative and…

AMLT — The Token Of Compliance

About AMLT :

  • Every business participating in the AMLT Network helps expose money from illegal sources, protect the ecosystem from the risks connected with it, and can provide their information to the network to rate others.

Buying Crypto and the SEC

The SEC Chairman, Jay Clayton, recently posted a note about the mania ensuing in crypto. The SEC must be getting flooded with cryptocurrency questions.

Love it or hate it everyone needs to be asking: how much longer will the US Government let crypto mania go…