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Blockchain 101 — only if you ‘know nothing’!

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum — you must have heard about these buzzwords. And…



區塊勢是付費訂閱制媒體,每週提供 2 篇文章及 1 集 podcast…

Digest: How Tether’s distribution system works

In this LONG POST I expose how one aspect of the Tether distribution system works affecting primarily people holding what they are told are USD in wallets using Lock(TM) features but instead are holding Tether. In this digest I will outline the…

Week 51, 2017

👋 Hi! I’m Daniel, a sophomore at Amherst College majoring in CS and Stats, and I write a newsletter here, that references interesting things in the tech-world that I came across with some small notes + insights.

Crypto things:

  • Coinbase, the primary…

The future of blockchain

English / Italiano / Français / Español / Русский

وحدات الشبكة — اللامركزية وعالية الجودة متعددة — العرض العام

الموقع الإلكتروني https://networkunits.io/
أنبيتكوانتالك https://bitcointalk.org/index.php؟topic=2313083
تيلغرام https://t.me/networkunits
تويتر https://twitter.com/network_units
مديوم https://medium.com/@networkunits…

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You can compare fees of live transactions from BTC and BCH blockchains and see for yourself that BTC txs under 20 USD have ridiculously high fees.