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Cryptocurrency: The Good, The Bad, and The Future of Money Supply

By James Alctucher. Originally published on JamesAltucher.com

99% of Cryptocurrencies are total scams. And, yes, Cryptocurrencies are in a bubble.

The Three Barriers to Bitcoin Dominance

By Frederick Briggs, who studied Systems Analysis & Computer Science at Canadore College…

Things beyond ICO


「聊到區塊鏈,就不得不提 ICO」變成最近的一個奇怪的風氣,大概是因為比起其他技術,ICO 既容易參與又容易量化,媒體討論 ICO 的篇幅都遠多於加密貨幣本身,有人堅信 ICO 不是 IPO,也有人主張 ICO 絕對是證券,但反正就算大家對 ICO 的認知未必清楚,也都前仆後繼的跳進來了。

Initial Coin Offering, 指的是組織發行區塊鏈上的代幣,並販售以籌措資金的商業行為,因為和股票初次公開發售(IPO)類似,所以取名 ICO ─…

Kucoin Listing Vote — Bounty and Lottery

Updated: Dec 6, 2017

Go to https://kucoin.com and vote for BOScoin listing. It costs 0.1 KCS, but if you fill out the below google form. You will receive 2 BOS in your BOScoin wallet, and the chance to win 1000 BOS. 10 participants…

What future for the bitcoin?

With the price of bitcoins has risen to more than $11,000 from less than $800 at the beginning of the year…

Disclosure: Cryptocurrency Interests

Angela Walch made an excellent point that people discussing tech in public should disclose their interests: I’ll try to keep this up-to-date.

My main technical interest is bitcoin, and it aligns with my financial interests:

CoinDash update 30.11.17

Hello again CoinDashers,

中文版请按这里(For Chinese version press here)

Before we start our update, we would like to take a moment and mark the monumental milestones the Blockchain space has achieved lately. BTC reaching USD 10,000 and ETH…

Coinounce Announcing an Exciting New Co-operation Partnership with AmaZix

Would you like to be a Qfellow? ROUND 2!

ConcourseQ is building the largest and most comprehensive due diligence community in the crypto space, and we are already covering most of the high and medium profile token sales (The good & the bad) with professional and 100 % unbiased research because we…

How to Begin your Journey with Cryptocurrency

You perhaps hold an interest in Cryptocurrencies and Wish to know the way, How to begin with investing in them if you clicked this link. Internet or cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are a subject of suspicious views and definitely by far…

Chlu Design Considerations

The people over at Rebooting Web-of-Trust have been doing some excellent work on defining the areas of Decentralised Identity and Decentralised Reputation Systems. At the 4th Rebooting the Web of Trust workshop (April, 2017) the participants wrote a paper titled “Design…

Yes I have no doubt either that many of the largest authorities today will attempt to harness…

By the way, Landon, good article refuting the other article that claimed that Bitcoin can’t replace (centralized) banks. I agree that it can replace them, and to some extent already has. You mention the other authors’ reference to the concept that currencies in history typically have the backing of a central authority. I would add to your refutation…

Bitcoin Cash

Version 1.1

Small Q&A put together with Tweets by Prof. Faustus aka Dr. Craig Wright.

  1. Bitcoin is not a Mesh Network

Bitcoin is not a Mesh Network. Bitcoin is a Small World Network with a near complete graph. That is also…

BTC — Target Hit but It Ain’t Over Yet!

Bitcoin has continued an Epic run, but it is not over yet according to the charts, and we haven’t even entered the overall 5th wave in a broader cycle. The numbers are staggering at this point and the levels would make a tight rope walker have vertigo!

Список перспективных крипто-проектов (периодически обновляется)

Мой канал Telegram :

“Облачный майнинг”.
https://t.co/wk7ETJPwkg = 01.09.2017 изменил все ранее купленные контракты с бессрочных на годовые

New Beast upcoming on Apps phone market-Hello to Crypto Chat Era!

CHAT without borders

If you know Whatsapp,Viber,or any others? Forget about ,they not going to much trending anymore,because its New Era CryptoChatEra upcoming in that tide tough business,that would be disrupt whole industry in…

Nasdaq to Debut Bitcoin Futures by Mid 2018

Wall Street Journal reports the globe’s second largest stock exchange, National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (Nasdaq) will offer bitcoin futures by the middle of next year. Also, Cantor Fitzgerald LP will provide bitcoin


Bitcoin hit $10,000 (£7,450) for the first time, and then $11,000 (£8,170). It’s also now more frequently googled than Jesus. There’s a lot of commentary out there and, of course, the problem with discussion of bubbles is that that discussion invariably becomes quite binary: bubble/not a…

Three Reasons You Should Start Getting Paid in Bitcoin

The Bitcoin Ecosystem Keeps Growing

by Max Hill

Bitcoin is more than seven years old. In that time, it has become more mature, robust, and secure than anyone…