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Litecoin’s rise to $1000 will be just the beginning of cryptocurrency’s silver surfer

If you’ve been following my $LTC trading analysis, you will know who I am. Back in April I noticed parabolic wormhole being formed in the fabric of the universe in which Litecoin, the…





New Programming Blockchain Prices

A few months ago, I started programmingblockchain.com as a way to train new Bitcoin developers. The events have been a success and I have trained over 40 people thus far.

圖文教學: 如何購買以太幣

步驟1: 前往 MaiCoin 並輸入 email 開始註冊流程
步驟2: 前往信箱點擊驗證連結

Money Without Middle-Men

Bitcoin and Blockchain technology using only the 1000 most common words

The following is an Up-Goer Five Challenge essay— an attempt at explaining a complex topic using only the 1000 most common English words. The topic is Blockchain Technology, and the full

Coinlend, bot de lending

CoinLend es un servicio de ‘bots’ que automatiza el proceso de préstamos en Poloniex y Bitfinex. Este tipo de…



BitMex Review: Derivatives Bitcoin Exchange

This review is about the official http://bitmex.com or use our referral link: http://smarturl.it/j0wivl — We will discuss the difference between BitMex and other crypto currency exchanges. If you are new to crypto currency, learn the basics of…


Cryptonite aims to be a collection of articles, thoughts and insight into the world of applied Cryptography.

Blockchain Needs You

Last article we talked about why YOU should care about blockchain. I wanted to emphasize point that there is more to this space than just programming and money transfer applications. It’s not just YOU that should care about blockchain that’s important, but also why BLOCKCHAIN NEEDS YOU as a…

Explaining bitcoin to my grandmother

This morning my grandmother forwarded me an article about bitcoin and the CBOE futures and took the chance to share my thoughts.

Here’s explaining bitcoin to my grandma:

What do you think of bitcoin?

Bitcoin : les faits contre les fantasmes

Publié le 07/12/17 dans La Tribune avec Gonzague Grandval

Le cours du bitcoin poursuivra-t-il sa croissance exponentielle, sous l’œil effaré des régulateurs ? Chacun y va de son pronostic péremptoire mais, parmi les commentateurs…

Feast Coin (FSC) ICO | Frequently Asked Questions


What is Feast Coin?

Feast Coin allows users to order take-out and delivery with cryptocurrencies. Using the Feast Coin website or mobile app you can order food using 45 different…

On Tulips and Bitcoins

With the recent meteoric rise in Bitcoin’s value, from approximately 1 BTC/7000 USD less than two months ago to its value of $16,535 at the time of writing this article, economics and news outlets worldwide have begun speaking on a subject they would have rather ignored as an “internet…