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Why Casper’s Good for Ethereum & Why I’m Investing in Rocket Pool

I’ve been excited about Ethereum’s Proof of Stake system Casper for a while mainly because it’s a move away from Proof of Work, but in recent weeks I’ve found time to look into more of the details. I keep coming back…

Blockchain as Poker: Part 3

This is a follow up to a Blockchain as Poker series (Part 1, Part 2). Part 3 is going to focus on some how the rest of the world is interacting with Blockchain, Fiat Money, Cryptography, and what’s next.

Red Tape



A dull second week

This story is in continuation to my previous story “My first week into cryptos”. Bitcoin is slowing recovering from the temporary crash. It is lingering around 14–16k dollars. Ripple is doing great this week moving up from 6000 Satoshis to 9500 Satoshis. I’m expecting a dull week for ripple…

두 가지 요소 인증 (2FA)을 BINANCE에 추가하는 방법

이 “두 요소 인증 (2fa)을 binance.com에 추가하는 방법”가이드는 정적 자격 증명 외에도 두 번째 요소에 대한 SAASPASS를 코드 생성기로 사용하여 binance.com 계정을 TOTP Google…

Reese Jones x Bee Token Advisor Announcement

We are pleased to announce that Reese Jones, associate founder at Singularity…

TokenPay LIVE Event on Saturday

Join us on Saturday December 30th at 12:00PM EST for a ZOOM Webinar where participants can ask questions LIVE to the CEO and Strategy Advisor. This is an “Ask Me Anything” event and a chance for TPAY holders to interact directly with key stakeholders.

Simdaq is in Waves Lab

Simdaq will be one of the first projects supported by Waves Lab. Waves Lab is a blockchain technology incubator created by Sasha Ivanov.

All About Cryptochats

Cryptochats is a leading media Outlet for events and information services related to the digital asset and blockchain…



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