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Bitcoin and Virtue Part 4: Fortitude

In the previous three parts of this series, we examined how Bitcoin creates positive incentives. Specifically, people are motivated to plan for the future, find the sweet spot between lazy and greedy, and finally trade fairly.

A Segwit Blockexplorer

We are pleased to announce a bunch of segwit improvements to blockonomics.co

Bech32 Address support

Both P2WSH and P2WPKH addresses are supported. You can create bech32 address invoices, search and also watch them in…

This story is unavailable.

Thank you for the thoughtful reply Preston. Your response fits in well with your previous thinking and writing from the time when you were saying, “everyone will have a blockchain”.

In a line, the US Senate is moving a bill to move digital currency transactions clearly within the usual KYC/AML reporting frameworks already in

Bitcoin: Zeepbel of Geweldige Waarde opslag?

Same article in English — Bitcoin: Bubble or Great Value Store

Dit artikel tracht de huidige waarderingen van bitcoin te rechtvaardigen, door eenvoudigweg aan te tonen dat de huidige prijsstelling ten opzichte van

[Visual] The Exponential Boom, Bust and Rebirth of the ICO Economy, ie Dotcom Bubble with Dumber Money

The blockchain build up is eerily reminiscent of the Dotcom era — inexperienced founders with only an idea raising absurd amounts of money to build a…

EWA: Sistem Pendingin yang Sangat Inovatif

EWA telah menciptakan format sistem pengkondisian baru dan unik, yang bekerja tanpa…

U.S. dollars are not backed by anything other than the faith of the fools who accept it as payment and of other fools who agree in turn to accept it as payment from them. The main di...
You Don’t Understand Bitcoin Because You Think Money Is Real
Maria Bustillos

Maria Bustillos — US dollars are backed by the full faith and credit of the USA (in a sense). Technically, it’s a store of value and serves as a medium of exchange (work = cash. cash pays for goods. work = value of goods). Since the full faith and credit of a sovereign nation is paid by taxes collected from goods and services in that nation (US…

L’enfance mystérieuse du bitcoin

Publié le 01/12/17 sur Contrepoints

Un beau jour d’août 2008, le cryptographe britannique Adam Back reçut un mail d’un certain Satoshi Nakamoto, dont il n’avait jamais entendu parler, lui demandant de jeter un coup d’œil à son projet de monnaie…

Net Neutrality: A Universal Blockchain Moment.

The issue of Net Neutrality is heating up in the United States. It seems to be another power grab from large corporations. In its current state, blockchain computing would be very vulnerable on an un-neutral net. However, the idea that a…

Fatfish Internet Group & Project NITRO

NITRO, the cryptocurrency for video games economy is dependant on ASX-listed iCandy…

Announcing Betex ICO — December, 4th, 2017

December, 4th, 2017, Hong Kong — Betex Lab Limited announced a crowd sale campaign for its project Betex, the first ever transparent binary options platform. With a unique business model, the company is aiming to improve the existing derivatives’ market…

Dodging Junk ICOs Without Regulatory Involvement

Reply to Naval Ravikant’s Unchained Interview

In his recent interview with Laura Shin on Forbes’ Unchained Podcast, Angel List founder and cryptocurrency entrepreneur, Naval Ravikant…

CoinMall and ShapeShift Combine Forces

Today we’re happy to announce our formal partnership with ShapeShift and the implementation of the ShapeShift Shifty Button on CoinMall, immediately allowing CoinMall users to buy and sell digital products with Ethereum, Ripple and many other digital currencies

The Ideal Digital Currency (Part 6 of 7): Digital Currencies Needs Clear Regulations

This is part of a series looking at issues that need to be solved in the next few months and years for digital currencies to grow to reasonable size compared to the tiny segment of the…