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Wolf Crypto ICO Review: COTI

Website: https://coti.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/COTInetwork
Github: https://github.com/coti-io

FNX Token — A Blockchain Innovation Vehicle

FinanceX exchange has risen quickly to be one of the major crypto exchanges in…

It’s Liquid time!

On October 25th The Rock Trading introduced to its users the ability to deposit and withdraw Bitcoin using Liquid sidechain.

Distributed ledgers: blockchain vs DAG

Distributed ledger term covers various types of data structure in which database is shared…

Driving Cryptocurrency Adoption: the Case of Dash in Venezuela


Cryptocurrency is influencing mobile financial services and global payments systems. In some developed countries of the world such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and…

On Contiguity of the Self

So then in regard to “understanding Bohmian time” we can inquire into (and deconstruct) our paradigm of self in relation to time.

Why should the present self serve the future self?

Own your blockchain via NANO on Huobi

Huobi added yet another high-quality cryptocurrency to its leading exchange on 31stOct 2018…

Ask for Testing: Btcnova Cryptocurrency Exchange Feature

Btcnova Exchange is a leading Cryptocurrency Trading Platform, dedicated to deliver safe, fast and simple trading services. We have launched our P2P trading feature since beginning of year 2018, today we are proud to announce our…

Initiative Q: Scam, pyramid scheme, or next PayPal?
Giulio Prisco

The overview you made is really awesome — thanks, Giulio Prisco

I don’t believe in “free money”, I am convinced that all the transactions should be protected, so I’d better recourse to a payment system that established itself on the market and successfully works with cryptocurrency businesses.