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software tech co. PLAAK makes it super easy to stake crypto rewards

an intelligent exchange, a buff…

Why I sold all of my bitcoin
Todd Medema

I advise you to read about Bitcoin at: https://blockchainwhispers.com/bitcoin-btc-in-2018/

  1. You say it’s socially irresponsible: how do you justify then printing tons of paper for paper-money? There is a reason why Bitcoin uses electricity, real world asset to mine. Read the link above.

Bitcoin Cash SV is now trading at Bitkub.com!

เริ่มเทรด Bitcoin Cash SV ได้แล้วที่ bitkub.com!

Crypto Drivers of the Week — November 16, 2018

What We Know About Bitcoin Cash’s Two Competing BlockchainsCoinDesk

Since its creation in August 2017, BCH has gone through a number of hard forks, as its dominant ABC implementation upgrades the network every 6 months…

Bitcoin Plummets as Bitcoin Cash Hard Forks

Bitcoin saw a fierce drop in value from ~$6,387 USD to ~$5,358 USD at its lowest…

Everest — будущее финансовых технологий!

Everest — это платформа для децентрализованной идентификации, можно считать ее настоящим…

Guide to the World of Blockchain

Blockchain technology is rapidly moving past the crypto currencies and rapidly making its way into the…

LPK on Bitmart Live Competition

Vote for Kripton (LPK), as your favorite token to get listed on BitMart BTC/ETH trading pairing platform…

Is Cryptocurrency The New Hedge Against Economic Turmoil?
Darren Lee

Darren Lee Gold going up to $10,000 that’s what I’ve heard! When markets are volatile and yes, #bitcoin and other #cryptocurrencies are in the red (again!) this week, gold goes up. #investment or #hedge 🙄?