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Funding: Definition, Example and Uses

Bybit is a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange aiming to revolutionize today’s cryptocurrency…

Crypto Exchange API Demo: “Refunds”

Last week we shared a demo of how “Refills” work as part of our Cryptocurrency Exchange Service. The week prior, we shared a demonstration of how the Suredbits’ Crypto Exchange API will work more generally. This week we would like to share a feature we are…

The resolution of the Bitcoin Cash experiment

You need to read David Graeber’s Debt: The first 5000 Years.

https://www.amazon.com/Debt-First-5-000-Years/dp/1612191290 (https://libcom.org/files/__Debt__The_First_5_000_Years.pdf)

The hidden hand is a shit theory and has no support in real human relations. It’s not even Smith’s, i.e. it is his poor…


Yes or No?

Stablecoin is a cryptocurrency designed to reduce price volatility, and are used as stores of…

The Geopolitics of Bitcoin: A Macro Perspective
Andre Serrano

Nice write up Andre Serrano. :) Macro Economics was one of my favorite classes in University. My appreciation for the subject morphed into an obsession with monetary policy over the past decade.