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The Ver Attack: The Biggest Vulnerability in Bitcoin?

Anyone who knows Saito knows that we’re obsessed with economic attacks. From inception to our TechCrunch panel last Tuesday, we’ve stressed that vulnerabilities in blockchain are almost always economic at heart.

On Solving the 51% Attack Problem in Bitcoin (Part 3)

In Part 1 of this series we took a look at challenges to overcome, and in Part 2, I suggested a simple time-based penalty scheme.

It turns out I am not the only one who has been thinking a lot about this…

Their war is over and we lost

The hashwar is over. The ABC team took the lead and rightfully obtain the Bitcoin Cash name. The nice guys…


20. Microsoft Azure Cloud Services: Microsoft Azure Cloud Services have been utilized to…

We are proud to announce the launch of our weekly newsletter ‘Crypto Wrap-Up’, covering the latest crypto-related news, market commentary, and a weekly story about a specific

Bloggers paid in crypto micropayments

Yalls.org is a blog project using crypto micropayments to compensate writers. Alex Bosworth…

A possible way up for Bitcoin

Bart Smith, the head of digital asset at trading giant Susquehanna, has told the media that a lack of…

Phoenix (PHX) — opis kryptowaluty

Phoenix (PHX) to nazwa projektu, który powstał w wyniku rebrandingu znanego już wcześniej Red Pulse (RPX).

Więcej na https://tokeny.pl/phoenix/

Przydatne linki:

kursy kryptowalut

kalkulator kryptowalut

Pundi X (NPXS) — opis kryptowaluty

Pundi X — NPXS — to projekt stworzony na bazie blockchainu Ethereum — mający na celu masową adopcję użytkową kryptowalut do wykonywania płatności w sklepach.

Więcej na https://tokeny.pl/pundi-x/