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SR rewards — TOP 5

In a previous article, The Tron Standard, I talked about the benefits of having a democratic process for running a blockchain…

Why splitting your BitcoinCash coins IS a bad idea during the #war

Following my comment on the coin splitting tool that has been released earlier this week, wahheboz asked me to explain why I think that splitting your coins might be a really bad idea during this contentious fork…

Stealth Release v2.2.0.0

Stealth.org is pleased to announce a new release for Stealth (XST), v2.2.0.0. This release, which goes live on block 2,378,000 (expected sometime on 11/14/2018) incorporates a number of improvements, but two major changes come to the Stealth core protocol: (1) removal of transaction…

Basics of Paper Wallets

Blockchain revolution has been increasing rapidly and cryptocurrencies are being used widely and wisely now. Any…

learn more about HubrisOne

HubrisOne is increasing cryptocurrency and blockchain technology adoption through a simple, innovative and…

Blockchain Week in Review: Week of November 5–9, 2018

By Dean A. Galaro on November 12, 2018

U.S. Developments


Upcoming Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (“ETF”) Decisions

NanyEx Futures Exchange


NanyEx Futures Exchange

A Commission-free digital assets exchange with its own native currency, The NCX Token. NanyEx will transform the way digital assets are traded.

15 days left to end #Selfdrop

Send mininmum of 0.02 ETH to our contract address and receive 200 VCG worth $60 or send maximum of 10 ETH and receive 100,000 VCG worth of $30,000

Contract address: 0x8F65Ee17EAf25f228a500Bb3d3757617fe74d79B

Explain Bitcoin Like I’m Five
Nik Custodio

Haha, this is brilliant!

I thought I learned more from long and super detailed guides such as these: Bitcoin Trading. But after reading this article, I think I’m going to hang out here for a while and enjoy the mix of simplicity and pure genius.

Thanks for showing me a new way of teaching!