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Life Lessons

Elvis Walks and Talks It Out

If you could adopt one simple exercise that brings mental clarity and release, would you? Last week I had the…

Why Most People Will Never Be Successful
Benjamin Hardy, PhD

Great advice. As a trauma and emotion psychotherapist (and blogger on emotions), I see myself as helping people remove blocks and obstacles to, as you say, weeding out people, habits and ways of thinking/being that don’t serve them. One of my favorite things to teach people is how to set limits and boundaries, like say No! for example. It’s not an…

Practice makes perfect

This post was first published in 2012 and updated in 2017

I say this to anyone who will listen to me — web development is all about practice. You do it repeatedly and you’ll be a pro at it. But slowly I’ve come to realize that this is true about everything.

How to be A better learner?

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” 
 ― Albert Einstein

This quotation is about learning. Online course learning how to learn Learning How to Learn is offered by University of California, San Diego. This course…

What is an “integrative approach” to wellness?

As a speaker, survivor and lifelover, I have a personal mission to…

“inspire people to make a commitment to healthy living, turning hopes and intentions into the highest enjoyment of life.”