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Life Lessons

How a Rap About Uteruses Made Me Set a New Goal

Fresh from an outstanding Thinking Digital conference, here is my attempt at doing justice to an inspiring, educational and amusing day of talks.

Am I being selfish?

Dear Self,

There is a fine line, for me, between being self-aware and being a little bit selfish.

You’re Genetically Gifted

In the LeBron James Formula I talked about work ethic. But there is a statement from that article that has been…

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Getting Realer!

Dearest sis, I’d say it, quoting Tre here, hit me like a ton of bricks, to whom I replied as I’m quoting here again: I had it all the time, realized just now!

Now that you mentioned it, I realized, and do strongly agree with you, about the spending of my times in a very Princely…


I recently read a novel by a man named Simon Sinek called Start With Why. Sinek, who I most famously knew as the man from this video on millennials in the workforce spoke with such certainty that I found his message eerily true in many ways. I found it to be intellectually…