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Life Lessons

Who we are and how we are building our culture

At Alan, we have a set of cultural values that we believe help us deliver the best product to our users, improve healthcare experience and be fast and effective. Those values have direct implications in the way we build our platform. They translate…

According to SF Ali, this attack isn’t about anything, anything he can put a name to, that is.
Rick Fischer

Thanks for reading and responding Rick Fischer.

Your response is hateful hyperbole, rife with intentionally misrepresentative red herring strawmen and ad hominem character assassinations (gotta love the…


After the bank robber, I shut down my online dating accounts and focused on building a…

The Difference Between Dreaming Dreams and Living Them

My good friend and business colleague Arielle Elizabeth said to me today,

“I don’t often admit when I’m impressed by someone, but you say you’re going to get it, and you get it.”
You Can’t Sail If You Never Leave the Harbor
Chad Grills

This is amazing. My Dad did this for me (supported me as I left the family business as the only potential ‘heir’ to chase my own dreams) and his choice made a profound and formative impact on my life.

It will be what I remember my Dad for long after he’s gone.

Zero Nine: What makes you happy?

Part 1 of ? / Evaluate. Destroy. Rebuild.

Back in January when Zero One, my first blog, went live on Medium, I decided to drop a new blog (more or less) every two weeks…