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Moving to Employee Engagement 3.0

In this issue, we look at Josh Bersin’s view of the employee engagement market and why he thinks we’re moving into a new phase focused on behaviour change with the launch of new products like Humu.


日本の皆様へ。本日、私たちはゲームチュートリアルをリリースしたことをお知らせします。チュートリアルによって、初めてアクシー インフィニティーを遊ぶユーザーの方々がゲームの遊び方をより簡単に理解ができることを願っております。

Strong Encryption Keys (that save space)

I was reading a blog post about strong encryption keys the other day, and I found it to be a little incomplete. I wanted to highlight a few areas that the author seemed to skim and advocate for a slightly different strategy.

Local Web Server Reloaded for Symfony Apps

The new Symfony binary introduced as part of SymfonyCloud will be a key piece of the Symfony developer experience. During his SymfonyCon Lisbon 2018 keynote, Fabien unveiled more of its amazing new features.

Power Meets Surveillance: the Rise of Digital Tyranny?

From the ‘trust demolition’ of Google taking over DeepMind’s healthcare app — trained as it was on NHS data — to the hard nosed corporate tactics we found out were used by Facebook against negative press, this has been another…

You’ve Got to Fight for Your Right to Data Rights

We’ve heard time and again that ‘data is the new oil’.

Like with any commodity, people are fighting to keep their data theirs, not wanting it to go into the wrong hands (how to define ‘wrong’ being subject to the…