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Thanks a lot, Michael!
Maarten van Doorn

During the next academic year. I’m getting old. If you do not mind me asking — how old are you Maarten van Doorn? I was reading your work and thinking to myself how bright of a future you have on here and off. My dad always told me to think like a philosopher but speak and write like a truck driver and you have that down pat already. Unfortunately I…

The Best Plagiarism Checker Tools for WordPress and Beyond

From famous cases of forgery to instances of accidental self-plagiarism, anyone can become a victim of content theft in one way or another. Anytime you publish original content online, you become vulnerable to the threat of being…

Especially after reading main-stream news for a while. It’s crazy how vicious that is for your Spirit.
What Medium Did For My State Of Mind
MR. Molly Maguire

Absolutely true, Molly. 15 common household items that can kill your children right now. Tune in at 11 for all the details. I don’t watch TV and I have found a community of like-minded souls here on Medium as well.

Good stuff, mate. Thank you for sharing the love.

The birth of Oshmi — a brand that loves women!

‘Hello world’ is what I was supposed to say but given how much I love women — their grace, charm, innate strength and will power — I would prefer saying — ”Hello women”. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against men. I can go on and on about their…