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Hooray For Hollywood!

Dear Mr James , 
Thank you for contacting Dealer Associates. We have reviewed your…

Other Doors

Are Now Open

The new Medium publication Other Doors is thrilled to present bullshit free poetry…

I don’t want to help you

{on creative burnout}

I promised to show up every day with something to inspire you to write. I don’t want to today, but here I am. I hope you appreciate it.

Do you ever consider how hard it is for us to…

5 Remarkable Ideas Only Great Writers Will Understand
Michael Shook

Great piece, Michael!
The Faulkner quote always gets me — I love the melodramatic sentiments of great writers. But they are no less true, in spite of their self-indulgence.

Great writing will always stand apart 
(but the crowd, as we can all see, is getting pretty big). It is our responsibility — as…