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Project 42 Stories Anthology Q&A

In July, I launched P42 Stories Anthology. It’s 42 chapters with different genres comprised of 42 42-word short stories from around the world including science fiction, prose, zombie pieces and more. Go to the link to see the full list and like the Facebook page and…

Five Steps to Changing Your Life (they boil down to one thing)
Shaunta Grimes

THANK you, Shaunta Grimes for (hands down) the best thing I’ve read on the “how to”/motivational cyber-shelf in a long-ass time. I love it specifically because it’s so not “magical.” It’s not just click-your-ruby-heels, visualization voo-doo.

Blogging Challenge — Day 10

So I wrote a post and submitted my draft to The Ascent Publication.

I really hope they accept it. *fingers crossed*

As soon as they do, I will share the link here.(Update : They Accepted and you can read it here)

Three Books I Love

So, lately I haven’t been able to read as much because I’ve been so busy promoting my new chapbook, Glimmerglass Girl. But I was able to sneak in this little interview with local Houston author Patricia Flaherty Pagan on three books I love. These are authors that I return to again and again…

This story is unavailable.

Thank you Shannon Ashley . A very happy birthday to you as well! — It’s a work in progress I guess. Fair winds and Godspeed! 🙇‍♀️