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Writer’s Tools: Creating a Plot Board

J.J. Hartly August 23, 2018 Articles, Writing

What is a Plot Board?
A Plot Board is a tri-fold board divided into a three-act structure to represent your story. You use post-it notes to list all the scenes for each act. This is a visual…

休業日記 008 — 第一次接觸的事物(2018.01–2018.08)

ooff: 008

星座分析常說金牛座就是守舊,我不想就這樣落入自我應驗預言,所以決定開一篇文章放 2018 年初次嘗試的事物們。

  1. 一月:製作書籍懶人包,吃它的流量紅利吃到現在。果然這種內容做成文章會比 Facebook 相簿流傳得久。
  2. 一月:開啟公館食物探索計劃,立志一個月要開發五家新店,一月收穫:松町日式小舖、維綸小館、八年得、三媽臭臭鍋、CookBEEF…
I’d be the most miserable guru in the world if I had a flock of disciples hanging on my words as if they were gospel.
Johnny Appleseed
Eric Griggs

Eric, you mean…you mean that…I’m not a disciple?

Umm…can you tell me what the hell I’ve been doing with my life for the past several months then?

This story is unavailable.

Seriously, Cole, if I could give you a thousand claps I would. I come from a professional background in education and I can say for a fact, the use of jargon is rampant there as well. For myself, I think one of the most difficult things about jargon and tradespeak is that everyone thinks they understand what the other person is saying. But they don’t…

The items you’ve outlined here are critical to success and chronically overlooked.
YES. Yes. yes. yes. yes.
Chuck Warren

Wow, Chuck, thank you very much for your very kind words. I’ve written for a long time, but it really wasn’t until I understood how important it was to be in charge of my writing time and space that I say how much energy went into things that weren't writing.