All Stories published by The Awl on December 02, 2011

Toe Settling In As Thumb

Remember the guy whose severed thumb was replaced by his big toe? Well, Britain’s James Byrne (or, as the BBC has it, “Toe-Thumb Man”) has had his bandages removed. You can go have a look if that sort of thing interests you.

This Is A Very Special Video

You’ll need to stick with this one until about the 2:20 mark. After that you’re free to do whatever you’d like, but my guess is you’ll hang around, ensorcelled by its magical somethingness. Ladies and gentlemen, “The King That Never Was.” [Via]

Wine Will Soothe The Pain

An upside to the potential collapse of the single European currency: cheaper wine! The downside is a worldwide financial crisis, but it probably won’t hurt so much if you’re drunk on a fine, newly-affordable Italian red. [Via]

The Awl
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