All Stories published by The Awl on February 18, 2014

Books We Like: “Young Money”

Kevin Roose’s Young Money, in which he spend a couple years with the bright young things from fancy schools who end up populating the analyst desks at Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs and the other sad and storied firms of Wall Street, is out today, and you may enjoy it! It is a…

Tavern Assy

Is this the world’s weirdest hotel, asks the Telegraph? Normally in these cases the procedure is for me to answer with a simple, “Sure, why the hell not,” but I believe today it is time for you to come to your own conclusions. Do bear in mind that the hotel, “designed to resemble a giant human colon……

A Hard Snow’s a-Gonna Fall

“Immersive Storytelling” would be a good name for an album by a terrible band.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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