All Stories published by The Awl on August 05, 2015

Let’s Build A City On The Moon


Should we build a city on the moon? Normally I would be of the opinion that, no, we should not, fuck the…

What Should I Listen To Besides The Awl Podcast?

Are you looking for a new podcast to bring joy to your horrible, empty life? Well, guess what? The Awl has a podcast! Here’s the most recent episode, with guest Laura Olin of Everything Changes fame. “But Alex,” you say, “I’ve already listened…

Want To Feel Like You Suck Less For A Second?

I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to read a story in the Times about a normal couple above the age of 30 in New York City who still rent. For something like a second — and no longer, but really, that’s all one can expect — the sense of failure…

Candidacies Explained

“Jeb Bush is beer, and Rubio is lite beer. [Bush] has a more mature brand in his category. Many voters see Rubio, charismatic as he is, as Jeb Bush without the experience. In NASCAR terms, Rubio is drafting behind Jeb’s car and only has a chance if Jeb’s car hits the wall and clears the way ahead, so voters can pay attention to him.”

What Happened To The Missing Plane

Now that authorities have confirmed that a piece of debris found on the French island of Reunion is part of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, I want to share my longstanding theory of what happened to the plane, which I have withheld thus far rather than join in…

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