All Stories published by The Awl on May 20, 2016

Everything’s Going To Hell But At Least We Are Moving Away From Open Kitchens In Our Homes

Photo by Leone Design Studio

You guys, don’t you hate it when you have a dinner party and everyone in the loft is hanging around your open-plan…

Sure, Venmo Is What’s Making Young People Terrible

Is Venmo turning an entire generation of bright, tech-savvy people — a group so accustomed to interacting with each other through the safe space created in the virtual world provided by the smartphones upon which they are so dependent that…

What Thing That Will Kill Us All Won The Week?

Wow, antibiotic-resistant bacteria is really having a moment, huh? If I’m Zika, I’m shouting down the phone at my PR person right now wondering what I have to do to get this kind of coverage.

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