Fearless Writing

Maria Angel Ferrero
The Brave Writer


🙌 Hey Brave Writers,

Since the start of COVID-19 and the global lockdown, Medium has gained thousands of new writers. Kudos to Medium. But what does it mean for us, writers?

Well, more competition. Stress and anxiety are on our plate every day.

No matter if you are a full-time writer or if it’s only your night job, writing is not an easy process. To be a successful writer, you need to build a habit; you need the proper mindset and motivation.

Being a writer takes courage. And our writers know that.

I want to take the time to appreciate the work of our writers. You are outstanding. Thank you for motivating us every day to write and keep going. You are brave.

One week has gone by, and it’s time to celebrate the small wins. This month we have welcomed over 200 new writers. We have an average of 446 visitors per day, and we totaled 20.500 views this month. We are now a community with 1582 followers.

Thank you for making this possible.

If you want to be part of the community and miss nothing, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and to follow us on Twitter.

Now, here are the best stories from The Brave Writer.

❤️ Editor’s Pick

Why I Chose My Novel Protagonist to Be a Male by Sude Hammal

Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

We are raised to believe all major writers are male because almost all writers that are in the world classics collections and best-selling novel corners are males (and mostly white ones).


I would encourage other female writers to write about powerful, ground-breaking, inspiring women in their works. Because the world still needs that, maybe more than ever. Change has just begun, and it needs all of our contributions.

🤩 Trending Stories

Where I Published My First 5 Ebooks by Sara Zarr

An overview of my experience KDP, Draft2Digital, and Smashwords

Forget Writing, Think Writing Process Instead by Gregory D. Welch

Why writing is about much more than what you put on the blank page

How to Get More People to Read Your Work on Medium by Brooklyn Reece

The only problem? I had no idea what to write about.

8 Steps to Achieve Your Writing Goals by Maria Angel Ferrero, Ph.D.

List, prioritize and highlight

📬 Latest Stories

5 Major Reasons For Treating Writing Like Your Business by Alexander Boswell

Write in The World of Readers, Read in the World of Writers by Ashwin

Journey To Bring Back My Writing Passion by Trung V. Nguyen

A Different Way to Think About Clichés in Your Writing by Gregory D. Welch

Four Ways to Start Your Novel When You Don’t Know How to Start by JazzFeathers

Why You Can’t Write When You’re Happy by Louise Morris

Do I Quit My Day Job? by Carmen Fong, MD

Stop Judging Your Unpublished Drafts by Boateng Sekyere

What Happened on the Way to Happily Ever After? by Jaye Frances

You Don’t Have To Be An Expert To Write On Medium by Julia Simak

4 Reasons You Need to Share Your Thoughts Before You Write by Brooke Harrison

What Fanfiction Taught Me About Writing by Kristie Chairil

Ignore the Trolls by Phil Rossi

Write What You Know by Sef Gojo

When There’s a Ball of Fury and Grief Inside of Me, the Only Way to Unwind it is to Write About it by Robin Finn

ĂŤKEKETĂ“RIÄ’: I Crossed the Bars on Medium; All By My Own Strength by Njide Mkparu

The Desire to Quit Accidentally Makes Me a Writer by Shweta L

What I Learned Writing an 80,000-word Horror Novel in 4 Weeks by Joe Hunt

How to Become a Technical Writer + 13 High-Paying Technical Writing Jobs by Moss Clement

What Are the Stories You’ll Regret Never Having Written? by Ruchama King Feuerman

Instead of Feeling Jealous of Successful Writers, Here’s What You Should Do Instead by Jordan Mendiola

Want to Be the Best Writer You Can Be? by Will-derness

Practice Your Creativity in Writing by Sef Gojo

On the Fence About Writing? Read This by Cynthia Marinakos

Snollygosters, Winklepickers, and a Snuggery by Nancy Parish

I hope you enjoy these articles as much as I did! See you next week with a wrap up of our best stories. Keep safe and keep writing!

Maria Angel Ferrero, Ph.D.



Maria Angel Ferrero
The Brave Writer

Feminist, Writer, PhD, Researcher & Professor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship U. Montpellier, editor @thefacultypub and @thebravewritter blog: mariangelf.com