Planet BOOM! The First Landing…

Eggies World
5 min readOct 15, 2019


Read More About MiniGame Planet BOOM! Here.

HalfHatched lands on Planet BOOM!

HalfHatched stood there in awe, with SleepShamen on one side and SuckerPunch on the other. Oblivion had flown with them too but she had forgotten some items and returned suddenly to the ship.

There were no Vein Vines or Lava Rivers on this barren planet but instead SleepShamen sensed a different power. Not one that came from nature but instead an energy that pulsed through the multicoloured rocks that lay everywhere. He took out a small pouch of ORBZ dust and sprinkled it up high, letting the lunar breeze take it further.

Without needing to be told SuckerPunch gathered up the rocks and ORBZ dust, combining them and moulding them into spheres. Launching, 1, 2, 3 out of his trumpets they all stared as the red, green and blue balls danced and hovered like mini-planets in the atmosphere above them.


A sonic boom shook their very beings and the Red Planets exploded, raining rewards down on the Monsters below. They were the first to experience this amazing sight but soon many others followed.

Oblivion had struggled to stay upright as the sonic boom had rocked the ship. It was lucky that HalfHatched had built such a sturdy craft, lesser vessels would have been damaged by the tremors. It had been tricky building the ship under such secrecy. Plus the idea of Monsters owning something not given to them by their masters was frowned upon. In many ways Eggies World was still very much a lawless land, unless you counted the rule of the fighting ring, or the authority of the Vassal Corporation’s guns. Yet, the thought of true Monster freedom was repugnant to most.

She checked that the equipment in her bag had not been damaged. Oblivion had been essential in helping source parts to use for the ship. She had told them that they had been stolen but in reality, Dr Zoe Topaz had given her all she needed, sometimes crafting special contraptions that would improve the original design. Oblivion was not here out of a sense of adventure. She had an important task to complete.

HalfHatched seemed to almost leap with glee at each sonic boom. Sure, he had hoped to have traveled much further but this was proof. Proof that the monsters could leave Eggies World without their human masters

SuckerPunch was not plagued with such deep thoughts, instead he shot mini-planets out of his trumpets one moment and collected the rewards that rained down on them in the next.

SuckerPunch waiting for his Rewards

SleepShamen appeared almost motionless but watched with interest as Oblivion appeared on the horizon. He took note that she had a light dusting of gold on her, a colour he had not seen on the planet so far. Yet, when he questioned her, she claimed to have ventured no further than the ship.

In the weeks to come more and more Monsters heard about the BOOM! and paid for passage on HalfHatched’s ship. Some came back richer, some came back wiser and some returned with nothing. But all agreed that the vibrations were an experience not to be missed.

Frenzy took the most trips, sometimes disappearing for long spells before returning to Eggies World. When quizzed he would mutter something about the monster revolution but would say nothing further. He had blocked the idea of allowing Off-Worlders passage to trade on the newly discovered planet and so far no one had been brave enough to challenge him. They were unsure how effective their attacks and aids would be this far from the planet they called home.

Oblivion has her own Mission

No matter how busy Planet BOOM! got, only Oblivion found the path to the gold rocks. Every now and then she would check on the tripod, anchored firmly into the ground and hidden by a grey, rocky outcrop. It held three contraptions, all of which were aimed in the direction of Professor Eggies Hideout. They hummed softly and every now and then a light would flicker on and off.

Dr Zoe Topaz relaxed back in the hammock she had strung between two Envit Trees outside her Eggies World cave. She opened up a monitor on her lap and twiddled the dial until she got the clearest image possible.

Dr Zoe Topaz

‘Ahh Haydn, I see you are working hard in your Lab today.’ She smiled contently knowing that, even though she could not be with him, he was at least not succumbing to the rage.

For when he got to the stage of wanting to burn it all down, she knew it was only her embrace, or her weapons, that could stop him…

Professor Eggies

Read More About MiniGame Planet BOOM! Here.

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

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Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.