Evil Eye Bracelet: Meaning, History, Wearing And Usage Guidelines, Feng Shui, Broken, Types (Red, Gold, Blue, Black, Pink, Swarovski, Men’s, Women’s, Silver, Baby, Green, Red String), Ideas

David Collins
42 min readApr 22, 2024


Last Updated: 7/30/2024

The evil eye bracelet is an iconic talisman that shields the wearer from negative energies and envy while attracting positivity, luck, and prosperity with its powerful unblinking eye design.

Steeped in ancient cultural traditions spanning the Mediterranean and Middle East, this mystical accessory allows one to make a bold, meaningful statement of spiritual faith and personal empowerment.

Evil Eye Bracelet Meaning

Evil Eye Bracelet Meaning
Evil Eye Bracelet Meaning


The primary meaning is providing protection against negative energies, envy, and ill-will directed at the wearer.

The unblinking eye stare symbolically reflects these harmful forces away before they can take effect.

Warding Against the “Evil Eye” Curse

In many cultures, there is a belief in the “evil eye” curse that can be given intentionally or unintentionally through a malicious glare stemming from jealousy or hostility.

Evil eye jewelry acts as a defensive amulet against receiving this curse.

Good Luck Charm

Evil eye bracelets are considered powerful good luck charms that attract positive energy, prosperity, and good fortune into the wearer’s life while blocking any potential misfortune.

Cultural Heritage

For Turkish, Greek, Jewish, Mexican, and other cultures, evil eye jewelry represents a beloved tradition passed down through generations.

Wearing it connects the bearer to their ancestral roots.

Feminine Empowerment

Some versions featuring the hamsa hand represent the divine feminine spirit, female intuition, and maternal nurturing instincts.

They imbue the wearer with these feminine energies.


While meanings vary, evil eye bracelets ultimately symbolize placing one’s faith and protection in a higher power, spirit realm, or life force energy rather than fearing evil superstitions.

Inner Strength

The eye sparks qualities like confidence, courage, focus, and determination to address life’s difficulties head-on without giving in to insecurities or self-doubt.

So in essence, evil eye bracelets are multifaceted symbols meant to empower the wearer, bolster defenses against negativity, and manifest luck, love, and positive energy flow in all areas of life.

The specific meanings can be culturally-dependent or based on personal intuitions and beliefs.

Benefits of Wearing an Evil Eye Bracelet

Benefits of Wearing an Evil Eye Bracelet
Benefits of Wearing an Evil Eye Bracelet

Wearing an evil eye bracelet is believed to provide powerful metaphysical benefits and protection which include:

  • Deflecting negative energy, envy, and ill-will directed at you from others through the symbolic apotropaic eye design.
  • Shielding the wearer from misfortune, curses, and the “evil eye” curse caused by jealousy.
  • Bestowing luck, prosperity, and good fortune upon the bracelet bearer.
  • Promoting positive energy flow by obstructing draining or destructive forces.
  • Providing a sense of safety, security, and divine watchfulness over the wearer.
  • Inspiring confidence, self-assuredness, and inner strength to overcome difficulties.
  • Aligning the chakras and raising spiritual awareness and intuition.
  • Serving as a bold, visible talisman of cultural heritage and meaningful beliefs.

The eye’s unblinking stare and talismanic symbolism are thought to have tangible real-world benefits for health, relationships, and overall wellbeing when worn faithfully.

Evil Eye Bracelet Color Meanings

Evil Eye Bracelet Color Meanings
Evil Eye Bracelet Color Meanings

The colors used in evil eye bracelets carry specific vibrations and symbolic associations:


  • Truth, intuition, clarity, peace, loyalty, protection


  • Growth, fertility, rejuvenation, prosperity, nature


  • Passion, courage, strength, survival, ambition


  • Happiness, optimism, warmth, creativity


  • Luxury, power, devotion, spirituality


  • Purity, truth, new beginnings, wholeness


  • Repelling negativity, banishing fear, uninhibited


  • Communication, friendship, youthful energy

Multicolor / Rainbow

  • Harnessing all energies, unity, the full spectrum

The iconic blue and white design is rooted in the Turkish/Greek tradition, while other individual and combined shades originate from various cultural beliefs and practices worldwide.

All Types Of Evil Eye Bracelet Meanings, History And Wearing and Usage Guidelines (for the nerds)

Red Evil Eye Bracelet

Red Evil Eye Bracelet
Red Evil Eye Bracelet
  • History:

The red evil eye bracelet has its roots in ancient Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures, where the belief in the evil eye (or “nazar”) was deeply entrenched.

The earliest known examples of evil eye talismans date back to ancient Greece and Rome, where they were crafted from blue glass and worn as amulets.

The use of red in evil eye jewelry emerged from Turkish and Islamic traditions, where the color red was believed to hold immense protective powers.

In these cultures, red was associated with the planet Mars and the qualities of strength, courage, and vitality — attributes seen as essential for warding off malicious glares or curses.

As the evil eye superstition spread across regions like Turkey, Greece, and parts of North Africa and the Middle East, the incorporation of red glass, coral, and gemstones into evil eye talismans became increasingly common.

The vibrant red hue was thought to be especially potent in deflecting negativity and misfortune.

  • Meaning:

The red evil eye bracelet is a powerful symbolic talisman, believed to offer robust protection against envious glares, negative energies, and ill will directed towards the wearer.

The brilliant red color is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs about its ability to neutralize and absorb malicious intent.

Beyond its protective qualities, the red evil eye bracelet also carries associations with:

  • Vitality and life force energy
  • Passion, desire, and romantic love
  • Confidence, courage, and inner strength
  • Good fortune and wealth-attracting energies

The concentric circles within the eye symbol represent the power of this talisman — the outward circles deflect negative forces, while the inward circles draw in positivity, abundance, and blessings.

  • Wearing/Usage Guidelines:

There are a few key considerations and practices surrounding the wearing of a red evil eye bracelet:

  • It should ideally be received as a gift, or purchased for oneself during an auspicious time or event. This is believed to “charge” the bracelet with positive energies.
  • The bracelet is traditionally worn on the left wrist or left hand, as this side is thought to be receptive to energies entering the body.
  • Regular “recharging” of the bracelet is recommended by some traditions. This may involve smudging with sage, placing it under a Full Moon, or submerging it in salt water.
  • While wearing the bracelet, it’s important to have continual faith in its protective abilities and to visualize deflecting negativity.
  • If the bracelet breaks or falls off, it is seen as having fulfilled its purpose of shielding the wearer from misfortune — it should then be buried or discarded.

Gold Evil Eye Bracelet

Gold Evil Eye Bracelet
Gold Evil Eye Bracelet


The gold evil eye bracelet has ancient roots in civilizations like Ancient Greece, Rome, and Byzantium, where gold was revered for its precious and divine qualities.

These early societies crafted gold evil eye amulets as a symbol of wealth, power, and connection to the divine realm.

Gold’s perceived ability to deflect negative forces made it a prized material for evil eye jewelry.


In addition to providing potent protection, the gold evil eye bracelet carries symbolic meanings related to:

  • Prosperity, abundance, and lasting good fortune
  • Purity, truth, and enlightenment
  • Radiance, vitality, and confidence
  • Divine favor and blessings from the spiritual realm

The valuable gold material essentially “amplifies” the protective energies of the evil eye symbol.


  • Gold is warm in energy, so gold evil eye bracelets resonate best with the spiritual and energetic frequencies of spring and summer.
  • They are ideal for wearing during new ventures, business dealings, or major life events to attract success.
  • Gold pieces should be regularly polished and cared for to maintain their vibrancy.
  • Wearing a gold bracelet as a piece of statement jewelry allows its protective powers to radiate outward.

Blue Evil Eye Bracelet

Blue Evil Eye Bracelet
Blue Evil Eye Bracelet


The blue evil eye bracelet origins date back to ancient Mesopotamia and the early Mediterranean civilizations of Greece and Rome.

The iconic blue hue was achieved using cobalt, a prized material sourced through trade routes.

The ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians wore blue evil eye amulets, linking them to protective deities like the Egyptian goddess Wadjet.


Deep shades of blue in evil eye jewelry signify qualities like:

  • Calmness, clarity, and inner peace
  • Intelligence, focus, and clear communication
  • Youth, loyalty, and stability
  • Intuition and connection to the spiritual realm

The blue shade invokes soothing, yet powerful protective vibrations.


  • Blue is a cool, calming color — blue evil eye bracelets are ideal for dispersing anxiety, stress, or negative thought patterns.
  • They can be worn during times of intense study, important communications, or elevated workplace demands.
  • The blue shade helps keep the wearer’s energies balanced and centered.
  • Regularly “charging” a blue piece under the full moon helps re-energize its protective properties.

Black Evil Eye Bracelet

Black Evil Eye Bracelet
Black Evil Eye Bracelet


While the origins are unclear, the black evil eye bracelet represents a modern interpretation embracing the symbolism of the color black.

This edgy style emerged in recent decades as a fashionable way to ward off negativity while making a bold statement.


The black shade gives the evil eye symbol a grounding, powerful energy associated with:

  • Strength, resilience, and self-control
  • Releasing negativity and “psychic debris”
  • Providing a sense of safety and security
  • Absorbing and neutralizing malicious energies

The black hue creates a formidable, chic aura of protection.


  • Black evil eye bracelets are well-suited for times of transition, upheaval, or processing intense emotions.
  • They help build an energetic barrier against external sources of anger, envy or fear-based energies.
  • Black pieces shouldn’t be worn excessively — periodic “detox cleansing” rituals are recommended.
  • Pair with silver, leather or gemstone details to amplify its protective energies.

Pink Evil Eye Bracelet

Pink Evil Eye Bracelet
Pink Evil Eye Bracelet


While pink evil eye jewelry emerged more recently, the color’s associations with love and the divine feminine are timeless.

Desire for a gentler, heart-centered take on this protective symbol paved the way for the soft pink hue.


The pink evil eye bracelet holds feminine, nurturing energies related to:

  • Unconditional love, affection and kindhearted feelings
  • Emotional healing, sensitivity and enhanced intuition
  • Romance, intimacy and healthy relationships
  • Compassion, tenderness and inspirational vibrations

The soft pink adds a loving touch to this powerful amulet.


  • Pink pieces are ideal for matters involving family, children, romantic partnerships or fertility/pregnancy.
  • They provide comfort during emotionally turbulent periods or when desiring a nurturing energy.
  • Wear to enhance empathy, forgiveness and gentle inner wisdom.
  • Pink evil eyes can be “recharged” by sunlight or moonlight to re-energize its vibrations.

Swarovski Evil Eye Bracelet

Swarovski Evil Eye Bracelet
Swarovski Evil Eye Bracelet


While Swarovski crystals originated in 19th century Austria, the use of multifaceted gemstones in evil eye jewelry dates back to ancient times.

However, the precision-cut Swarovski crystals add a modern, luxurious aesthetic when incorporated into evil eye bracelets and other protective talismans.

Beyond deflecting negativity, the sparkling Swarovski crystal evil eye represents:

  • Opulence, luxury, and discriminating tastes
  • Amplifying one’s personal magnetism and charisma
  • Boosting confidence, self-worth and positive mindset
  • Attracting prosperity, abundance and financial success

The evil eye’s energies are amplified by the brilliant crystal quality.


  • Ideal for high-visibility career settings where self-assurance is essential
  • Carry its magnetic energy into romantic encounters to attract your desires
  • Allow yourself to bask in the aura of luxury the bracelet provides
  • Combine with crystals like clear quartz to exponentially increase its power

Men’s Evil Eye Bracelet

Men’s Evil Eye Bracelet
Men’s Evil Eye Bracelet


Despite modern misconceptions, men have adorned themselves with evil eye talismans for millennia to harness its virile, masculine energies.

From ancient warriors to leaders, these symbols projected power, protection and status.


The evil eye was embraced by men as a symbol of:

  • Inner courage, personal conviction and self-empowerment
  • Refusal to be intimidated or succumb to external threats
  • Charisma, magnetism and irresistible appeal
  • Success, victory and triumph over adversity

The men’s bracelet style commands respect through an aura of confidence.


  • Wear a men’s evil eye bracelet when extra self-assurance and tenacity is required.
  • Strives to dissolve self-doubts, insecurities and limiting beliefs.
  • Look for styles utilizing black onyx, tigers eye or leather for grounded masculine energy.
  • Keep it on the non-dominant side to optimally project its defiant spirit.

Women’s Evil Eye Bracelet

Women’s Evil Eye Bracelet
Women’s Evil Eye Bracelet


While evil eye amulets have extensive crossover, styles emerged distinctly for women that focused on inherently feminine attributes and energies.

These incorporated traditional icons like the hamsa and feminine colors.

For women, an evil eye bracelet represents sacred feminine energies:

  • Fertility, creativity and nurturing instincts
  • Grace, empathy and emotional intelligence
  • Intuition, receptiveness and heightened senses
  • The life-giving force, reproductive power and childbearing

These energies provide protection while honoring the divine feminine.


  • Pregnant women benefit from its shielding of mother and child.
  • Wear during times of major hormonal shifts or life changes.
  • Incorporates well with other feminine symbols like the tree of life.
  • Pair with moonstone or pearl for a nurturing, lunar frequency.

Silver Evil Eye Bracelet

Silver Evil Eye Bracelet
Silver Evil Eye Bracelet

The use of silver in evil eye talismans stems from ancient folklore that regarded this precious metal as a reflector of negativity, equally as protective as a mirror.

Nomadic cultures and Europeans alike crafted silver evil eye jewelry for these shielding properties.


The silver evil eye bracelet epitomizes energies associated with:

  • Enhancing intuitive awareness and psychic development
  • Emotional balance, composure and calming energies
  • Strengthening spirit and “charging up” one’s auric field
  • Promoting graceful and effortless shifts in one’s journey

Its lunar energies instill a sense of feminine power and clarity.


  • Wear silver evil eye pieces when seeking respite from chaotic circumstances.
  • Connect to its intuitive properties through meditation and self-reflection while wearing it.
  • Combine with moonstones or pearls to amplify its protective, nurturing resonance.
  • “Recharge” by immersing in saltwater or smudging with sage to cleanse the energies.

Baby Evil Eye Bracelet

Baby Evil Eye Bracelet
Baby Evil Eye Bracelet


The practice of gifting evil eye jewelry to newborns and infants extends back centuries across many cultures.

This enduring tradition provides potent spiritual shielding during one of life’s most vulnerable stages.

For babies, the evil eye bracelet doesn’t just offer protection — it represents:

  • Bestowing divine blessings, good health and positive energies
  • Providing a nurturing, loving welcome to the world
  • Psychic shielding during the infant’s energetic sensitivity
  • Attracting prosperous and abundant life circumstances

The evil eye guards the “seed of life” itself.


  • Traditionally gifted soon after birth or in a christening/baptism ceremony
  • Bracelets should fit snugly but be regularly adjusted as baby grows
  • Provide an energetic shield in public settings and interactions
  • When outgrown, the bracelet symbolism transforms to continued prosperity

Green Evil Eye Bracelet

Green Evil Eye Bracelet
Green Evil Eye Bracelet

The green evil eye bracelet has origins in ancient Egypt, where green was the symbolic color of death, rebirth and eternal life.

Green evil eye amulets adorned sarcophagi to deflect negativity and protect the soul’s journey.

The iconic green shade was achieved by combining copper and lead-based minerals.


The vibrant green hue imbues the evil eye bracelet with energies associated with:

  • Rejuvenation, renewal and personal growth
  • Manifestation of desires and bringing ideas to fruition
  • Healing from emotional or physical ailments and trauma
  • Connecting to nature’s abundance and fertile energies

Green symbolizes the evil eye’s power to overcome obstacles.


  • Wear a green evil eye bracelet when striving towards goals or tackling new projects/ventures.
  • It instills the motivation and optimism to clear life’s hurdles.
  • Green’s earth energies make this ideal for rituals involving nature or the great outdoors.
  • Combine with plant life or green gemstones to amplify its vitalizing properties.

14k Gold Evil Eye Bracelet

14k Gold Evil Eye Bracelet
14k Gold Evil Eye Bracelet


14k gold evil eye jewelry emerged in the 19th century as a luxurious take on the traditional talisman.

This higher karat purity allowed for intricate hand-engraving and detail. Turkish artisans pioneered ornate 14k styles that conveyed prestige.


Beyond protective properties, the 14k gold evil eye signifies:

  • Ultimate prosperity, lasting abundance and financial security
  • Self-confidence, self-worth and unshakeable personal power
  • Vitality, radiant health and longevity
  • Diligence and commitment to achieving one’s highest potential

The higher gold content intensifies these auspicious energies.


  • Wear for important business dealings, launching enterprises and investments.
  • A statement of ambition — keep close when chasing big dreams.
  • Style with precious gemstones to create a personalized talisman.
  • Energetically “clear” 14k pieces regularly through rituals like burning frankincense.

Red String Evil Eye Bracelet

Red String Evil Eye Bracelet
Red String Evil Eye Bracelet


The red string evil eye has ties to Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism. Red strings were anciently worn around the wrist as a form of spiritual protection and connection to higher realms.

Incorporating the evil eye added increased shielding power.


The pairing of the classic red string with the evil eye offers potent symbolism:

  • Establishes a spiritual tether deflecting negative energies
  • Invokes the perseverance, courage and resilience of one’s ancestors
  • Attracts karmic luck, opportunities and divine providence
  • Represents deep spiritual devotion and connection to one’s roots

A simple yet powerful combination for defense and elevation.


  • The red string should be worn on the left wrist, closest to the heart
  • Tie knots while stating intentions to invest it with personal meaning
  • Replace annually but bury the old string to honor its protective service
  • Combine with charms like hamsa, chai or star of David for added shielding

Beaded Evil Eye Bracelet

Beaded Evil Eye Bracelet
Beaded Evil Eye Bracelet

While the evil eye symbol transcends materials, cultures worldwide have used beads since ancient times to create potent protective talismans.

Beaded styles emerged organically from location and access to materials like seeds, gemstones or shells.


The free-flowing, bohemian style of a beaded evil eye bracelet carries unique symbolic energies:

  • Unconventional perspective and seeing beyond the material world
  • Individuality, self-expression and confidence in one’s uniqueness
  • Adaptability, flexibility and going with life’s natural flow
  • Living authentically, unbound by society’s constraints

It invites the evil eye’s energies of protection with a free-spirit vibe.


  • Natural beaded materials like wood or seeds lend earthy frequencies.
  • Semi-precious stones allow infusion of each crystal’s metaphysical properties.
  • Layer and stack bracelets to create a modern, eclectic yet protective look.
  • Use intentional knotting or “counting” techniques to set personal intentions.

Greek Evil Eye Bracelet

Greek Evil Eye Bracelet
Greek Evil Eye Bracelet


The concept of the “evil eye” can be definitively traced to ancient Greece, as it formed a key part of Hellenic folklore and superstition.

Distinctive blue and white evil eye beads were created using the locally-sourced cement of Nafplio.

With its iconic origins, the Greek evil eye bracelet upholds traditional symbolic associations:

  • Shielding against negativity, malice or destructive envy
  • Deflecting the “mati” or cursing glares of others
  • Attracting goodness, benevolence and well-wishes
  • Emanating light, truth and positivity to overcome darkness

These vibrant pieces promote clarity and optimism.


  • Popularly gifted for newborns, housewarmings or new business ventures
  • Can be integrated into Greek baptism and coming-of-age rituals
  • Display prominently on the wrist or hang in the home/car
  • “Recharge” annually by briefly burying the bracelet in soil

Diamond Evil Eye Bracelet

Diamond Evil Eye Bracelet
Diamond Evil Eye Bracelet


While diamonds have been used for centuries as evil eye components, dedicated diamond evil eye bracelets emerged in the late 20th century as luxury took a modern meaning.

The brilliance of diamonds elevated this ancient talisman.


Diamond evil eye bracelets fuse eternal protection with themes of:

  • Radiant and unshakable personal power
  • Elevating positive energies and dispelling darkness
  • Confidence, glamour and luxury
  • Longevity, endurance and withstanding life’s pressures

Diamond’s rarity symbolizes a divine, indestructible shield.


  • Style confidently to illuminate your magnificence and positive aura.
  • The perfect accessory for power players and high-achievers to slay doubts.
  • Wear ceremoniously during rituals and celebrations of personal triumphs.
  • Cleanse diamonds’ energies by holding over burning sage or incense.

Turkish Evil Eye Bracelet

Turkish Evil Eye Bracelet
Turkish Evil Eye Bracelet


Turkey is considered the birthplace of the evil eye talisman.

The blue and white concentric circle design originated as early as the 3rd millennium BC with Ottoman Turks who believed it repelled curses.

Turkish artisans have preserved traditional glass blowing techniques to craft these iconic amulets.


The Turkish evil eye bracelet’s vibrant blue hue represents:

  • Protection from negative energies and ill fortune
  • Spiritual vision and insight
  • Peace, tranquility and emotional calm
  • Loyalty, trust and stability in relationships

The white circle at the center symbolizes the pure, divine light that banishes darkness.


  • Wear a Turkish evil eye bracelet as a daily amulet to safeguard against envy, jealousy or hostility directed your way.
  • Its calming blue energies make it ideal for meditation, spiritual practices or anytime you need clarity.
  • Gift this traditional symbol to foster trust and devotion between partners, friends or family members.

White Evil Eye Bracelet

White Evil Eye Bracelet
White Evil Eye Bracelet


While evil eye talismans typically feature bright, bold colors, the all-white version carries its own distinct energy.

White has long been associated with purity, truth and new beginnings across cultures.


A white evil eye bracelet symbolizes:

  • A fresh start, wiped clean of past influences
  • Innocence, virtue and a clear conscience
  • Revealing one’s authentic self
  • Amplifying positive thoughts and cosmic truth

White represents the full spectrum of color vibrations.


  • Don a white evil eye bracelet when embarking on a new personal or spiritual journey.
  • It helps realign your mind, body and soul to highest vibrational frequencies.
  • Use it for cleansing rituals or to sanctify sacred spaces and objects.
  • White promotes self-realization, simplicity and ego dissolution.

Mexican Evil Eye Bracelet

Mexican Evil Eye Bracelet
Mexican Evil Eye Bracelet


Huichol Indigenous people of Mexico have been crafting colorful evil eye beadwork for centuries.

These folk art traditions heavily influenced modern Mexican evil eye jewelry.

Each intricate bead arrangement holds symbolic meaning.


Common motifs in Mexican evil eye bracelets include:

  • The eye itself as a protective talisman
  • Deer, pumas or scorpions representing human virtues
  • The cross and sun symbolizing duality and cyclical life
  • Vibrant blues, greens and yellows mirroring nature

These designs fuse indigenous spirituality with Spanish Catholic influences.


  • Wear a Mexican evil eye bracelet to connect with the rich artistry and cultural traditions it represents.
  • Embrace its folk magic properties that honor one’s roots while forging new paths.
  • Let its earthy, native vibes attune you to the rhythms of the natural world.
  • Use it to manifest positive transformation while staying grounded.

7 Knot Evil Eye Bracelet

7 Knot Evil Eye Bracelet
7 Knot Evil Eye Bracelet


Knotted bracelets and amulets have long been used cross-culturally to harness metaphysical energies.

The number 7 carries profound spiritual meaning in many ancient traditions as a source of luck, wisdom and inner strength.


A 7 knot evil eye bracelet symbolizes:

  • Unwavering faith and convictions
  • Emotional balance and inner calm
  • Good fortune and ability to manifest desires
  • Connection to higher realms of consciousness

The 7 knots represent merging of the physical and ethereal planes.


  • Wear a 7 knot evil eye bracelet when you need an aura of positivity, confidence and clarity.
  • Its balanced energy helps release negativity, overthinking and indecision.
  • Use it during meditation to heighten extrasensory perception and intuition.
  • Let the 7 knots serve as a reminder of your personal power and resilience.

Multicolor/Rainbow Evil Eye Bracelet

Multicolor/Rainbow Evil Eye Bracelet
Multicolor/Rainbow Evil Eye Bracelet


While evil eye symbols usually have one prominent color, multicolored versions blend a full vibrant spectrum.

This maximizes the amulet’s potency by harnessing ALL shades associated with its mystical properties.


A rainbow evil eye bracelet represents:

  • The entire universal life force energy
  • Elevated spiritual awareness and enlightenment
  • Joy, optimism and creative visualization
  • Physical and emotional vitality and wholeness

Each color adds its unique frequency to amplify the overall impact.


  • Wear a multicolored evil eye as an all-encompassing talisman of protection and empowerment.
  • Let its brilliant array ignite your chakras and aura with pure prismatic light.
  • Use it for complex manifestation work requiring focused intent.
  • This uplifting amulet inspires whimsy and childlike wonder.

Jewish Evil Eye Bracelet

Jewish Evil Eye Bracelet
Jewish Evil Eye Bracelet


The evil eye concept traces back over 5,000 years to ancient Jewish communities in the Mediterranean.

Kabbalistic mysticism popularized wearing blue eye charms to deflect “ayin hara” — the curse of the evil eye caused by envy.


A Jewish evil eye bracelet signifies:

  • Divine spiritual guidance, wisdom and enlightenment
  • Shielding from negative energies, gossip and ill-will
  • Holiness, devotion and answered prayers
  • Blue and white colors echo the Israeli flag

For Jews, evil eye jewelry represents faith in abundant blessings.


  • Wear a Jewish evil eye bracelet as a sacred reminder to live righteously.
  • Use it to attract heavenly protection and connect with your spiritual beliefs.
  • Gift this to loved ones to safeguard their journeys and wish them mazal (luck).
  • Its energies are ideal for any religious rituals, study or celebrations.

Rose Gold Evil Eye Bracelet

Rose Gold Evil Eye Bracelet
Rose Gold Evil Eye Bracelet


While evil eye talismans are traditionally bright primary hues, rose gold offers a more delicate, romantic spin.

This flattering pinkish metal became popular for modern evil eye jewelry in the 2010s.


A rose gold evil eye bracelet radiates energies of:

  • Love, romance and close relationships
  • Femininity, beauty and grace
  • Luxury, affluence and deserving the finer things
  • Optimism, joy and peace of mind

Its warm rosy tone lends an elegant, refined quality.


  • Wear rose gold evil eye jewelry to attract admiration and devotion from a partner.
  • Use its loving energies to foster self-confidence, charisma and self-worth.
  • Instill an aura of affluence and prosperity in both personal and business matters.
  • Let its sweet, sophisticated style exemplify your gentle, caring nature.

Hamsa Evil Eye Bracelet

Hamsa Evil Eye Bracelet
Hamsa Evil Eye Bracelet


The hamsa is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet depicting the open hand — a powerful sign against evil.

Combined with the evil eye, this creates a doubly protective talisman for home and family.


A hamsa evil eye bracelet symbolizes:

  • Neutralizing and deflecting negative energies
  • Bringing peace, happiness and blessings into the home
  • Fertility, abundance and good fortune
  • Feminine power, intuition and nurturing

Used together, these iconic symbols exponentially amplify each other’s abilities.


  • Wear a hamsa evil eye bracelet to safeguard your household and loved ones.
  • Use its potent energy for rituals focused on abundance, health or new beginnings.
  • Gift this to a mother, as it taps into primal feminine/maternal instincts.
  • Display it prominently in the home to ward off envious or malicious forces.

Turquoise Evil Eye Bracelet

Turquoise Evil Eye Bracelet
Turquoise Evil Eye Bracelet


The striking turquoise hue has been prized across many ancient cultures from Persia to the American Southwest.

Indigenous peoples revered this blue-green stone for its rejuvenating natural energies and association with life-giving water.


A turquoise evil eye bracelet embodies:

  • Clear communication, self-expression and empathic bonding
  • Wisdom, emotional balance and spiritual grounding
  • Friendship, camaraderie and joyful social connections
  • Youthful energy, spontaneity and open-mindedness

Its soft ocean-like color lends a cool, calming presence.


  • Wear a turquoise evil eye bracelet when you need to speak your truth openly.
  • Let its stabilizing energy help process complex emotions objectively.
  • Use it to foster understanding and strengthen platonic relationships.
  • Keep this amulet close during group activities requiring teamwork.

Yellow Evil Eye Bracelet

Yellow Evil Eye Bracelet
Yellow Evil Eye Bracelet


Yellow’s vivaciousness and ties to the life-giving sun have carried sacred meaning since ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece.

Bold shades like sunflower yellow lend the evil eye extra radiant power.


A yellow evil eye bracelet symbolizes:

  • Personal power, confidence and self-esteem
  • Mental clarity, intellectual sharpness and realized ambitions
  • Happiness, optimism and elevated mood energies
  • Creative inspiration, self-expression and innovative ideas

Yellow is one of the most visually striking hues for eye amulets.


  • Wear yellow evil eye jewelry as an antidote to cynicism or pessimism.
  • Channel its motivating solar energies when working towards important goals.
  • Use it to boost self-assurance and believing in your own abilities.
  • Let the brilliant sunny shade rekindle your zest for life.

Purple Evil Eye Bracelet

Purple Evil Eye Bracelet
Purple Evil Eye Bracelet


The rich, regal purple of amethyst and other semiprecious stones has fascinated royalty and spiritual leaders across ages.

Purple’s sacred mystic qualities made it fitting for talismans of introspection and refined sensibilities.


A purple evil eye bracelet signifies:

  • Access to higher realms of enlightened consciousness
  • Intuition, sensitivity and depth of psychic perception
  • Dignity, wisdom and respect for life’s mysteries
  • Luxury, creative brilliance and uniquely individualistic flair

The lavish purple tone bestows an air of exclusivity.


  • Don an opulent purple evil eye bracelet during spiritual practices like meditation.
  • Let its intuitive frequency enhance your dreamwork and astral pursuits.
  • Use it to manifest an aura of cultivated sophistication and distinctive presence.
  • Purple connects the mind to alternate dimensions of thought.

Evil Eye Bracelet in Feng Shui

Evil Eye Bracelet in Feng Shui
Evil Eye Bracelet in Feng Shui
  • The evil eye is an ancient symbolic talisman used for protection and warding off negative energies across many cultures. In feng shui, the evil eye bracelet serves this same purpose.

Balancing Chi

  • Feng shui principles aim to promote balanced chi (life force energy) flow throughout a space. The evil eye symbol acts as a powerful cure or adjustment tool to:
  • Deflect and dissolve sha chi (negative, draining, ominous energies)
  • Prevent the entry of shar chi (inauspicious, harmful outside energies)
  • Reflect back and neutralize any ill-intentions or envy directed towards the space/occupants
  • Wearing an evil eye bracelet creates an energetic vibrational shield around the individual’s aura and personal space bubble.
  • This allows positive chi to flow smoothly while blocking any negativity.


  • Placement is key in feng shui. Some strategic spots for the evil eye bracelet include:
  • The main entry to welcome in luck and block any negative outside energies from entering
  • The knowledge/wisdom area of the space to activate intelligence, insight and clarity of mind
  • The wealth corner to attract abundance, success and prosperous chi vibrations


  • The colors and materials used in the evil eye bracelet hold significance:
  • Blue is one of the most powerful hues, promoting calmness, trustworthiness and protection
  • Red energizes ambition, passion and auspicious fire energy
  • Green connects to wood energy for growth, renewal, family and health
  • Metal element colors like white attract purity and truth
  • Using natural stones/crystals amplifies the protective metaphysical properties

Eye Layers

  • The number of layers in the eye design is also meaningful:
  • Single layer is basic general protection
  • Triple layer represents the reunion of heaven, human and earth energies
  • Multiple concentric circles create a stronger, more concentrated field of deflecting power

So in feng shui practices, the evil eye bracelet is a highly revered energetic cure to safeguard the wearer/space while simultaneously attracting the specific auspicious chi energies desired based on its colors and composition.

Its symbolism delivers powerful vibrational benefits.

Is the Evil Eye Bracelet Bad?

No, the evil eye bracelet is not inherently bad or negative despite its name.

In fact, it’s meant to be an immensely positive and protective talisman. The “evil eye” refers to:

  • Envious, jealous, or covetous looks that could bring misfortune per ancient superstitions.
  • The malicious stare or curse stemming from ill-intentions and negative energies directed at someone.

The eye symbol and blue colors were chosen specifically to reflect that negative energy away like a mirror or shield.

Wearing the bracelet is considered a proactive measure to prevent receiving or being susceptible to the “evil eye” curse in the first place.

So the evil eye itself represents negativity, but the bracelet bearing the eye is worn defensively with empowering, benevolent intentions of deflecting any such harmful forces.

Evil Eye Bracelet Broke: What Does It Mean When Your Evil Eye Bracelet Breaks

When the evil eye bracelet breaks unexpectedly, it can understandably raise questions and concerns.

According to ancient folklore and superstitions surrounding the evil eye, there are a few potential interpretations of a broken evil eye bracelet:

The bracelet served its protective purpose

One belief is that the evil eye bracelet is meant to absorb any negativity or ill-will directed at you.

By cracking or breaking, it has essentially “taken a hit” for you, shielding you from harm.

The break symbolizes that the bracelet has done its job in deflecting misfortune away from your life.

A shift in energy or new beginnings

Some view the breaking of the evil eye bracelet as a sign that you’re experiencing a major energetic shift or are about to embark on a new phase in life.

The bracelet breaks to release you from old, stagnant energies and make way for new vibrations and experiences to enter your realm.

A call to cleanse and reset

There’s a spiritual perspective that when the evil eye bracelet breaks, it’s a signal that negative energies have attached themselves to you or the bracelet itself.

The breaking acts as a wake-up call to cleanse your energy field through rituals, meditation or seeking professional metaphysical help.

The bracelet has simply run its course

On a more practical level, the breaking could simply mean the bracelet’s materials have reached the end of their wearable life.

This would be a chance to invest in a new evil eye bracelet infused with fresh, protective energie.

Ultimately, whether you view a broken evil eye as a symbolic event or not, it presents an opportunity to pause, reflect, and realign yourself with positive intentions for continued protection and wellbeing.

Evil Eye Bracelet Ideas

Evil Eye Bracelet Ideas
Evil Eye Bracelet Ideas

There are many creative ways to incorporate the protective evil eye symbol into bracelets:

  • Traditional blue Turkish glass eye beads on adjustable cord or chain bracelets
  • Dainty, minimalist gold or silver evil eye charms on dainty chain
  • Bold, statement evil eye amulets featured as the centerpiece
  • Multi-strand beaded bracelets using evil eye accents
  • Mixed metal tones like oxidized silver with copper or brass
  • Real stone evil eye beads in lapis, turquoise, or sodalite
  • Incorporating hamsa hand, cross, or other symbolic charms
  • Leather braided wraps with evil eye embellishments
  • Silk thread tiny evil eye charm friendship bracelets
  • Rainbow crystal evil eye beads for a multicolored energy aura
  • Personalized evil eye designs reflecting one’s cultural heritage

The possibilities are endless to create talismanic evil eye jewelry that resonates with personal style and energetic vibrations.

Evil Eye Bracelet: Harnessing Positive Karma for Good Luck

The evil eye bracelet is a powerful tool for attracting positive karma and good luck into your life.

According to ancient beliefs, the evil eye symbol has the ability to deflect negative energies and misfortunes that can hinder your progress.

By wearing this protective talisman, you create a shield around yourself, blocking any ill-intent or bad luck that may come your way.

But the benefits go beyond just protection.

The evil eye is also closely linked to the laws of karma — the spiritual principle that your actions, whether good or bad, will ultimately be returned to you.

By intentionally wearing the evil eye bracelet as a reminder to cultivate positive thoughts and behaviors, you’re aligning yourself with the forces of good karma.

As you radiate more positive energy out into the universe through your words and deeds, that very same positivity will flow back to you in the form of good luck, abundant opportunities, and general fortunes in all aspects of your life.

The evil eye bracelet serves as a symbolic commitment to living with integrity and compassion.

So embrace this ancient symbol of protection and karmic balance. With the evil eye bracelet adorning your wrist, you’ll be empowered to manifest your luckiest, most blessed existence yet.

Good karma and good luck will become your constant companions.

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David Collins

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey