Bagua Mirror: Meaning, Benefits, How To Use, Feng Shui, Types (Convex, Concave, Flat, Early Heaven, Later Heaven), Bad Neighbor, Ghost, Placement, Inside Home, History, Price, Front Door

David Collins
31 min readDec 27, 2023


Bagua Mirror
Bagua Mirror

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

The bagua mirror is a powerful feng shui cure used to deflect negative energy (sha chi) and reflect positive chi into a home or space.

This convex octagonal mirror gets its name from the bagua — the eight trigrams representing the fundamental principles of reality in Taoist cosmology.

Meaning of the Bagua Mirror

Meaning of the Bagua Mirror
Meaning of the Bagua Mirror
  • The name “Bagua” refers to the eight trigrams that make up the mirror’s design, representing the fundamental principles of reality according to the I Ching, one of the oldest Chinese classical texts.
  • Each trigram is composed of three lines, either broken or unbroken, symbolizing the dynamic interplay between the opposing yet complementary forces of yin and yang.
  • The circular shape of the Bagua mirror represents the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all things, reflecting the harmonious balance that is central to the Taoist worldview.
  • The mirror itself is a powerful symbol of reflection, both literal and metaphorical. It is believed to reflect negative energies away from the home or space, while also encouraging self-reflection and introspection.
  • In Chinese culture, mirrors are often associated with the concept of truth and clarity, as they reveal things as they truly are, without distortion or deception.
  • The use of materials like brass or crystal in Bagua mirrors is also significant. Brass is believed to have protective and purifying properties, while crystal is associated with clarity, focus, and amplification of energy.
  • Beyond its practical applications in feng shui, the Bagua mirror is also a representation of the ancient wisdom and spiritual traditions of China.
  • It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in one’s life and surroundings.
  • By incorporating a Bagua mirror into your living space, you are not only harnessing its protective and energy-enhancing abilities but also embracing a rich cultural heritage and connecting with timeless philosophical principles.
  • The Bagua mirror is a testament to the enduring power of symbols and the ability of ancient wisdom to transcend time and cultures, offering guidance and enlightenment in the modern world.

Bagua Mirror in Feng Shui

Bagua Mirror in Feng Shui
Bagua Mirror in Feng Shui
  • The Bagua mirror is an essential tool in the practice of feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing people with their surrounding environment.
  • In feng shui, everything in the universe is believed to be composed of chi, the life force energy that flows through all things.
  • The goal is to ensure a balanced and unobstructed flow of chi in one’s living or working space.
  • Bagua mirrors are used to deflect, absorb, or neutralize negative chi (sha chi) that may be entering a space from unfavorable directions or environmental factors.
  • By strategically placing a Bagua mirror, practitioners aim to prevent negative energies from disrupting the positive flow of chi within a home or building.
  • The Bagua diagram, from which the mirror takes its name, is a crucial component of the feng shui practice.
  • It represents the eight trigrams that symbolize different aspects of life, such as wealth, relationships, career, and health.
  • Practitioners use the Bagua diagram to map out the energy patterns within a space and determine the optimal placement of the mirror based on the areas that require protection or enhancement.
  • For example, a Bagua mirror placed in the wealth area of a home is believed to attract and amplify financial prosperity, while one in the relationship area can foster harmonious connections.
  • Beyond its protective functions, the Bagua mirror is also used to activate and enhance positive chi in specific areas of the home or workspace, aligning with the goals and intentions of the occupants.
  • The materials used in crafting Bagua mirrors, such as brass or crystal, are chosen for their believed ability to absorb, reflect, or amplify different types of energy.
  • In feng shui, the Bagua mirror is not just a decorative element but a powerful tool for cultivating balance, harmony, and positive energy flow in one’s environment, ultimately contributing to overall well-being and prosperity.

Types Of Bagua Mirror (Convex, Concave, and Flat Bagua Mirrors)

Convex Bagua mirror

Convex Bagua mirror
Convex Bagua Mirror
  • Convex mirrors are curved outwards, with the bulging side facing outwards.
  • These mirrors are believed to deflect negative energy away from the home, making them ideal for placement near entrances or areas where negative energy may enter.
  • Convex mirrors are thought to create a dispersing effect, pushing energy outwards and away from the home.
  • They are particularly useful for deflecting energy from busy streets, sharp corners of buildings, or other sources of negative energy.

Concave Bagua Mirror

Concave Bagua Mirror
Concave Bagua Mirror
  • Concave mirrors are curved inwards, with the hollow side facing outwards.
  • These mirrors are thought to draw in positive energy and amplify it, making them suitable for areas where you want to attract and enhance beneficial energy.
  • Concave mirrors are believed to create a concentrating effect, focusing energy inwards and amplifying it.
  • They can be used in areas like offices, workspaces, or meditation spaces to enhance productivity, focus, and positive energy flow.

Flat Bagua Mirror

Flat Bagua Mirror
Flat Bagua Mirror
  • Flat mirrors are neither convex nor concave, with a smooth, flat surface.
  • These mirrors are considered neutral and are often used for decorative purposes or to reflect specific areas of the home.
  • Flat mirrors are thought to provide a balanced energy reflection, neither dispersing nor concentrating energy.
  • They can be used to reflect desirable energy patterns or to create visual harmony in a space.

Choosing the Right Bagua Mirror for Your Home

Choosing the Right Bagua Mirror for Your Home
Choosing the Right Bagua Mirror for Your Home


  • Traditional Bagua mirrors are typically made of polished brass, as this metal is believed to have protective and purifying properties.
  • However, you can also find Bagua mirrors crafted from other materials, such as wood, crystal, or even plastic.
  • The material chosen can influence the mirror’s energy and properties.
  • Wood mirrors are thought to promote grounding and stability in the home.
  • Crystal mirrors are believed to amplify energy and promote clarity and focus.
  • Plastic mirrors are generally considered more decorative and less potent in terms of energy work.


  • The size of the Bagua mirror should be proportional to the space it’s being used in.
  • A larger mirror is suitable for entryways, living rooms, and open spaces, as it can cover a broader area.
  • Smaller mirrors can be used in bedrooms, offices, or smaller rooms where a more concentrated energy focus is desired.


  • Circular or octagonal mirrors are most common, as they represent the balanced and harmonious energy of the Bagua diagram.
  • However, you may also find rectangular or square Bagua mirrors, which can be used for specific purposes or personal preference.

Concave or Convex Bagua Mirror

When it comes to Bagua mirrors, there lies confusion between the two main types: concave and convex mirrors.

Let me try to clear this up:

Concave Bagua Mirrors

  • Concave mirrors curve inwards, creating a hollow or recessed surface.
  • These mirrors are believed to have a concentrating and focusing effect on energy.

Concave Bagua mirrors are traditionally used for:

  • Attracting and accumulating positive energy (wealth, prosperity, good fortune)
  • Enhancing and amplifying specific areas or sectors of the home
  • Protecting against negative energy by deflecting and trapping it within the concave surface
  • Placement of concave mirrors requires careful consideration to ensure the positive energy is directed towards the intended areas and not inadvertently scattered or deflected away.
  • Concave mirrors are often placed in the wealth or prosperity sectors of the home, or areas where positive energy enhancement is desired.

Convex Bagua Mirrors

  • Convex mirrors curve outwards, creating a bulging or protruding surface.
  • These mirrors are believed to have a dispersing and deflecting effect on energy.

Convex Bagua mirrors are traditionally used for:

  • Deflecting and dispersing negative energy away from the home or space
  • Protecting against external negative influences (e.g., bad neighbors, ominous surroundings)
  • Preventing energy stagnation by promoting circulation and movement
  • Convex mirrors are commonly placed at entrances, facing outwards, to deflect negative energies before they can enter the home.
  • They can also be used inside the home to deflect negative energy accumulating in specific areas or corners, but caution must be taken to avoid inadvertently dispersing positive energy.

It’s important to note that while concave mirrors are typically used for attracting and enhancing positive energy, and convex mirrors for deflecting and dispersing negative energy, their placement and intended use can vary depending on the specific feng shui traditions and schools of thought.

In some cases, concave and convex mirrors may be used in combination or alternated to achieve a desired energy balance or effect.

However, it’s crucial to follow the guidance of a qualified feng shui practitioner to ensure proper application and avoid unintended consequences.

Bagua Mirror Placement

Bagua Mirror Placement
Bagua Mirror Placement
  • One of the most common placements for a Bagua mirror is near the front door, facing outwards.
  • This position allows the mirror to act as a protective barrier, reflecting any negative energy back towards its source before it can enter the home.
  • The front door is considered a major entry point for both positive and negative energy, so protecting it is crucial.
  • Placing the mirror at an angle, rather than directly opposite the door, can prevent the creation of a harmful energy vortex.
  • Other strategic placements for Bagua mirrors include corners, stairwells, or areas that experience a lot of foot traffic.
  • These areas can accumulate stagnant or negative energy over time, so the mirror can help to deflect and clear that energy.
  • When placing a Bagua mirror, it’s important to consider the direction it is facing and the potential sources of negative energy in that direction.
  • The mirror should be positioned to reflect energy away from those sources.

Benefits of the Bagua Mirror

The Bagua mirror is a powerful feng shui tool that offers a range of benefits when used correctly.

Here are some of the key benefits of incorporating a Bagua mirror into your living or working space:

Energy Deflection and Protection

  • One of the primary benefits of a Bagua mirror is its ability to deflect negative energy, such as harmful chi or negative intentions from others.
  • By strategically placing the mirror, you can create a protective barrier that repels and disperses unwanted energies before they can enter your space.
  • This protective quality helps maintain a harmonious and positive energy flow within your environment.

Wealth and Prosperity Attraction

  • Certain types of Bagua mirrors, particularly concave mirrors, are believed to have the power to attract and accumulate positive energy, including wealth and prosperity.
  • When placed in specific sectors of your home or office, such as the wealth or prosperity areas, these mirrors can help amplify and enhance the flow of positive chi related to abundance and financial success.

Improved Relationships and Harmony

  • By deflecting negative energies and promoting positive chi flow, Bagua mirrors can contribute to better relationships and overall harmony within a space.
  • This can be particularly beneficial in homes or workplaces where conflicts or tensions may arise, as the mirror can help dissipate negative emotions and foster a more harmonious environment.

Spiritual Protection

  • In certain cultures and belief systems, Bagua mirrors are thought to possess spiritual protective qualities.
  • They are believed to ward off negative spiritual entities, such as ghosts or malevolent forces, preventing them from entering or lingering in a space.
  • This spiritual protection aspect can provide a sense of security and peace of mind for those who are sensitive to such energies.

Energy Balancing and Circulation

  • By strategically placing Bagua mirrors, you can help balance and circulate the flow of chi within your living or working space.
  • This can prevent stagnant energy from accumulating in certain areas, promoting a smoother and more harmonious energy flow throughout the environment.

Enhancing Specific Areas of Life

  • Depending on the placement and type of Bagua mirror used, you can target and enhance specific areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, or personal growth.
  • By aligning the mirror with the corresponding Bagua sector, you can amplify and reinforce the positive energies associated with that aspect of your life.

The Difference Between Early and Later Heaven Bagua Mirror:

  • The Bagua diagram is based on the principles of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese philosophical text, and is divided into two main arrangements: the Early Heaven Bagua and the Later Heaven Bagua.

The Early Heaven Bagua Mirror

  • The Early Heaven Bagua is considered the original, natural order of the universe, with the trigrams (symbols representing different elements and energies) arranged in a specific sequence.
  • This arrangement represents the natural flow of energy and the fundamental principles of the cosmos.
  • It is believed to be more closely aligned with the energy patterns of the natural world and the cycles of nature.

The Later Heaven Bagua Mirror

  • The Later Heaven Bagua is a rearrangement of the trigrams, believed to represent the human experience and the way we interact with the world around us.
  • This arrangement reflects the adaptations and modifications humans make to the natural order as we shape our environments and lives.
  • It is considered more practical and applicable to the everyday concerns and challenges we face in our modern lives.
  • The choice between using an Early Heaven or Later Heaven Bagua mirror depends on the specific goals and intentions for using the mirror, as well as personal preferences and resonance with the respective energies.
  • Some practitioners believe that the Early Heaven Bagua is more suitable for aligning with the natural rhythms of the universe, while the Later Heaven Bagua is better for addressing more immediate, practical concerns.
  • It’s also possible to use both arrangements in different areas of the home or for different purposes, allowing for a balanced integration of the natural and human-oriented energies.

How to Use A Bagua Mirror

When it comes to utilizing a Bagua mirror effectively, it’s crucial to understand the proper techniques and considerations.

These mirrors are powerful tools that can deflect negative energies and attract positive ones when used correctly.

Here’s a detailed look at how to make the most of your Bagua mirror:


  • Bagua mirrors are traditionally placed near the main entrance of your home or office, facing outward.
  • This strategic positioning allows the mirror to deflect negative energies and attract positive ones, creating a protective barrier.
  • However, the placement can also be adjusted based on specific concerns or areas of your space that require energy balancing.

How To Activate A Bagua Mirror:

  • Before using a Bagua mirror, it’s recommended to perform a ritual or ceremony to activate and empower it. This can involve:
  • Chanting mantras or reciting specific prayers
  • Burning incense or smudging with sage
  • Visualization exercises, focusing your intentions and energy into the mirror
  • Consecrating the mirror with symbolic items like crystals, coins, or sacred texts

Directional Alignment:

  • Bagua mirrors are often designed with specific symbols or imagery related to the Bagua (eight trigrams) energy map.
  • Aligning the mirror according to the correct directional orientation can enhance its effectiveness in addressing specific areas of concern, such as wealth, relationships, or career.

Cleansing and Recharging:

  • Over time, Bagua mirrors can absorb and accumulate negative energies they deflect.
  • It’s crucial to regularly cleanse and recharge your mirror to maintain its effectiveness. This can be done through:
  • Smudging with sage or other cleansing herbs
  • Sound therapy using singing bowls, bells, or tuning forks
  • Visualization techniques, envisioning the mirror being purified and recharged with positive energy
  • Exposure to sunlight or moonlight (depending on the materials and traditions)
  • Burying the mirror in salt or earth for a period of time

Bagua Mirror Price

The price of a Bagua mirror can vary significantly depending on several factors:


  • Larger mirrors tend to be more expensive than smaller ones, as they require more materials and craftsmanship.
  • The size of the mirror should be proportional to the area it needs to cover or protect.


  • Bagua mirrors can be made from different materials, each with its own symbolic and energetic properties:
  • Brass or bronze are common and relatively affordable options
  • Precious metals like gold or silver are more expensive but believed to hold stronger protective qualities
  • Other materials like jade, crystal, or specific woods may be used for their unique energetic properties, influencing the cost


  • Handmade, intricately designed Bagua mirrors with intricate carvings, etchings, or patterns will generally command a higher price than mass-produced or simpler versions.
  • The level of detail and artistry involved in the craftsmanship affects the cost.

Brand Reputation:

  • Well-known brands or reputable feng shui practitioners may charge more for their Bagua mirrors due to their expertise, reputation, and the quality assurance associated with their products.
  • Customization:
  • Custom-made or personalized Bagua mirrors, designed to address specific energetic needs or incorporate unique symbols or materials, will typically be more expensive than off-the-shelf options.

Bagua Mirror Bad Neighbor Protection

If you have a problematic or negative neighbor, a Bagua mirror can be a powerful tool to deflect and protect against their negative energy.

Here’s how to use it effectively in this situation:

Facing the Source:

  • Position the mirror to face the direction of the troublesome neighbor’s property, allowing it to deflect any negative energy emanating from their space towards yours.

Visualization and Intention:

  • While positioning the mirror, visualize it acting as a shield, reflecting and neutralizing any negative intentions, energies, or disturbances directed towards you or your home from that particular source.

Cleansing and Purification:

  • Regularly cleanse and purify the mirror to ensure it remains effective and doesn’t absorb or become tainted by the negative energy it’s deflecting.
  • This can be done through smudging, sound therapy, or other cleansing rituals.

Protective Symbols or Mantras:

  • Consider incorporating protective symbols, mantras, or talismans into the mirror’s setup to enhance its deflective and protective powers against the specific negative influence you’re facing.

Energy Reinforcement:

  • Reinforce the positive energy around your home or space by strategically placing other feng shui cures, such as crystals, wind chimes, or plants, to create a stronger, harmonious energy field.

Bagua Mirror Ghost Protection

In some cultures and belief systems, Bagua mirrors are believed to have the ability to ward off or trap wandering spirits, ghosts, or negative spiritual entities.

Here’s how they can be used for this purpose:

Placement Near Entrances:

  • Bagua mirrors are often placed near doors, windows, or other potential entry points for unwanted spiritual presences.
  • This allows the mirror to act as a barrier, deflecting or trapping any entities attempting to enter your space.

Mirror Activation and Consecration:

  • Perform a ritual or ceremony to activate the mirror’s spiritual properties and imbue it with the intention of protecting against ghostly entities or negative spirits.

This can involve:

  • Chanting specific mantras or prayers
  • Smudging or cleansing the mirror with sacred herbs or materials
  • Consecrating the mirror with religious or spiritual symbols or objects

Cleansing and Purification:

  • Regularly cleanse and purify the mirror to maintain its spiritual integrity and effectiveness against spiritual disturbances.
  • This can be done through smudging, sound therapy, or other cleansing rituals specific to your belief system or tradition.

Energy Reinforcement:

  • Reinforce the mirror’s protective qualities by incorporating other spiritual tools or practices, such as placing crystals, salt, or sacred objects around the mirror, or performing regular energy clearings in your space.

Bagua Mirror Inside Home

While Bagua mirrors are often placed at entrances, they can also be used strategically inside your home for added protection, energy balancing, and feng shui adjustments.

However, it’s important to note that traditional feng shui principles generally discourage or prohibit the use of Bagua mirrors inside living spaces, as they are believed to deflect or scatter energy in an uncontrolled manner, potentially causing imbalances or unintended consequences.

According to traditional feng shui rules, it is considered taboo to place Bagua mirrors inside the home, particularly in areas like:


  • Placing a Bagua mirror in the bedroom is thought to disrupt the flow of energy and create restlessness or sleep disturbances.

Living rooms:

  • Mirrors in living areas are believed to deflect positive energy away from the space, hindering harmony and prosperity.


  • Bagua mirrors in kitchens are considered taboo, as they may deflect nourishing energies essential for health and wellbeing.

However, there are exceptions and situations where some feng shui practitioners believe that using Bagua mirrors inside the home can be beneficial, provided certain precautions and techniques are followed:

Deflecting Negative Corners:

  • In some cases, it may be acceptable to position a Bagua mirror to deflect negative energy accumulating in certain corners or areas of your home.
  • This should be done with care and only after proper feng shui assessment to ensure the mirror is not inadvertently deflecting positive energy.

Enhancing Positive Energy Flow:

  • Some practitioners recommend strategically placing a Bagua mirror to reflect and enhance the flow of positive energy throughout specific areas or sectors of your living spaces, based on the Bagua energy map and your desired intentions.

Bedroom Protection (with precautions):

  • While traditionally discouraged, some experts suggest placing a Bagua mirror in the bedroom, facing the door, as a protective measure against negative energies entering the space.
  • However, this should be done with caution and proper positioning to avoid deflecting positive energy away from the bed or disrupting sleep.

Temporary Use and Cleansing:

  • In certain cases, Bagua mirrors may be used temporarily inside the home for specific purposes, such as deflecting negative energies in a particular area or during a renovation or construction period.
  • It’s essential to remove or reposition the mirror once its purpose is served and to perform regular cleansing and recharging rituals.

If you choose to use a Bagua mirror inside your home, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a qualified and experienced feng shui practitioner to ensure proper placement, activation, and maintenance.

They can provide specific recommendations based on your unique living space and energy requirements, while adhering to traditional principles and minimizing potential negative consequences.

Bagua Mirror History

Bagua Mirror History
Bagua Mirror History
  • The origins of the Bagua mirror can be traced back to ancient China, where it was initially used as a ritual object and a symbol of protection.
  • The earliest known references to the Bagua mirror date back to the Warring States period (475–221 BCE), when it was believed to have magical properties and the ability to ward off evil spirits.
  • During the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE), the Bagua mirror became more closely associated with Taoist philosophy and the principles of yin and yang, as well as the five elements.
  • The mirror’s design was heavily influenced by the I Ching, one of the oldest Chinese classical texts, which introduced the concept of the eight trigrams (bagua) that represent the fundamental principles of reality.
  • In ancient Chinese cosmology, the Bagua mirror was seen as a microcosm of the universe, with its circular shape symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the interplay between opposing yet complementary forces.
  • As Taoism and feng shui gained popularity, the Bagua mirror became an important tool for harmonizing one’s living environment and promoting the balanced flow of chi (life force energy).
  • In traditional feng shui practices, the mirror was strategically placed to deflect negative energies (sha chi) away from a home or building, while also attracting and amplifying positive chi in specific areas.
  • The materials used in crafting Bagua mirrors, such as brass or crystal, were chosen for their believed ability to absorb, reflect, or amplify different types of energy.
  • Over time, the Bagua mirror evolved from a purely ritualistic object to a practical feng shui tool, with its symbolism and usage becoming deeply ingrained in Chinese culture and belief systems.
  • Today, the Bagua mirror continues to be a revered and widely used instrument in feng shui practices, serving as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern-day applications in the pursuit of harmonious living environments.

Reflecting Negative Energy Back to Its Source

  • One of the primary functions of a Bagua mirror is to reflect negative energy back to its source, preventing it from entering the home or disrupting the energy flow within.
  • This is achieved by positioning the mirror to face the direction from which the negative energy is coming.
  • Common sources of negative energy that may require reflection include:
  • Busy streets or highways with heavy traffic and noise pollution
  • Buildings with sharp corners or angles that create cutting or aggressive energy patterns
  • Industrial areas or construction sites that generate chaotic or disruptive energy
  • Neighboring properties with negative energy signatures or feng shui imbalances
  • By reflecting this negative energy back towards its source, the Bagua mirror acts as a protective shield, deflecting the harmful influences away from your home and personal space.
  • It’s important to position the mirror correctly, ensuring that it is facing the source of negative energy head-on.
  • The mirror should be angled slightly upwards to effectively reflect the energy back and away from the home.

Absorbing and Neutralizing Negative Energy

  • While many Bagua mirrors are designed to reflect negative energy, some are believed to have the ability to absorb and neutralize it, acting as a purifier or energy filter.
  • Mirrors made of materials like crystal or certain types of brass are thought to possess purifying properties that can help transmute and neutralize negative energy, rather than simply deflecting it.
  • When absorbing negative energy, it’s important to cleanse and recharge the mirror regularly to prevent it from becoming saturated or overloaded with negative influences.
  • Cleansing rituals may involve smudging with sage, sunlight exposure, or placing the mirror on a bed of salt or crystals to help absorb and neutralize any accumulated negative energy.
  • Neutralizing mirrors can be particularly useful in spaces where negative energy is persistent or difficult to avoid, as they offer a more proactive approach to purifying the environment.

Deflecting Negative Chi Without Absorbing or Reflecting It:

  • In some cases, it may be desirable to simply deflect negative energy without absorbing or reflecting it back.
  • This can be useful when you want to redirect the energy harmlessly without risking it bouncing back or lingering in the space.
  • This can be achieved by positioning the Bagua mirror at an angle, allowing the negative energy to be redirected or deflected away from the home or space, rather than reflecting it back to its source or absorbing it into the mirror.
  • The angle at which the mirror is positioned is crucial in this application.
  • A shallow angle may not effectively deflect the energy, while a steep angle could result in unwanted reflection or absorption.
  • This technique can be particularly useful in areas where the source of negative energy is difficult to pinpoint or when you want to avoid any potential backlash from reflecting the energy back to its source.
  • It’s important to ensure that the deflected energy is redirected towards a safe and harmless path, such as an open area or natural landscape, to prevent it from affecting other spaces or people.

Deflecting Negative Energy from Your Front Door:

  • One of the most common and important uses of a Bagua mirror is to deflect negative energy away from the main entrance of your home.
  • The front door is considered a major energy portal, allowing both positive and negative forces to enter. Protecting this area is crucial for maintaining a harmonious home.
  • The mirror should be placed near the door, facing outwards, to reflect any negative energy back towards its source before it can enter the home.
  • However, it’s important not to position the mirror directly opposite the door, as this can create a harmful energy vortex or “poison arrow” effect.
  • Instead, angle the mirror slightly to the side of the door or place it above eye level to avoid this issue.
  • In addition to the front door, you can also place Bagua mirrors near other entrances like back doors, garage doors, or large windows to deflect negative energy from those openings.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): Bagua Mirrors

What is the purpose of a Bagua mirror

The Bagua mirror serves to deflect and counteract negative energies in Feng Shui practices, fostering positive energy flows within living spaces.

Where is the best place to put a Bagua mirror for wealth

For enhancing wealth, place the Bagua mirror in the southeast corner of your living space, associated with financial prosperity in Feng Shui.

Can you put a mirror next to the main door in Feng Shui

While it’s generally discouraged to place a mirror directly facing the main door, strategic placement can be considered to enhance positive energy.

What are the 8 symbols of Bagua

The Bagua mirrors typically feature symbols like the dragon, tortoise, and other representations that convey specific meanings and energies.

Is it unlucky to have a mirror facing a window

In Feng Shui, having a mirror directly facing a window is believed to create an energy imbalance and is generally discouraged.

Should I cover my mirror when I sleep

Covering mirrors during sleep is a personal choice, influenced by cultural beliefs and the desire to create a serene sleeping environment.

Where should mirror be placed in Feng Shui

Feng Shui recommendations vary, but mirrors are often strategically placed to enhance positive energy flow and correct architectural imbalances.

What happens if we sleep in front of a mirror

Sleeping in front of a mirror is associated with disturbing the natural energy flow in the room, potentially impacting the quality of sleep.

Why shouldn’t you sleep with a mirror in your bedroom

Culturally, some believe that mirrors in the bedroom may disrupt the peaceful energy needed for restful sleep.

What does the Bible say about mirrors

The Bible doesn’t specifically address mirrors, but cultural interpretations may influence beliefs about their placement and significance.

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Cute Wallpapers For Girls Courtesy Of Feng Shui Animals (Butterflies, Dragon, Turtle, Fish, Phoenix, Elephant, Lion, Peacock, Crane, Tiger, Horses, Dolphin, Swan, Roosters, Crabs)

Feng Shui Wallpaper For Phone: Bamboo Plant, Mandala, Kirin, Tree of Life, Sun and Moon, Zen Garden, Lotus Flower, Infinity Symbol and More

Cute Wallpapers For Girls Courtesy Of Feng Shui Animals (Bear, Owl, Squirrel, Giraffe, Panda, Kangaroo, Koala, Frog, Otter, Penguin, Seahorse, Octopus, Toucan, Hedgehog, Chameleon)

The Flying Star Feng Shui Charts a New Course in 2024

The Best 25 Paintings for the Modern Home in 2024: Feng Shui Paintings

Feng Shui Clutter: Identifying Clutter, Steps To Declutter, Tips For Different Areas, Products to Help You Declutter, FAQs

Insider Feng Shui Tips for Western Travelers: The Feng Shui Travel Secrets You Need

The Art of Feng Shui in Garden Design

Feng Shui Bedroom Layout: 32 Tips To Feng Shui Your Bedroom, The Do’s And Dont’s, Bedroom Color Meanings

Buddha Statue Meanings, Placements, History & Types (Giant, Golden, Laughing, Stone, Jade, Bronze, Large, Reclining, Shakyamuni, Amitabha, Outdoor, Garden, Thai, Fat, Greek, Meditating, Medicine, Tibetan)

Enhance Your Bedroom with Feng Shui Wallpaper: Tips for Positive Energy and Harmony

Dragon Statue Meanings, Placements, History, Feng Shui, Types (Chinese, Outdoor, Jade, Large, Japanese, Golden, Garden, Resin, Blue, Baby, White and More)

Feng Shui Masters Don’t Want You Knowing About These Powerful Talismans

Wu Lou Gourd (Hu Lu or Calabash Gourd): Meaning, Benefits, Feng Shui, Placement, Types, Care, FAQ

Feng Shui for Family Harmony: The Family Area

The Powerful Energy of Feng Shui Crystals

Feng Shui Astrology: Aligning Your Life with the Cosmic Dance

Feng Shui Home Office: Layout, Colors, Plants, Art, Lighting, Career Corner, Placement (Desk, Mirrors), Energy Flow, FAQs

The Incredible Diversity of Wind Chimes

Master Every Feng Shui Lighting Principle in This One Masterclass!

Evil Eye Bracelet: Meaning, History, Wearing And Usage Guidelines, Feng Shui, Broken, Types (Red, Gold, Blue, Black, Pink, Swarovski, Men’s, Women’s, Silver, Baby, Green, Red String), Ideas

The Power of Feng Shui Furniture: Harmonize Your Living Spaces

Feng Shui Bedroom Furniture: Fostering Restful Sleep, Nurturing Relationships, and Promoting Personal Growth.

Feng Shui Compass: Types (Luo Pan: San He, San Yuan, Xuan Kong, Ming Gua), Directions, Formulas, Symbols, Elements, Readings, Schools

8 Trigrams: Meaning, Yin Yang Balance, How To Interpret, 8 Trigrams in Feng Shui, 8 Trigrams in Astrology, 8 Trigrams in Numerology, History

Could Your Home Be Sabotaging Your Success? How One Consultation Can Change Everything

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey