Feng Shui Clutter: Identifying Clutter, Steps To Declutter, Tips For Different Areas, Products to Help You Declutter, FAQs

David Collins
18 min readMar 8, 2024


Feng Shui and Clutter
Feng Shui and Clutter

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

So, you’ve been hearing a lot about Feng Shui and how clutter can magically transform your life by just rearranging your space.

Sounds almost too good to be true, right? Well, let’s look into one specific aspect of Feng Shui that’s super important yet often overlooked: clutter.

Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey to declutter your space and bring some good vibes into your life!

Why Is Clutter a Big Deal in Feng Shui

Clutter is like the kryptonite of good Feng Shui.

It blocks the flow of energy and can make you feel stuck, stressed, and overwhelmed.

In Feng Shui terms, clutter represents postponed decisions and the inability to move forward.

It’s that pile of unopened mail, the clothes you never wear, and the knick-knacks that gather dust on your shelves.

Clutter can negatively impact various areas of your life, from your health to your relationships to your career.

The Basics: Identifying Clutter

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of decluttering, let’s identify what clutter is. Here are some common types of clutter:

Physical Clutter:

This is the most obvious form — stuff that’s lying around your house without purpose.

Think about those old magazines, broken appliances, and unused gym equipment.

Digital Clutter:

Your computer desktop, email inbox, and smartphone apps can also get cluttered.

This type of clutter can slow down your devices and overwhelm your mind.

Emotional Clutter:

This includes unresolved issues, toxic relationships, and negative self-talk that weigh you down emotionally.

Mental Clutter:

Ever had a million thoughts racing through your head?

That’s mental clutter — unfinished tasks, worries, and distractions that take up your mental space.

Steps to Declutter Your Space

Alright, it’s time to roll up those sleeves and get to work.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to decluttering your space the Feng Shui way.

1. Set Your Intentions

Before you start, take a moment to understand why you’re doing this.

Do you want to create a more peaceful environment? Improve your productivity?

Or maybe you just want to find your favorite sweater buried under a mountain of clothes.

Setting clear intentions will keep you motivated.

2. Start Small

Decluttering can be overwhelming, so start with a small area.

Maybe it’s a single drawer, your nightstand, or your workspace.

Tackling a small space first gives you a quick win and boosts your confidence to move on to bigger projects.

3. Sort and Categorize

Go through your items and sort them into categories: keep, donate, recycle, and toss.

Be ruthless, if you haven’t used it in the past year and it doesn’t hold significant sentimental value, it’s probably time to let it go.

4. Organize What’s Left

Once you’ve decluttered, organize the remaining items.

Use storage solutions like bins, shelves, and baskets to keep things tidy.

Make sure everything has a designated place.

5. Maintain the Order

Decluttering isn’t a one-time event; it’s a lifestyle change.

Set aside a few minutes each day to tidy up and prevent clutter from creeping back in.

Feng Shui Tips for Different Areas

Now, let’s break it down room by room and see how we can apply Feng Shui principles to declutter and harmonize each space.

Living Room:

Clear the Entryway:

  • The entryway is where energy enters your home. Keep it clear of shoes, coats, and other items that can block the flow of energy.

Open Up the Space:

  • Arrange furniture to create an open and inviting space. Avoid blocking windows and doors.

Decorate Mindfully:

  • Choose decorations that bring you joy and align with your intentions. Plants, mirrors, and artwork can enhance positive energy.


Under-Bed Storage:

  • Keep the space under your bed clear to promote restful sleep. If you must use it for storage, stick to soft items like bedding or clothing.

Nightstand Essentials:

  • Limit your nightstand to essentials like a lamp, a book, and a small plant. Clutter here can disrupt your sleep.

Clothes Management:

  • Regularly go through your closet and donate clothes you no longer wear. A cluttered closet can symbolize a cluttered mind.



  • Keep countertops clear of unnecessary items. A clutter-free kitchen promotes health and abundance.


  • Organize your pantry and get rid of expired items. Group similar items together for easy access.


  • Regularly clean out your fridge. A clean and organized fridge can enhance your health and well-being.


Desk Space:

  • Keep your desk clear of clutter to boost productivity and creativity. Only keep essential items on your desk.

Digital Declutter:

  • Organize your digital files and regularly clean out your email inbox. A clutter-free digital space can reduce stress.

Inspiration Zone:

  • Create a small area with items that inspire you — photos, quotes, or artwork that motivates you.

Products to Help You Declutter

Here are some handy products to assist you in your decluttering journey:

Storage Bins and Baskets:

  • Great for organizing items in closets, under the bed, or on shelves.

Label Maker:

  • Helps you label and categorize items, making it easier to find what you need.

Cord Organizers:

  • Perfect for managing the mess of cables and chargers in your workspace.

Drawer Dividers:

  • Ideal for keeping drawers neat and tidy, from kitchen utensils to office supplies.

File Organizers:

  • Keep your important documents in order and easily accessible.

Final Thoughts

Decluttering with Feng Shui is more than just tidying up — it’s about creating a space that supports and nurtures you.

By removing the physical and mental clutter, you open up your life to positive energy and new opportunities.

So go ahead, take the first step, and start your journey to a more harmonious and balanced life. Happy decluttering!

Previous Article:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Feng Shui and Clutter

Is decluttering good feng shui

Yes, decluttering is an essential principle of feng shui. It helps remove stagnant energy and create a calm, organized environment.

What does clutter symbolize

In feng shui, clutter represents stuck energy and inner blockages in your life like low self-worth, procrastination, and anxiety.

What does clutter attract

Clutter attracts negativity and stagnant energy according to feng shui principles. It blocks the flow of positive energy.

Does decluttering bring positive energy

Yes, decluttering is believed to introduce positive new energy by removing stuck, stagnant energy from your spaces.

What is the golden rule of decluttering

The golden rule is to only keep items that you use and love. Let go of anything else.

How to clear your clutter with feng shui

Start by decluttering one room at a time. Remove anything broken, unused or unloved. Then clean and organize the space.

What is the spiritual reason for clutter

Clutter disrupts energy flow and represents a need for spiritual growth and change. Clearing it invites abundance.

What does God say about clutter

While feng shui is not religious, some see biblical support for being organized and avoiding greed that leads to clutter.

What is the psychological root of clutter

Psychologists link clutter to difficulties like lack of self-discipline, perfectionism, and procrastination.

Does clutter drain your energy

Yes, clutter is believed to be mentally draining and deplete your energy and focus.

What causes a person to clutter

Common causes include emotional reasons, lack of time/systems, holding onto possessions, and impulsive shopping habits.

What happens when you clear clutter

Many report feeling calmer, more focused, and positive when surrounded by an organized, clutter-free environment.

How to activate wealth feng shui

Declutter and activate the wealth area of your home/office with empowering decor and strategic enhancements.

How do I arrange my room for good luck

Arrange furniture to allow chi/energy to flow smoothly. Enhance with lucky feng shui colors, objects and numbers.

How do you attract good luck in feng shui

Use feng shui enhancements like fountains, plants, mirrors, and lucky bamboo/crystals placed in beneficial locations.

Is clutter positive or negative

In feng shui philosophy, clutter carries very negative connotations of stuck, draining energy.

What does clutter in your bedroom mean

Bedroom clutter symbolizes issues in your personal life, relationships and intimacy according to feng shui.

How does clutter affect my life

Clutter can drain your energy, cause stress, inhibit productivity and opportunities according to feng shui.

What does decluttering do spiritually

Decluttering is seen as a way to cleanse stuck energy, create balance and invite new opportunities spiritually.

What happens to your brain when you declutter

Decluttering can reduce anxiety, improve focus and information processing in your brain.

How to organize your home according to feng shui

Apply feng shui principles like the Bagua map to activate positive energy in each area of your home.

What is the psychology of clutter

Psychologists link clutter to insecurity, lack of self-discipline, perfectionism and avoidance behaviors.

What does Scripture say about clutter

While not religious, some see biblical support for avoiding greed that leads to excess possessions.

What is the reason for clutter

Reasons include emotional reasons, beliefs, habits, and lack of systems/discipline to regularly clear clutter.

What is the spiritual meaning of clutter

In feng shui, clutter represents stuck spiritual energy, blockages and being out of harmony.

How does clutter affect your energy

Clutter is believed to drain your physical and mental energy according to feng shui.

How do I decide what clutter to get rid of

Only keep items you truly use and love. Donate or discard anything else taking up space.

Does decluttering bring good luck

Many believe decluttering can help shift your luck and invite new positive opportunities.

How to declutter with feng shui

Apply feng shui principles like the Bagua map and work through one area at a time methodically.

What are the mistakes in feng shui

Common mistakes include cluttering, obstructing energy, and neglecting to activate key areas.

What does clutter do to the mind

Clutter can overload the visual cortex, make it hard to focus, and increase stress/anxiety.

Why does clutter bother people

Clutter signals imbalance and can trigger guilt, anxiety and be visually distracting/draining for many.

What is clutter personality

Some struggle with clutter due to perfectionism, emotional attachments to items, avoidance, or ADHD.

What are the spiritual effects of decluttering

Decluttering is seen as a way to restore balance, invite new opportunities, and clear stuck energy spiritually.

What happens to your mind when you declutter

An organized environment can improve focus, function, motivation and sense of control mentally.

Can decluttering change your life

Yes, many feel decluttering has a profound effect, leaving them feeling calmer, focused and ready for new opportunities.

What does clutter attract

According to feng shui, clutter attracts stagnant, draining energy that blocks opportunities and growth.

What is the root cause of clutter

Root causes include emotional reasons, habits, beliefs, impulsive behaviors and lack of systems.

Does clutter bring negative energy

Yes, clutter is seen as harboring very negative, stuck, draining energy in the feng shui philosophy.

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David Collins

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

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Feng shui Clutter


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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey