Feng Shui Compass: Types (Luo Pan: San He, San Yuan, Xuan Kong, Ming Gua), Directions, Formulas, Symbols, Elements, Readings, Schools

David Collins
22 min readMay 5, 2024


Last Updated: 7/30/2024

The feng shui compass, also known as the Luo Pan or Lo Pan, serves as a powerful means of analyzing and interpreting the intricate flow of chi (life force energy) within a given space or structure.

It is a multiring compass that incorporates various symbolic markings, including the 24 mountain ranges or directions, the 8 primary compass bearings, the 8 trigrams (bagua) representing the fundamental principles of reality, astrological symbols, and other esoteric representations.

By factoring in elements such as the year of construction, facing direction, time cycles, and the specific layout or room orientation, the feng shui compass enables practitioners to calculate and map out the auspicious and inauspicious energy patterns.

Through complex formulas, grids (such as the Nine Palace Grid), and specific calculation methods aligned with various feng shui schools (e.g., Black Hat Sect, San Yuan Sect), the compass aids in identifying areas that may require enhancements, cures, or adjustments to harmonize and optimize the chi flow.

This, in turn, can promote balance, prosperity, and well-being for the occupants or users of the space.

Mastering the feng shui compass demands extensive training, a deep understanding of feng shui principles, and practical experience, as it serves as a gateway to unlocking the profound wisdom of this ancient art form.

Feng Shui Compass Types

San He Luo Pan:

San He Luo Pan Feng Shui Compass
San He Luo Pan
  • This compass is primarily used in the Black Hat Sect or Xuan Kong school of feng shui.
  • It features three main rings:
  • The outer ring represents the 24 mountain ranges or directions.
  • The middle ring depicts the 8 primary compass directions (North, South, East, West, etc.).
  • The inner ring displays the 8 trigrams and their corresponding symbols.
  • Additional rings may include the 28 constellations, the 12 earthly branches, and other astrological markings.
  • The San He Luo Pan is used for complex Flying Star Feng Shui calculations and readings, taking into account the time factor and energy cycles.
  • Practitioners use specific formulas and grids, such as the Nine Palace Grid, to map out the energy patterns and determine auspicious or inauspicious areas.

San Yuan Luo Pan:

  • This compass is associated with the San Yuan Sect or Three Cycles School of feng shui.
  • It incorporates the principles of the San Yuan Trigram, which represents the interactions between the Heavenly, Earthly, and Human realms.
  • The San Yuan Luo Pan features rings and markings that correspond to these three realms and their respective energies.
  • Calculations based on this compass take into account the specific year, month, day, and time of construction or analysis.
  • Practitioners use the San Yuan Luo Pan to determine the optimal orientation, layout, and placement of structures or spaces according to the Three Cycles theory.
  • This compass is particularly useful for analyzing the energy flow in outdoor spaces, such as landscapes and gardens.

Xuan Kong Luo Pan:

  • As the name suggests, this compass is specifically designed for the Xuan Kong Flying Star system within the Black Hat Sect.
  • It features a highly complex design with multiple rings and markings, including the 24 mountain ranges, 8 directions, 8 trigrams, and additional astrological symbols.
  • The Xuan Kong Luo Pan incorporates intricate formulas and calculations to determine the annual and periodic energy patterns within a space.
  • These calculations take into account factors such as the year of construction, facing direction, and the specific sector or room being analyzed.
  • Practitioners use the Xuan Kong Luo Pan to identify the auspicious and inauspicious areas within a home or building, as well as the appropriate feng shui cures and enhancements.
  • This compass is considered one of the most complex and advanced tools in the field of feng shui, requiring extensive training and expertise.

Ming Gua Luo Pan:

  • This compass is commonly used in the East Sect or Tan Lang school of feng shui.
  • It features a relatively simpler design, focusing primarily on the Bagua Map and the Five Elements theory.
  • The Ming Gua Luo Pan typically includes rings representing the 8 primary directions and the 8 trigrams, as well as markings for the Five Elements.
  • Calculations and readings based on this compass emphasize the balance and harmony of the Five Elements within a space, as well as the proper alignment with the Bagua Map.
  • Practitioners use the Ming Gua Luo Pan to determine the optimal placement of furniture, objects, and feng shui cures based on the Five Elements theory.
  • This compass is considered more intuitive and straightforward compared to the complex calculations required for Flying Star Feng Shui.

It’s important to note that within each school of feng shui, there may be variations and subtle differences in the design and usage of these compasses.

Some practitioners may incorporate elements from multiple schools or create their own unique systems based on their training and experience.

Compass Directions:

Compass Directions
Compass Directions

In feng shui, compass directions play a crucial role in determining the energy flow and the auspicious placement of objects within your space.

The eight primary directions (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest) are associated with different elements, colors, and symbolic meanings.


  • Associated with the Water element, black color, and symbolizes career and life path.


  • Associated with the Wood element, green color, and symbolizes family and health.


  • Associated with the Fire element, red color, and symbolizes fame and reputation.


  • Associated with the Metal element, white color, and symbolizes children and creativity.

Aligning your space with these directions can help create a harmonious energy balance.

The orientation of your home or office, as well as the placement of key furniture and objects, is determined by the compass directions and their corresponding energies.

Flying Star Feng Shui:

Flying Star Feng Shui Chart
Flying Star Feng Shui Chart

Flying Star Feng Shui is an advanced and complex technique that combines the principles of the Bagua Map with the concept of time and energy movements.

It takes into account the specific period of time when a building was constructed, as well as the fluctuating energies that occur over time.

  • Flying Star Feng Shui uses a complex formula that incorporates the year of construction, the facing direction, and the specific sector of the building.
  • It helps identify the auspicious and inauspicious areas within a space, based on the energy patterns that “fly” through each sector over specific time periods.
  • This technique is used to determine the best locations for different activities, such as sleeping, working, or entertaining.
  • Flying Star Feng Shui also recommends specific cures and enhancements to mitigate negative energies or enhance positive ones in each sector.

Nine Palace Grid:

The Nine Palace Grid is another essential tool in feng shui, particularly in the practice of Flying Star Feng Shui.

It is a 3x3 grid that represents the energy distribution within a specific area or space.

  • Each sector of the Nine Palace Grid is associated with a specific energy pattern, element, and symbolic meaning.
  • By mapping the energy patterns onto the Nine Palace Grid, feng shui practitioners can identify potential challenges or opportunities and recommend appropriate cures or enhancements.
  • The Nine Palace Grid is used in conjunction with the Flying Star Feng Shui calculations to determine the best locations for specific activities or functions within a space.
  • It is also used to analyze the energy flow in outdoor spaces, such as gardens or landscapes.

Trigram Feng Shui:

Trigram Feng Shui is based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of the I Ching and the principles of yin and yang.

It incorporates the use of trigrams, which are symbolic representations of the eight primary directions and their corresponding elements.

The eight trigrams are:

  • Qian (Heaven)
  • Kun (Earth)
  • Zhen (Thunder)
  • Xun (Wind)
  • Kan (Water)
  • Li (Fire)
  • Gen (Mountain)
  • Dui (Lake/Marsh)

Each trigram is associated with specific elements, colors, and symbolic meanings.

Trigram Feng Shui helps analyze the energy flow in a space and provides guidance on how to balance and harmonize these energies.

It is often used in conjunction with other feng shui techniques, such as the Bagua Map and Flying Star Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Compass Formulas:

Feng shui practitioners rely on various formulas and calculations to analyze and interpret the energy patterns within a space.

These formulas are derived from ancient Chinese principles and are used in conjunction with the feng shui compass.

Here’s a closer look at some of the most commonly used formulas:

Flying Star Formula:

  • This formula is extensively used in the Black Hat Sect or Xuan Kong school of feng shui.
  • It incorporates factors such as the year of construction, facing direction, and the specific sector or room being analyzed.
  • The calculation involves mapping the energy patterns onto a Nine Palace Grid, which represents the distribution of energies within a space.
  • The result identifies the auspicious and inauspicious areas, as well as the specific types of energies present in each sector.
  • Practitioners then recommend appropriate cures or enhancements based on the energy patterns revealed by the formula.

Eight Mansions Formula:

  • This formula is based on the principles of the Eight Mansions or Eight Houses in feng shui.
  • It takes into account the facing direction of the main entrance or door, as well as the location of the rooms or sectors within the space.
  • The calculation helps determine the best locations for specific activities or functions, such as sleeping, working, or entertaining.
  • It also identifies potential challenges or opportunities associated with each area of the space.

San Yuan Formula:

  • Used in the San Yuan Sect or Three Cycles School, this formula incorporates the principles of the San Yuan Trigram.
  • It considers the interactions between the Heavenly, Earthly, and Human realms, and their respective energies.
  • The calculation involves analyzing the specific year, month, day, and time of construction or analysis.
  • The results provide guidance on the optimal orientation, layout, and placement of structures or spaces according to the Three Cycles theory.

Five Elements Formula:

  • This formula is based on the fundamental principles of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) in feng shui.
  • It helps identify the dominant elements present in a space and their interactions.
  • The calculation aims to achieve a balanced and harmonious distribution of the Five Elements within the space.
  • Practitioners use this formula to determine the appropriate placement of colors, shapes, and objects representing the various elements.

Here are some key points about feng shui compass formulas:

  • They involve complex calculations and mappings, often using grids like the Nine Palace Grid or the Bagua Map.
  • Different schools of feng shui may use variations or combinations of these formulas.
  • Accurate calculations are crucial for providing effective feng shui recommendations and cures.

Feng Shui Compass Symbols:

The feng shui compass features a range of symbols that hold significant meanings and represent different aspects of energy and life forces.

Understanding the meaning behind these symbols is crucial for interpreting feng shui compass readings and applying the principles effectively.

Bagua Symbols:

Trigram Symbols:

  • The eight trigrams (Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui) are symbolic representations of the eight primary directions and their corresponding elements.
  • Each trigram is composed of three lines (solid or broken), representing the principles of yin and yang.
  • These symbols are used in Trigram Feng Shui, which analyzes the energy flow in a space and provides guidance on how to balance and harmonize these energies.

Celestial Animal Symbols:

  • The feng shui compass often features symbols of celestial animals, such as the Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger, and Tortoise.
  • These animals represent different types of energy and are used in feng shui cures and enhancements.
  • For example, the Dragon symbol is associated with wealth and prosperity, while the Tortoise represents longevity and stability.

Auspicious Character Symbols:

  • Chinese characters with auspicious meanings are commonly used as symbols on the feng shui compass.
  • Examples include the character for “double happiness,” “longevity,” or “good fortune.”
  • These symbols are believed to attract and enhance positive energies when used in the appropriate areas of a space.

Feng Shui Compass Elements:

The five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) play a vital role in feng shui.

The feng shui compass incorporates these elements and their interactions, helping practitioners identify and balance the energies within a space.

Wood Element:

  • Represented by the colors green and blue.
  • Associated with growth, vitality, and new beginnings.
  • Symbolized by plants, trees, and rectangular shapes.

Fire Element:

  • Represented by the colors red, orange, and purple.
  • Associated with passion, energy, and transformation.
  • Symbolized by triangular shapes and fire-related objects.

Earth Element:

  • Represented by the colors yellow and earthy tones.
  • Associated with stability, nourishment, and balance.
  • Symbolized by square shapes and ceramic objects.

Metal Element:

  • Represented by the colors white and gray.
  • Associated with clarity, precision, and focus.
  • Symbolized by circular shapes and metallic objects.

Water Element:

  • Represented by the colors black and blue.
  • Associated with fluidity, wisdom, and rejuvenation.
  • Symbolized by wavy shapes and water-related objects.

Feng shui practitioners use the feng shui compass to analyze the distribution and balance of these elements within a space.

Choose the right elements in the form of colors, shapes, and objects, they aim to create a harmonious energy flow and address specific areas of life.

Feng Shui Compass Readings:

Feng shui compass readings are performed by experienced practitioners to assess the energy patterns within a space.

During a reading, the practitioner uses the compass, formulas, and various techniques to analyze the energy flow, identify potential challenges or opportunities, and provide recommendations for enhancing the space’s overall energy balance.

Determining the Facing Direction

  • The first step in a compass reading is to determine the precise facing direction of the space.
  • This is typically done using the Lo Pan Compass or the specific compass type associated with the practitioner’s feng shui school.

Applying Formulas and Calculations

  • Based on the facing direction and other factors (e.g., year of construction, room layout), the practitioner applies the appropriate formulas and calculations.
  • Common formulas include the Flying Star Formula, Eight Mansions Formula, San Yuan Formula, and Five Elements Formula.
  • These calculations involve mapping the energy patterns onto grids like the Nine Palace Grid or the Bagua Map.

Identifying Auspicious and Inauspicious Areas

  • The formulas and calculations help identify the auspicious and inauspicious areas within the space.
  • Auspicious areas are associated with positive energy flow and favorable conditions for specific aspects of life.
  • Inauspicious areas may indicate potential challenges, obstacles, or areas that require mitigation or enhancement.

Recommending Cures and Enhancements

  • Based on the analysis, the practitioner recommends specific cures, enhancements, or adjustments to optimize the energy flow within the space.
  • These may include the placement of specific objects, colors, shapes, or symbols associated with the five elements or other feng shui principles.
  • The goal is to create a balanced and harmonious environment that supports the occupants’ well-being and goals.

Interpretation and Consultation:

  • The practitioner’s experience and expertise in interpreting the compass readings are crucial for providing accurate and effective recommendations.
  • Ongoing consultation and adjustments may be necessary as energy patterns shift over time or with changes in the space.

Feng shui compass readings are tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of each space, taking into account the occupants’ goals, challenges, and personal preferences.

It is a comprehensive process that combines ancient wisdom, symbolic representations, and practical applications to create harmonious living and working environments.

Feng Shui Compass Schools

There are 4 feng shui compass schools, namely:

The Black Hat Sect, also known as the Xuan Kong school

  • Focuses heavily on the Flying Star Feng Shui system and the use of the Lo Pan compass.
  • It incorporates complex calculations and formulas.

The East Sect, or the Tan Lang school

The West Sect, known as the Zi Bai Jue

  • Combines principles from both the Black Hat and East Sects.
  • Incorporates elements of Flying Star and Form School techniques.

The San Yuan Sect, or the Three Cycles School

  • Is based on the principles of the San Yuan Trigram and the interactions between the Heavenly, Earthly, and Human realms.

Each school has its own unique methods for compass readings, energy calculations, and recommended cures or enhancements.

Practitioners often specialize in one or more schools, depending on their training and lineage.

Bagua Map:

The Bagua Map is a fundamental concept in feng shui, representing the blueprint of your space and the energy distribution within it.

It is an octagonal grid that divides your home or office into eight main areas, each corresponding to different aspects of life, such as wealth, relationships, career, and health.

The eight areas of the Bagua Map are:

Each area is associated with specific colors, elements, symbols, and directions.

If you understand the Bagua Map and strategically arranging your space according to its principles, you can harness the positive energy flow and enhance the desired areas of your life.

Common feng shui cures and enhancements are placed in the corresponding Bagua areas to activate or strengthen the desired energies.

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David Collins

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey