Feng Shui for Apartments: Entrance, Living Room, Bedroom, Rules, Layout and Directions

David Collins
22 min readJan 5, 2024


Feng Shui for Apartments
Feng Shui for Apartments

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to harmonize individuals with their surroundings through the strategic placement of objects, colors, and furniture.

In the realm of apartments, adhering to Feng Shui principles can bring a sense of balance, positivity, and tranquility to these living spaces.

As we embark on the year 2024, it’s essential to understand the unique considerations and recommendations for incorporating Feng Shui into your apartment.

Feng Shui Apartment Entrance

Feng Shui Apartment Entrance
Feng Shui Apartment Entrance

The entrance to your apartment sets the tone for the entire space. Ensure that your entryway is well-lit, clutter-free, and inviting.

Place a small table or shelf near the door to create a designated space for keys, mail, and other essentials.

Hang a mirror opposite the door to reflect positive energy into your home.

Avoid blocking the entrance with furniture or obstructions, as this can impede the flow of energy.

Feng Shui for Apartments: Living Room

Feng Shui for Apartments Living Room
Feng Shui for Apartments Living Room

The living room is the heart of your apartment, where you entertain guests and spend quality time.

Position your sofa diagonally, facing the entrance, to create a commanding view of the room.

Incorporate natural elements, such as plants or a small water feature, to promote a sense of balance and vitality.

Avoid placing the sofa directly in line with the entrance, as this can create a feeling of being overwhelmed by incoming energy.

Feng Shui for Apartments: Bedroom

Feng Shui for Apartments: Bedroom
Feng Shui for Apartments Bedroom

Your bedroom is a sacred space for rest and relaxation. Ensure that your bed is positioned diagonally in the room, with the headboard against a solid wall for stability and support.

Avoid placing the bed directly in line with the door, as this can disrupt your sleep and create a sense of vulnerability.

Incorporate earthy tones and soft lighting to cultivate a calming atmosphere.

Feng Shui Apartment Rules

Feng Shui Apartment Rules
Feng Shui Apartment Rules

In addition to the specific areas of your apartment, there are several general rules and layout considerations to keep in mind:

Declutter and Organize:

Clutter can obstruct the flow of energy in your space.

Regularly declutter and organize your belongings to maintain a sense of harmony and balance.

Incorporate Natural Elements:

Bring nature indoors by incorporating plants, natural materials, and water features.

These elements can promote a sense of vitality and connection with the natural world.

Use the Bagua Map:

The Bagua Map is a fundamental tool in Feng Shui that divides a space into nine sectors, each representing different aspects of life.

Align the map with your apartment’s layout and place objects or furniture accordingly to enhance specific areas of your life.

Embrace Balanced Colors:

Colors play a significant role in Feng Shui. Incorporate earth tones, such as beiges, greens, and browns, to create a sense of stability and grounding.

Alternatively, you can introduce pops of vibrant colors to energize specific areas of your apartment.

Feng Shui Apartment Layout

Feng Shui Apartment Layout
Feng Shui Apartment Layout
  1. The Entrance:
    Ensure that your entryway is well-lit, clutter-free, and inviting.
    Place a small table or shelf near the door to create a designated space for keys, mail, and other essentials.
    Hang a mirror opposite the door to reflect positive energy into your home.
  2. The Living Room:
    Position your sofa diagonally, facing the entrance, to create a commanding view of the room.
    Incorporate natural elements, such as plants or a small water feature, to promote a sense of balance and vitality.
  3. The Bedroom:
    Ensure that your bed is positioned diagonally in the room, with the headboard against a solid wall for stability and support.
    Avoid placing the bed directly in line with the door.
  4. Directions and Feng Shui in 2024:
    In 2024, the auspicious directions for prosperity and success are the South and Southeast sectors.
    Consider placing objects or furniture that represent wealth and abundance in these areas of your apartment.
    The North and Northwest sectors are favorable for enhancing career opportunities and personal growth.

Feng Shui Apartment Facing Direction

Feng Shui Apartment Facing Direction
Feng Shui Apartment Facing Direction

The facing direction of your apartment is a crucial aspect of Feng Shui that can influence the flow of energy, or chi, within your living space.

Here’s how to optimize the energy flow based on the facing direction:

Determining Facing Direction:

In 2024, the annual Feng Shui flying star chart suggests that the auspicious directions for prosperity and success are the South and Southeast sectors.

Consider placing objects or furniture that represent wealth and abundance in these areas of your apartment.

Additionally, the North and Northwest sectors are favorable for enhancing career opportunities and personal growth.

Understanding Energy Flows:

In Feng Shui, different directions are associated with specific elements and aspects of life. For example:

  • North: Associated with water element and career opportunities.
  • South: Associated with fire element and reputation and recognition.
  • East: Associated with wood element and health and family.
  • West: Associated with metal element and creativity and children.

Optimizing Energy Flow:

Once you’ve identified the facing direction of your apartment, you can make adjustments to optimize the flow of energy:

  • Enhance Positive Energies: Introduce elements or colors associated with the corresponding direction to enhance positive energies.
    For example, in a south-facing apartment, incorporate shades of red or orange to activate the fire energy.
  • Neutralize Challenging Energies: If your apartment faces a direction with challenging energy, such as a north-facing apartment, use Feng Shui remedies to neutralize or mitigate the negative effects.
    For example, placing a small water fountain in the north area can help activate the water element and balance the energy.
  • Redirect Energy Flow:
    If necessary, use mirrors or crystals to redirect energy flow and enhance positive vibrations throughout your apartment.
    Mirrors can reflect light and energy, while crystals can absorb and radiate energy in a specific direction.

Feng Shui Apartment Number

Feng Shui Apartment Number
Feng Shui Apartment Number

In Feng Shui, apartment numbers hold significance as they can influence the energy of the space. Here’s a straightforward guide:

Apartment Number 1:

Symbolizes new beginnings, independence, and leadership. It is associated with the start of a new cycle and the potential for growth and success.

Apartment Number 2:

Represents duality, balance, and partnership. It is associated with cooperation and harmony in relationships.

Apartment Number 3:

Symbolizes creativity, growth, and expansion. It is associated with the Trinity in many spiritual traditions and is believed to bring positive energy flow.

Apartment Number 4:

Considered unlucky in many Asian cultures due to its phonetic similarity to the word for “death.” It is associated with negative connotations and is generally avoided in Feng Shui.

Apartment Number 5:

Represents change, transformation, and adaptability. It is associated with the five elements in Feng Shui and can bring dynamic energy to the space.

Apartment Number 6:

Represents harmony, balance, and stability. It is believed to bring auspicious energy and foster harmonious relationships within the household.

Apartment Number 7:

Signifies spiritual growth, intuition, and wisdom. It is associated with positive energy and enlightenment.

Apartment Number 8:

Associated with prosperity, abundance, and success in Feng Shui. It is considered extremely auspicious due to its pronunciation similarity to the word for “wealth” in Chinese culture.

Apartment Number 9:

Symbolizes longevity, eternity, and completeness. It is believed to bring long-lasting and harmonious energy to the space.

These numbers hold significance in Feng Shui and can influence the energy of a space based on their symbolism and associations.

Studio Apartment Feng Shui Layout

Studio Apartment Feng Shui Layout: Small Apartment
Studio Apartment Feng Shui Layout: Small Apartment

When it comes to implementing Feng Shui principles in a studio apartment, the biggest challenge lies in creating distinct zones within a single, open space.

However, with careful planning and strategic placement of furniture and decor, you can create a harmonious and balanced environment that promotes positive energy flow.

Zoning and Space Division:

In a studio apartment, it’s essential to establish clear boundaries between different areas, such as the living area, sleeping area, and workspace.

Use room dividers, strategically placed furniture, or area rugs to delineate these zones visually.

This not only creates a sense of organization but also helps to prevent energy from becoming stagnant or cluttered.

Bed Placement :

The bed is the most important piece of furniture in a studio apartment, as it represents your personal sanctuary.

Position your bed diagonally in the room, with the headboard against a solid wall.

Ensure that the bed is not directly in line with the entrance or facing a window, as this can disrupt your sleep and create a sense of vulnerability.

Living Area:

In the living area, position your sofa or seating arrangement diagonally, facing the entrance.

This creates a commanding view of the room and allows for a smooth flow of energy.

Incorporate natural elements, such as plants or a small water feature, to promote a sense of balance and vitality.


If you have a dedicated workspace in your studio apartment, position it in the northeastern or northern sector of the space.

These areas are associated with career and personal growth, making them ideal for productivity and focus.

Color and Lighting:

Embrace earthy tones and soft lighting to create a calming and serene atmosphere in your studio apartment.

Incorporate accent colors strategically to energize specific areas, such as the workspace or living area.

Ensure that your lighting sources are positioned in a way that illuminates the space evenly and eliminates harsh shadows or glare.

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions) About Feng Shui For Apartments

How Do I Create Feng Shui in My Apartment?

To create Feng Shui in your apartment, start by decluttering and organizing your space to promote positive energy flow.

Use the Bagua map to identify areas corresponding to different aspects of life and enhance them with appropriate colors, elements, and decor.

Incorporate natural light, plants, and symbols of abundance to promote harmony and balance within your living environment.

How to Determine Apartment Facing Feng Shui?

To determine the facing direction of your apartment in Feng Shui, stand at the entrance facing outwards and use a compass to determine the direction.

This information can help you apply Feng Shui principles to your living space, such as positioning furniture and enhancing specific areas to optimize energy flow.

Where Should the Bed Be Placed in a Studio Apartment Feng Shui?

In a studio apartment, the bed should ideally be placed against a solid wall for stability and support, with a clear view of the entrance for a sense of security.

Avoid placing the bed directly in line with the door or under ceiling beams, and ensure there is ample space on either side for balance and ease of movement.

What is the First Rule of Feng Shui?

The first rule of Feng Shui is to declutter and create a clean, organized environment.

Removing clutter and excess belongings allows positive energy, or chi, to flow freely within a space, promoting harmony, balance, and well-being.

How Do I Make My Apartment Smart?

To make your apartment smart, consider integrating smart home devices such as smart lighting, thermostats, security systems, and voice-controlled assistants.

These technologies can enhance convenience, energy efficiency, and comfort within your living space.

How Do I Activate My Wealth Corner in My Bedroom?

To activate the wealth corner, or southeast area, of your bedroom in Feng Shui, you can place symbols of prosperity such as wealth vases, money plants, or prosperity coins in this area.

Additionally, enhance the space with elements representing abundance and wealth, such as flowing water or images of wealth-related symbols.

What is Bad Feng Shui for Living Room?

Bad Feng Shui for the living room may include clutter, sharp corners, blocked doorways, or excessive use of mirrors.

Additionally, placing furniture in direct alignment with doors or windows, as well as using harsh or overwhelming colors, can disrupt the flow of positive energy within the space.

How Do I Feng Shui My Bedroom for Good Luck?

To Feng Shui your bedroom for good luck, focus on creating a serene and supportive environment conducive to rest and relaxation.

Position the bed diagonally from the door, use soothing colors and soft textures, and incorporate symbols of love, happiness, and prosperity to attract positive energy and good fortune.

How to Increase Wealth Feng Shui?

To increase wealth in Feng Shui, focus on activating the wealth corner of your home or workspace with symbols of prosperity such as wealth vases, money plants, or prosperity coins.

Enhance this area with elements representing abundance and wealth, such as flowing water or images of wealth-related symbols.

What is Bad Feng Shui for House Location?

Bad Feng Shui for house location may include homes situated near busy roads, cemeteries, or industrial areas, as well as those with irregular or awkwardly shaped lots.

Houses located at the end of a T-junction or facing a sharp corner may experience negative energy flow.

How Do I Know If My House is Feng Shui?

You can assess whether your house follows Feng Shui principles by observing its layout, orientation, and surrounding environment.

Look for signs of balanced energy flow, such as a welcoming entrance, well-defined pathways, and harmonious room arrangements, to determine if your house aligns with Feng Shui principles.

How Should I Arrange My Living Room According to Feng Shui?

Arrange your living room according to Feng Shui principles by placing furniture in a balanced and harmonious arrangement, ensuring clear pathways and unobstructed doorways.

Use the Bagua map to identify areas corresponding to different aspects of life and enhance them with appropriate colors, elements, and decor.

How Do You Activate Feng Shui?

To activate Feng Shui in your living space, begin by decluttering and organizing your environment to promote positive energy flow.

Use Feng Shui principles to arrange furniture, enhance specific areas with appropriate colors and decor, and incorporate natural elements to create a harmonious and supportive atmosphere.

What is the Best Position for a House to Face Feng Shui?

The best position for a house to face in Feng Shui depends on factors such as geographical location, surrounding environment, and individual preferences.

Generally, a house facing south or southeast is considered auspicious for attracting positive energy and abundance.

How Can I Make a Good Apartment?

To make a good apartment, focus on creating a clean, organized, and harmonious living environment.

Declutter regularly, use Feng Shui principles to arrange furniture and enhance energy flow, and personalize your space with meaningful decor and touches that reflect your personality and values.

What is the First Thing to Do When Moving Into a New House Feng Shui?

The first thing to do when moving into a new house in Feng Shui is to cleanse and purify the space to remove any negative or stagnant energy.

This can be done through smudging with sage, ringing bells, or performing a symbolic ritual to welcome positive energy and blessings into the home.

What is the Symbol of Feng Shui?

The Bagua map is a fundamental symbol of Feng Shui, representing the energetic blueprint of a space divided into nine areas corresponding to different aspects of life.

Each area is associated with specific elements, colors, and aspects of well-being, guiding the application of Feng Shui principles within a living environment.

What are the Feng Shui Rules for a House?

Some basic Feng Shui rules for a house include decluttering regularly, enhancing the entrance for positive energy flow, balancing elements within the space, and incorporating symbols of abundance and prosperity.

Ensuring good air and light quality, as well as maintaining a harmonious atmosphere, are essential for promoting well-being.

Which Side Apartment is Best?

The best side of an apartment may vary depending on individual preferences and cultural beliefs.

Apartments with south or southeast-facing orientations are considered auspicious for attracting positive energy and abundance in Feng Shui.

Which Direction is Best for Apartment Entrance?

The best direction for an apartment entrance in Feng Shui may depend on factors such as geographical location, surrounding environment, and individual circumstances.

Generally, an entrance facing south or southeast is considered auspicious for inviting positive energy and abundance into the home.

Which Side Facing Apartment is Best?

The best side-facing apartment may vary depending on individual preferences, geographical location, and surrounding environment.

In Feng Shui, orientations with south or southeast-facing views are often regarded as auspicious for attracting positive energy and abundance.

Previous Article: All About Feng Shui Plants | For Wealth, Love, House

Next Article: Feng Shui for Health, Health Area, Symbols, Healing Illness, Objects For Protection

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey