Feng Shui Colors for Living Room, Bedroom, Money and Colors to Avoid

David Collins
19 min readJan 12, 2024


feng shui colors

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

Feng Shui colors are specific hues believed to influence energy flow and balance in a space, aligning with the principles of Feng Shui to enhance well-being and harmony.

Feng Shui is the strategic use of colors to influence the balance and harmony of our living spaces.

Wee will explore the significance of feng shui colors in three crucial areas of the home: money-related spaces, living rooms, and bedrooms.

We’ll also look into colors to avoid, understanding their potential impact on energy flow.

Feng Shui Colors for Money, Attracting Prosperity and Wealth

Feng Shui Colors for Money
Feng Shui Colors for Money

In Feng Shui, the color green, associated with the Wood element, symbolizes growth, vitality, and abundance.

Implementing various shades of green in your money-related spaces can stimulate financial prosperity.

Consider incorporating green decor, such as plants or artwork, to infuse the energy of growth and wealth.

Blue, linked to the Water element, represents a continuous flow of wealth.

Soft blues and deep navy hues can be strategically used in money corners or wealth-related areas to invite a sense of tranquility and abundance.

Water features, such as a blue fountain, can further enhance the positive energy in these spaces.

Harnessing the Power of Red and Purple

Red, a vibrant color associated with the Fire element, is traditionally linked to passion, energy, and good fortune.

In Feng Shui, red is believed to activate the energy of wealth. Integrate red elements, such as accent pillows or artwork, to stimulate enthusiasm and attract financial opportunities.

Purple, a color representing luxury and abundance, is considered auspicious for wealth creation.

Use shades of purple in your money-related spaces to evoke a sense of opulence and attract prosperity.

Purple decor, such as curtains or decorative items, can contribute to a visually pleasing and energetically charged environment.

Embracing Gold and Metallic Tones

Gold and metallic colors are synonymous with wealth and opulence in Feng Shui.

These colors represent the Metal element and are believed to enhance feelings of luxury and financial success.

Incorporate gold or metallic accents in your money-related spaces, such as frames, accessories, or even furniture, to invite financial prosperity into your life.

Understanding the Five Elements And Their Colors

In Feng Shui, the philosophy of the five elements — Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water — plays a pivotal role in color selection.

Each element is associated with specific colors, and a balanced representation of these elements is essential for overall harmony.

Money corners can benefit from a harmonious integration of these colors, creating a visually pleasing and energetically balanced space.

Feng Shui Colors for Living Room

Feng Shui Colors for Living Room

The living room, as a central space for socializing and relaxation, demands earthy tones, such as beige, sandy hues, and warm browns, associated with the Earth element, create a grounded and nurturing atmosphere.

Use these colors in furniture, decor, or wall colors to establish a cozy and inviting living room environment.

Infusing Calmness with Blues and Greens

Soft blues and greens, associated with the Water and Wood elements respectively, bring a calming and refreshing energy to the living room.

These colors are known for promoting relaxation and balance.

Integrate shades of blue and green in accent pieces, throw pillows, or artwork to infuse a sense of tranquility into the space.

Energizing with Reds and Oranges

Energizing colors like red and orange, associated with the Fire element, can add warmth and vibrancy to the living room.

These hues stimulate conversation and create a lively atmosphere.

Incorporate red and orange accents through decorative items, upholstery, or feature walls to enhance social interactions and energy flow.

Achieving Balance with Neutrals and Metallic Accents

Neutral colors such as white, gray, or light tones, coupled with metallic accents (representing the Metal element), contribute to a sophisticated and well-balanced living room.

Metallic finishes on accessories or furniture can bring an element of elegance and modernity, while neutral backdrops create a versatile canvas for various decor styles.

Harmonizing Yin and Yang

Achieving a balance between Yin and Yang energies is crucial in Feng Shui. Combining light and dark colors in the living room, such as pairing a light-colored sofa with dark accent pieces, fosters equilibrium.

This balance creates a harmonious environment, promoting a sense of unity and comfort in the living room.

Feng Shui Colors for Bedroom

Feng Shui Colors for Bedroom

The bedroom, a space for rest and rejuvenation, benefits from soothing colors like soft blues and greens.

These colors, associated with the Water and Wood elements, bring a calming and restful energy.

Use these hues in bedding, wall colors, or decor to create a serene sleep sanctuary.

Grounding with Earthy Tones

Earthy tones, such as beige, taupe, or warm browns, associated with the Earth element, create a grounded and nurturing ambiance in the bedroom.

These colors evoke a sense of stability and comfort, contributing to a restful atmosphere.

Incorporate earthy tones in furniture, linens, or wall colors to establish a cozy and inviting space.

Embracing Soft Pastels

Soft pastel colors, like light pinks, lavenders, or soft yellows, bring a gentle and nurturing energy to the bedroom.

These colors are associated with a sense of innocence and calmness, fostering a harmonious atmosphere.

Integrate pastel tones in bedding, curtains, or accent pieces for a subtle and soothing effect.

Balancing with Warm Neutrals

Neutral colors such as warm grays, creams, and soft whites provide a versatile and timeless palette for the bedroom.

Associated with the Metal element, these hues contribute to a balanced and elegant space.

Use neutral tones for walls, furniture, and bedding to create a serene and sophisticated bedroom environment.

Avoiding Overly Stimulating Colors

In the bedroom, it’s advisable to avoid overly stimulating colors such as bright reds or intense oranges.

These colors, associated with the Fire element, may create an atmosphere of excitement rather than tranquility.

Opt for softer and more calming hues to support a restful sleep environment.

Feng Shui Colors to Avoid: Maintaining Harmonious Energy Flow

Feng Shui Colors to Avoid

Steering Clear of Sharp Reds

While red is generally considered auspicious, overly vibrant or sharp shades can introduce aggressive and chaotic energy.

Avoid intense reds, especially in areas meant for relaxation, as they may contribute to restlessness and overstimulation.

Avoiding Chaotic and Dark Colors

Excessive use of dark colors, such as deep blacks and browns, can create a heavy atmosphere and feelings of stagnation.

Balance dark colors with lighter hues to prevent an overwhelming or oppressive ambiance.

Being Mindful of Excessive Gray

While gray is a neutral color, excessive use of it can lead to feelings of dullness and stagnation.

Introduce pops of vibrant colors to counteract potential monotony and maintain a lively energy flow.

Stepping Away from Clashing Colors

Inconsistent color combinations or clashes can disrupt the flow of positive energy.

Avoid pairing colors that create visual discord, as this may introduce confusion and disharmony into your living spaces.

Striking a Balance with White

While white symbolizes purity, an overabundance can create a sterile and cold environment.

Maintain a balance by incorporating other colors and textures to prevent the space from feeling clinical.

Understanding the significance of Feng Shui colors empowers you to create living spaces that align with positive energy and harmony.

Whether it’s attracting prosperity in money-related spaces, fostering a harmonious living room, or creating a serene bedroom retreat, Feng Shui colors play a pivotal role in shaping your environment.

Being mindful of colors to avoid ensures that your spaces maintain a balanced and energetically positive atmosphere.

Embrace the wisdom of Feng Shui colors to unlock the full potential of your living spaces and cultivate a life filled with balance and positive energy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Feng Shui Colors

What are the 5 Feng Shui colors?

The five Feng Shui colors are associated with the five elements: Wood (green and brown), Fire (red, orange, and strong yellows), Earth (beige, sandy tones, and terracotta), Metal (white, metallic tones, and pastels), and Water (blue and black).

What colors attract money?

Colors that attract money in Feng Shui include green (associated with the Wood element), blue (associated with the Water element), red, and purple. These colors are believed to stimulate abundance and prosperity.

What is the best colour Feng Shui?

The best color in Feng Shui depends on the specific context and purpose. Generally, colors like green, blue, and earthy tones are considered beneficial for creating harmonious environments.

What are the lucky colors in Feng Shui?

Lucky colors in Feng Shui vary based on individual preferences and the specific goals of the space. However, colors like red, gold, and shades associated with the Wood and Water elements are often considered auspicious.

What color is good luck?

Red is traditionally considered a color of good luck in many cultures, including Feng Shui. It symbolizes energy, passion, and good fortune.

What are the three lucky colors?

The concept of three lucky colors is not strictly defined in Feng Shui. However, red, gold, and green are often considered auspicious colors associated with good luck and positive energy.

What is the Feng Shui color for 2024?

The Feng Shui color for a specific year may not be universally agreed upon. It’s advisable to consult Feng Shui experts or resources for personalized insights based on your specific circumstances.

How to know your wealth color in Feng Shui?

To determine your wealth color in Feng Shui, consider your personal element based on your birthdate and use colors associated with that element. Additionally, you can enhance wealth areas with colors like green, blue, and purple.

What color is lucky in bedroom Feng Shui?

In bedroom Feng Shui, soothing colors like soft blues, greens, earthy tones, and gentle pastels are considered lucky. Avoid overly stimulating colors for a restful sleep environment.

How to get rid of bad luck in Feng Shui?

To dispel bad luck in Feng Shui, consider decluttering, cleansing the space with sage, incorporating auspicious colors, and arranging furniture to promote positive energy flow.

What element is TV in Feng Shui?

The TV is often associated with the Fire element in Feng Shui due to its electronic nature. Consider placing it in the southeast (Wealth and Abundance) or south (Fame and Reputation) areas of your living space.

What color represents water?

The color that represents water in Feng Shui is blue. Shades of blue, as well as black, are associated with the Water element, symbolizing flow, adaptability, and abundance.

What are the 5 elements in Feng Shui?

The five elements in Feng Shui are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each element is associated with specific colors and qualities, contributing to the balance and harmony of a space.

Is it bad luck to paint your front door black?

In Feng Shui, black is not necessarily considered bad luck for a front door. However, it’s essential to balance it with other elements and colors to create a harmonious entrance.

What color is money spiritual?

Green is often associated with money in a spiritual context. It symbolizes growth, prosperity, and abundance in various cultural and spiritual traditions.

How do you manifest money?

Manifesting money involves focusing on positive intentions, visualizing financial goals, and taking practical steps towards wealth creation. Feng Shui principles, such as enhancing wealth corners with auspicious colors, may also be incorporated.

How can I get money luck?

To attract money luck, incorporate Feng Shui practices such as placing symbols of wealth, using auspicious colors, and keeping the wealth area of your home tidy and clutter-free.

What is the color for success?

Colors associated with success in Feng Shui include red, gold, and green. However, success is subjective, and choosing colors depends on personal preferences and goals.

What is the luckiest house color?

The luckiest house color in Feng Shui can vary based on individual preferences and cultural beliefs. Red, a color associated with good luck, is often considered auspicious.

What is the luckiest color for Chinese?

The luckiest color for Chinese individuals can depend on factors such as their zodiac sign and personal preferences. Red is generally considered an auspicious color in Chinese culture.

What element is glass in Feng Shui?

Glass is associated with the Water element in Feng Shui. It represents clarity and fluidity, making it suitable for areas that benefit from a sense of openness and transparency.

How do I Feng Shui my kitchen?

To Feng Shui your kitchen, keep it clean, declutter, ensure good lighting, and use harmonious colors. Place important elements like the stove in a commanding position and balance the five elements through decor and organization.

Where is the wealth corner of your house?

The wealth corner, also known as the southeast corner, is considered the primary area for wealth and abundance in Feng Shui. Enhance this corner with symbols, colors, and elements associated with prosperity.

Which color attracts a girl?

While there is no universal color that attracts a girl, soft and feminine colors like pink, lavender, and pastels are often associated with nurturing and romantic energies.

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey