Feng Shui: Definition, Principles, Yin Yang, Chi, Commanding Position, Bagua Map, The Five Elements, Tips For Home, Decluttering, FAQs

David Collins
26 min readDec 12, 2023


Last Updated: 7/30/2024

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophical system about the arrangement and orientation of spaces in relation to the flow of energy (chi or qi).

It aims to establish balance and harmony within environments through the strategic placement of objects, furniture, and architectural features according to principles like the five elements and the bagua map.

Feng Shui Defined

Feng Shui, pronounced “fung shway,” is a Chinese philosophical system that dates back over 3,000 years.

Translated literally, it means “wind-water,” referring to the harmonious flow of energy or “chi” in your surroundings.

The primary goal of Feng Shui is to cultivate positive energy and create a balanced environment that promotes wealth, and overall well-being.

Principles of Feng Shui

At the core of Feng Shui lie a few guiding principles that serve as the foundation for this ancient practice.

  • Chi (qi) — This refers to the natural flow of energy. Feng shui aims to — The best positioning in a room that allows you to see the entrance while being backed by a solid wall, giving a sense of security and control over the space.
  • Five ElementsWood, fire, earth, metal, water. These elements are incorporated through colors, shapes, and object placements to achieve balance.
  • Bagua Map — An octagonal grid mapping out 8 life aspirations (wealth, reputation, relationships, etc). It aligns the home’s layout to enhance these areas.
  • Yin and Yang — The complementary forces of yin (feminine, dark, passive) and yang (masculine, light, active) that need to be balanced.
  • DeclutteringRemoving clutter and obstacles allows chi to flow freely without stagnation.
  • Enhancements — Using appropriate colors, elements, symbols, numbers, directions to activate and energize different areas of life.
  • Cures — Specific feng shui adjustments like hanging mirrors, wind chimes, etc. to counter negative energy.

Yin Yang

Yin Yang
Yin Yang

One of the core principles of feng shui is the concept of yin and yang, representing the complementary forces that make up all aspects of life.

Yin and yang are opposing but interconnected — they cannot exist without each other.

  • Yin: Represents the feminine, passive, cool, dark, introvert energy. It is associated with attributes like moon, earth, night, quiet, and receptiveness.
  • Yang: Represents the masculine, active, warm, light, extrovert energy. It is associated with attributes like sun, heaven, day, assertiveness, and creativity.

The goal in feng shui is to create a harmonious balance between yin and yang energies within a space.

Too much yin can lead to sluggishness and inertia, while too much yang can create an environment that feels overly chaotic or intense.

Some ways to incorporate and balance yin and yang include:

  • Colors (yin = blues/greens, yang = reds/oranges)
  • Lighting (yin = dimmer, yang = brighter)
  • Shapes (yin = curved, yang = straight lines/angles)
  • Textures (yin = matte, yang = shiny)
  • Sounds (yin = gentle, yang = active noise)

By mindfully using elements of yin and yang, feng shui practices aim to prevent spaces from becoming too imbalanced in one extreme.

The ideal is to mesh both forces into a unified, complementary whole.

Chi in Feng Shui

Chi in Feng Shui
Chi in Feng Shui

Chi, or “qi,” is the life force that flows through all things, according to Feng Shui philosophy.

It’s believed that when chi moves freely and smoothly, it promotes harmony, prosperity, and good fortune.

Conversely, when chi becomes stagnant or blocked, it can lead to negative consequences.

The art of Feng Shui lies in strategically arranging your living space to encourage the optimal flow of chi.

Enhancing Chi Flow

Enhancing the flow of chi in your home involves various techniques, such as strategic placement of furniture, incorporation of natural elements like plants and water features, and the use of specific colors and shapes.

Feng Shui practitioners believe that by aligning your living space with the principles of chi flow, you can attract positive energy and overcome obstacles in your life.

The Commanding Position

Examples Of The Commanding Position
Examples Of The Commanding Position

One of the key concepts in Feng Shui is the “commanding position.”

This principle suggests that the most auspicious location within a room or building is the one that provides a clear view of the entrance while being backed by a solid wall.

This position is believed to foster a sense of security and control, allowing chi to flow freely and positively.

Achieving the Commanding Position

To achieve the commanding position in your living space, consider the layout of your furniture and the placement of your bed or desk.

Ideally, you should be able to see the entrance from your commanding position while having a solid wall behind you.

This arrangement is believed to provide a sense of stability and protection, allowing you to feel grounded and in control of your environment.

The Feng Shui Bagua Map

The Feng Shui Bagua Map
The Feng Shui Bagua Map

A Bagua map is a tool used in Feng Shui that represents the nine areas of life and how they correspond to different parts of a living space or building layout.

It is an octagonal grid overlaid onto a floor plan, with each section representing a specific aspect of life, such as wealth, relationships, career, knowledge, and more.

The Bagua map helps identify which areas of your home or office need adjustment or enhancement to improve the flow of chi (energy) and create balance across all aspects of life according to Feng Shui principles.

The Bagua Areas

The Bagua map is divided into nine distinct areas, each representing a specific aspect of life.

Here’s a detailed look at each area, along with some key points about their significance in Feng Shui.

Wealth and Prosperity (Xun)

Fame and Reputation (Li)

  • Governed by the fire element and represented by red and purple colors
  • Considered the area for recognition, prestige, and social status
  • Enhancing this area can boost confidence and promote career advancement
  • Ideal for displaying awards, certificates, or objects that represent your achievements

Love and Marriage (Kun)

Family and Community (Zhen)

  • Represented by shades of green and the wood element
  • Governs family relationships, ancestral connections, and a sense of belonging
  • Enhancing this area can promote family harmony and strengthen community ties
  • Ideal for displaying family photos, heirlooms, or objects that represent your cultural heritage

Children and Creativity (Sun)

  • Associated with the wood element and represented by shades of green and blue
  • Governs fertility, childbirth, and creative pursuits
  • Activating this area is believed to nurture children’s development and foster creativity
  • Ideal for placing objects related to education, art, or items that inspire imagination

Knowledge and Self-Cultivation (Kun)

  • Represented by shades of blue and the earth element
  • Governs personal growth, self-awareness, and the pursuit of knowledge
  • Enhancing this area can promote intellectual curiosity and spiritual development
  • Ideal for displaying books, educational materials, or objects that represent wisdom and enlightenment

Career and Life Path (Qian)

  • Governed by the metal element and represented by shades of white and gray
  • Influences professional success, career advancement, and life’s journey
  • Activating this area is believed to open doors to new opportunities and progress
  • Ideal for placing objects related to your profession, achievements, or symbols of ambition

Helpful People and Travel (Kan)

  • Associated with the water element and represented by shades of black and blue
  • Governs relationships with mentors, advisors, and beneficial connections
  • Enhancing this area can attract helpful people and promote smooth travels
  • Ideal for displaying objects related to travel, communication, or symbols of guidance

Health and Wellbeing (Gen)

  • Represented by shades of blue and the earth element
  • Governs physical and mental health, vitality, and overall wellbeing
  • Activating this area is believed to promote healing, balance, and longevity
  • Ideal for placing objects related to health, such as plants, crystals, or symbols of rejuvenation

By understanding the significance of each Bagua area and making adjustments accordingly, you can harness the power of Feng Shui to create a harmonious living space that supports and enhances various aspects of your life.

Activating the Bagua Areas

Once you understand the significance of each Bagua area, the next step is to activate and enhance these areas within your living space.

Here are some tips and techniques for activating the Bagua areas and cultivating positive energy.

Using Colors and Elements

One of the most effective ways to activate a Bagua area is by introducing the corresponding colors and elements associated with that area.

For example, to enhance the wealth and prosperity area, you can incorporate shades of purple, red, and gray, as well as incorporate water elements such as a small fountain or images of flowing water.

Placement of Furniture and Objects

The strategic placement of furniture and objects can also play a crucial role in activating the Bagua areas.

Consider positioning a desk or workspace in the career and life path area, or place a comfortable reading chair in the knowledge and self-cultivation area.

Additionally, you can display objects that represent the desired energy in each area, such as artwork, crystals or figurines such as a buddha statue, dragon statue, turtle statue, elephant statue and lucky cat statue, even an angel statue etc.

Enhancing with Symbols and Imagery

a pair of mandarin ducks
a pair of mandarin ducks

Symbolic objects and imagery can be powerful tools for activating the Bagua areas.

For example, in the love and marriage area, you can display a pair of mandarin ducks or a symbol of unity, such as intertwined rings.

In the family and community area, you can showcase family photos or heirlooms that represent your cultural heritage.

Incorporating Living Elements

Introducing living elements, such as plants, can help activate and energize certain Bagua areas.

For instance, placing a healthy plant in the family and community area can symbolize growth and nurturing relationships, while a bonsai tree in the knowledge and self-cultivation area can represent personal growth and wisdom.

Addressing Clutter and Obstructions

It’s essential to address clutter and obstructions in the Bagua areas you wish to activate.

Clutter can block the flow of chi and hinder the positive energy you’re trying to cultivate.

Take the time to declutter and remove any obstructions, such as furniture that blocks the flow of movement or blocks natural light from entering the area.

Feng Shui Adjustments and Cures

In some cases, you may need to employ specific Feng Shui adjustments or cures to activate a particular Bagua area.

These cures can range from hanging mirrors or wind chimes to placing specific symbols or objects in the area.

Consulting with a Feng Shui practitioner can provide valuable guidance on the appropriate cures for your specific space and needs.

Remember, activating the Bagua areas is an ongoing process, and you may need to make adjustments over time to maintain a balanced and harmonious living space.

By being mindful of the energy in each area and making intentional enhancements, you can create a supportive environment that nurtures various aspects of your life.

The Five Elements

The Five Elements In Feng Shui
The Five Elements In Feng Shui

In the practice of Feng Shui, the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water play a vital role in creating balance and harmony within a living space.

These elements are believed to interact with one another in a cyclical relationship, known as the “productive cycle” and the “destructive cycle.”

Understanding the significance and relationships between these elements is crucial for achieving a harmonious flow of chi (energy) in your home or workspace.

Wood Element

The Five Elements: Wood Element
The Five Elements: Wood Element

The wood element represents growth, vitality, and new beginnings. It is associated with the color green and is believed to promote strength, flexibility, and creativity.

Incorporating wooden furniture, plants, or green accents into your living space can help cultivate the wood energy.

Fire Element

The Five Elements: Fire Element
The Five Elements: Fire Element

The fire element symbolizes passion, energy, and transformation. It is represented by the colors red, orange, and purple and is believed to stimulate enthusiasm, leadership, and warmth.

Candles, fireplaces, or red accessories can introduce the fire element into your home.

Earth Element

The Five Elements: Earth Element
The Five Elements: Earth Element

The earth element represents stability, nourishment, and balance. It is associated with the colors yellow, brown, and earthy tones, and is believed to promote a sense of grounding and security.

Incorporate earth elements through the use of ceramics, terracotta, or colors that evoke a connection to nature.

Metal Element

The Five Elements: Metal Element
The Five Elements: Metal Element

The metal element signifies clarity, focus, and precision. It is represented by the colors white, gray, and metallic hues and is believed to foster efficiency, organization, and clear thinking.

Metal objects, such as metallic accents or mirrors, can introduce the metal energy into your living space.

Water Element

The Five Elements: Water Element
The Five Elements: Water Element

The water element represents fluidity, wisdom, and renewal. It is associated with the colors black and dark shades of blue and is believed to encourage relaxation, stillness, and emotional depth.

Water features, such as fountains or aquariums, can introduce the water element into your home.

The Productive Cycle

In Feng Shui, the five elements are connected in a productive cycle, where each element nourishes and supports the next.

The cycle follows this order: wood feeds fire, fire creates earth (ash), earth produces metal, metal collects water, and water nourishes wood.

Incorporating elements that support this productive cycle can help cultivate balance and prosperity.

The Destructive Cycle

Conversely, the five elements also have a destructive cycle, where each element can weaken or overpower the next.

The destructive cycle follows this order: wood separates earth, earth absorbs water, water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, and metal chops wood.

Paying attention to the destructive cycle can help you avoid creating imbalances or conflicts within your living space.

By understanding the relationships and symbolism of the five elements, you can intentionally incorporate them into your home or workspace to create a harmonious and balanced environment.

Remember, the key is to strive for a balanced representation of all elements, as each one contributes to the overall flow of chi in your living space.

The Cycle of Elements

In Feng Shui, the five elements are interconnected in a cycle of productive and destructive relationships.

For instance, wood feeds fire, fire creates earth (ash), earth produces metal, metal collects water, and water nourishes wood.

Understanding these relationships is crucial for maintaining a balanced and harmonious environment in your home.

Incorporating the Elements

To incorporate the five elements into your living space, consider adding items that represent each element.

For example, wooden furniture and plants represent the wood element, candles or fireplaces symbolize fire, ceramics or clay objects represent earth, metal décor or mirrors represent the metal element, and water features or images of water represent the water element.

Feng Shui Enhancements and Cures

While arranging furniture and incorporating the five elements are foundational feng shui practices, sometimes extra adjustments are needed to optimize energy flow. This is where feng shui enhancements and cures come into play.


Enhancements are objects, colors, or symbolic representations that are strategically placed to activate and energize specific bagua areas of your space.

Common feng shui enhancements include:

The idea is to choose enhancements that correspond to the aspirations of the area you want to enliven, such as activating the knowledge area with books and scholarly objects.


Cures are feng shui remedies implemented to alleviate negative chi and “problem” areas of your space. Some common cures include:

  • Hanging mirrors to deflect misfortune
  • Placing a bagua mirror to counteract poison arrows (sharp corners beaming into your home)
  • Using a salt water cure to absorb negative energy
  • Wind chimes to disrupt stagnant chi
  • Adjusting beams or doors to prevent chi being “pushed” out
  • Crystal clusters to absorb and transmute sha chi (noxious energy)

The appropriate cure depends on carefully evaluating the energy challenges in your particular space.

Skilled feng shui practitioners can recommend cures tailored to your home’s needs.

Whether using enhancements to amplify beneficial energy or cures to diffuse negative forces, these feng shui adjustments can harmonize chi flow and cultivate more auspicious environments.

The key is implementing them purposefully and with balance in mind.

Tips to Feng Shui Your Home

Now that you’ve gained an understanding of the fundamental principles of Feng Shui, it’s time to put this knowledge into practice.

Here are some practical tips to help you Feng Shui your home:

  1. Declutter and organize: Clutter is a major chi blocker, so start by removing any unnecessary items and creating a sense of order in your living space.
  2. Enhance the entrance: The entrance is considered the “mouth of chi,” so make sure it’s well-lit, inviting, and free of obstructions.
  3. Incorporate plants and water features: Plants and water features are powerful symbols of growth, vitality, and the flow of chi.
  4. Use mirrors strategically: Mirrors can be used to reflect and amplify positive energy, but be mindful of their placement to avoid creating any unwanted reflections.
  5. Balance the five elements: Introduce elements such as wood, fire, earth, metal, and water into your home to create a harmonious environment.
  6. Activate the Bagua areas: Identify the Bagua areas in your home and make adjustments to activate the desired energy, such as placing a potted plant in the wealth corner or displaying meaningful artwork in the creativity area.

By embracing the principles of Feng Shui and implementing these tips, you can create a living space that radiates positive energy, promotes well-being, and cultivates a harmonious atmosphere. Remember, Feng Shui is not just about rearranging furniture; it’s a holistic approach to living in sync with your environment and the natural flow of chi.


In feng shui, clutter is considered one of the biggest obstacles to healthy chi flow.

Stagnant, stuck energy accumulates around piles of disorganized stuff, creating blockages that impede the smooth circulation of chi throughout your home.

Beyond the energetic implications, clutter also affects you mentally and emotionally.

It can leave you feeling weighed down, anxious, and unmotivated. Letting go of excess belongings has an incredibly freeing and refreshing effect.

When decluttering through the lens of feng shui, there are a few key areas to focus on:

Living Areas

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The Best Feng Shui Bedroom Layout

The spaces you spend the most time in, like living rooms and bedrooms, should feel calm and uplifting without being overwhelmed by too many items. Eliminate any broken or unused objects.


The front entrance is considered the “mouth of chi” where energy enters your home. Be sure it is clutter-free and welcoming.


Hallways and paths should have clear, unobstructed flow. Remove anything blocking pathways to prevent energy getting trapped in corners.

Storage Spaces

Clutter likes to accumulate in closets, basements, attics, and garages. Periodically clear out these storage areas.

As you declutter, be mindful to recycle, donate or properly discard items rather than creating piles to “deal with later.”

The act of physically letting go creates powerful chi shifts.

Approach decluttering as an ongoing practice of editing and refining your surroundings.

The lightness and sense of possibility you’ll feel from having fewer possessions weighing you down is incredibly liberating.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) About Feng Shui

What are the 5 principles of feng shui?

The five main principles are: 1) The Bagua Map 2) The Five Elements 3) Yin and Yang Theory 4) Commanding Positions 5) Chi/Energy Flow

How do I feng shui myself?

To feng shui yourself, start by decluttering your personal spaces like your bedroom, office, and car. Wear empowering colors and keep objects around you that inspire positive energy. Face commanding positions when possible.

How do I get good feng shui at home?

Create an inviting, clutter-free entryway. Position furniture to allow chi flow. Incorporate the five elements. Activate bagua areas using colors, objects, and enhancements. Correct any sha chi like beams or bathroom alignments.

What are the feng shui rules for houses?

Key rules are enhancing the commanding position in main rooms, allowing chi flow through open spaces, incorporating five element colors/objects, activating bagua areas, and addressing any architectural sha chi.

How do you attract wealth in feng shui?

Focus on activating the wealth and prosperity bagua area with purple, red, gray colors and water element objects like fountains or imagery of abundance and growth. Keep this area clutter-free.

How can I attract wealth and prosperity in my home?

In addition to the wealth bagua area, adjust the foyer as your “mouth of chi”, incorporate wood energy for growth, display meaningful luxuries, and clear out stagnant chi with a moving object like chimes.

How to practice feng shui for beginners?

Start small by decluttering, getting plants (wood energy), clearing the entry path, placing a stove mat to contain kitchen energy, utilizing intention with objects/symbols, introducing five element colors, and using a bagua map.

What is the first rule of feng shui?

The first and most important rule is ensuring the proper flow of chi (energy) without any blockages. Everything stems from keeping this life force energy circulating freely.

What direction should your bed face?

Ideally, the commanding position where you can see the entry but have a solid wall behind you. For most, this means facing your bed towards the entry door diagonally.

What not to put in the bedroom feng shui?

Avoid anything that creates sha chi like beams over the bed, mirrors facing the bed, piles of clutter, bright lights, electronics, exercise equipment, or too many plants/water elements.

What is bad feng shui in the bedroom?

Bad feng shui includes bed under a window, bathroom alignment with the bed, overhead beams, footboard obstructing free flow, and overall clutter and disorganization.

What is good feng shui in a bedroom?

Good feng shui has the bed in the commanding position, soft/muted colors, two nightstands, pairs of objects, fresh air flow, dedicated space for intimacy/relationship enhancements.

How to activate luck in feng shui?

The knowledge/wisdom bagua area is connected to luck. Activate it with blues/greens, symbols of achievement, travel objects, educational items, and imagery of exploration.

How true is feng shui?

The principles are based on ancient philosophical and spiritual beliefs about harmonizing environments and energy flow. The effects are subjective but many find value in the practices.

How do I feng shui my face?

When getting ready, face the mirror in an empowering commanding position. Use feng shui-recommended makeup colors like reds, purples and metallics in moderation. Clear energy with a smudge spray or bells.

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey