Feng Shui for Love, Marriage, Relationships, Singles, Love Corner, Colors, Symbols, Plants, Zodiac Energy

David Collins
32 min readFeb 22, 2024


Feng Shui for Love, Marriage And Relationships
Feng Shui for Love, Marriage And Relationships

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

Learn the rules of feng shui for love according to ancient principles.

Now i have to tell you off the bat, this will not give you pick up lines, attract love from your crush from a distance, or turn you into an attractive demi god.

This will simply compliment the energy surrounding your interactions with potential suitors and suitettes, in laymen terms it smooths things over for you and allows the right energies to flow freely, it still ultimately relies on your personality and how desirable it is.

That said, lets go deep into the ancient love wisdom that has guided countless couples over millennia!

Feng Shui for Love and Marriage

Feng Shui for Love and Marriage
Feng Shui for Love and Marriage

Feng Shui offers profound insights and practical techniques to enhance the love and harmony within marital relationships.

By aligning the energy flow within the home and creating a supportive environment, couples can deepen their connection and cultivate lasting love.

Here’s how:

Assessing the Home Environment:

Assessing the Home Environment
Assessing the Home Environment

Begin by evaluating the layout and arrangement of furniture in your home.

Ensure that the energy flow is smooth and unobstructed, particularly in areas where you and your partner love to spend the most time together, such as the living room and bedroom.

Optimizing the Bedroom:

Optimizing the Bedroom
Optimizing the Bedroom

The bedroom holds significant importance in Feng Shui for love and marriage, as it is where intimacy, love and romance are nurtured.

Arrange the bed in a commanding position, with a good solid headboard for stability.

Use soft, soothing colors and fabrics to create a calming atmosphere conducive to relaxation and intimacy.

Creating Sacred Spaces For Love:

Creating Sacred Spaces
Creating Sacred Spaces

Designate specific areas within your home as sacred spaces for love and connection.

Set up an altar or display meaningful symbols of love and partnership, such as pairs of objects or romantic artwork, to infuse these areas with/ attract positive energy.

Enhancing Love and Communication:

Enhancing Communication: Rose Quartz Crystals
Enhancing Communication: Rose Quartz Crystals

Incorporate elements of Feng Shui that promote open communication and understanding between partners.

Place a pair of pink rose quartz crystals or a piece of amethyst in the relationship corner of your home to attract harmony and compassion in your interactions.

Balancing Love: Yin and Yang

Balancing Love: Yin and Yang
Balancing Love: Yin and Yang

Strive to maintain a balance of yin and yang energies within your home.

Yin energy, representing receptivity and nurturing, can be enhanced with soft lighting, flowing fabrics, and gentle curves.

Yang energy, representing activity and strength, can be enhanced with vibrant colors, bold artwork, and sturdy furniture.

Cultivating Love and Romance:

Cultivating Romance
Cultivating Romance

Create opportunities for love, romance and connection within your home. Set aside time for regular date nights or romantic evenings at home, where you can enjoy each other’s company without distractions.

Incorporate sensual elements such as scented candles, good soft music, and luxurious textures to enhance the romantic ambiance.

Expressing Love and Gratitude:

Expressing Love and Gratitude
Expressing Love and Gratitude

Practice gratitude and appreciation for your partner and your relationship on a regular basis.

Expressing love and gratitude strengthens the energetic bonds between partners and fosters a deeper sense of connection and intimacy.

By implementing these principles and practices, couples can create a good harmonious and loving environment within their home, nurturing their relationship to attract lasting love and happiness.

Feng Shui to Attract Love for Singles

Feng Shui to Attract Love for Singles
Feng Shui to Attract Love for Singles

For singles seeking to invite love into their lives, Feng Shui offers a holistic approach to creating an environment that supports love, romance and partnership.

By aligning the energy flow in your home and incorporating symbolic elements of love, you can attract good meaningful relationships and open yourself to new possibilities.

Here are some steps to harness the power of Feng Shui for attracting love:

Attract Love Tip: Declutter Your Space

Attract Love Tip: Declutter Your Space
Attract Love Tip: Declutter Your Space

You will see this repeat so much in Feng Shui, Clutter = Bad. Declutter = Good

Start by clearing clutter from your home to remove any stagnant energy that may be blocking the flow of love.

Dispose of items that no longer serve you and create a good, clean, open space for new love to enter.

Many may disagree with me on this, but its also important to let go of the past relationship if its truly over, you can keep pictures of your former partner in storage somewhere, but I think its advisable to remove all reminders of the previous love for good and prepare to attract new love that's expected at an unexpected time.

Besides, they would act as a big red flag when noticed by your new lover.

Be sure to self analyze and see what flaws you may have that may have contributed to the previous relationships end, with self awareness and work, some meditation on these matters, you will be more prepared and more qualified for a better lover ahead.

Attract Love Tip: Activate the Love Corner

Attract Love Tip: Activate the Love Corner
Attract Love Tip: Activate the Love Corner

Locate the southwest corner of your home, which corresponds to the love and relationship area in Feng Shui.

Enhance this area with symbols and decor that represent luck, love and partnership, such as pairs of objects, good artwork depicting happy couples, or romantic quotes.

Attract Love Tip: Set Intentions

Attract Love Tip: Set Intentions
Attract Love Tip: Set Intentions

Clarify your intentions for attracting love and visualize the kind of relationship you desire.

Write down affirmations or create a vision board that reflects your ideal partner and the qualities you’re seeking in a relationship.

Attract Love Tip: Use Color Psychology

Attract Love Tip: Use Color Psychology
Attract Love Tip: Use Color Psychology

Incorporate Feng Shui colors that evoke feelings of love and romance into your home decor.

Soft pinks, warm reds, and earthy tones can create a nurturing and inviting atmosphere that supports love and connection.

Attract Love Tip: Cultivate Self-Love

Attract Love Tip: Cultivate Self-Love
Attract Love Tip: Cultivate Self-Love

Focus on loving and caring for yourself as you would a partner.

Practice self-care rituals, engage in activities that bring you joy, and cultivate a positive mindset about your worthiness of love and affection, e.g. working out, meditation, reading good books etc.

Attract Love Tip: Invite Social Interaction

Attract Love Tip: Invite Social Interaction
Attract Love Tip: Invite Social Interaction

Create your own luck and opportunities to meet new people and expand your social circle.

Host gatherings or attend events where you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and values.

Stay Open and Receptive To Love:

Stay Open and Receptive
Stay Open and Receptive

Remain open to unexpected opportunities and connections that may come your way.

Trust in the process and have faith that the universe will bring the right person into your life at the perfect time.

Feng Shui Symbols to Attract Love:

Feng Shui Symbols to Attract Love
Feng Shui Symbols to Attract Love

These Feng Shui love symbols can amplify the energy of love and romance, creating a nurturing environment conducive to attracting meaningful relationships in your home:

Amethyst Crystal

Amethyst Crystal
Amethyst Crystal
  • Amethyst is a purple-colored crystal known for its calming and protective properties.
  • It is associated with spiritual growth, intuition, and emotional balance.

Feng Shui Significance:

  • In Feng Shui, amethyst is believed to enhance the energy of the southwest corner, which governs love and relationships.
  • Placing amethyst crystals in this area can promote harmony and deepen the connection between partners.


  • Display amethyst crystals in the southwest corner of your home or bedroom to activate the love energy in your space.


  • Candles symbolize warmth, passion, and illumination. They can create a romantic ambiance and evoke feelings of intimacy and connection.

Feng Shui Significance:

  • Lighting candles in the love corner of your home can enhance the energy of romance and partnership.
  • Choose candles in colors that correspond to love and relationships, such as red or pink, to amplify their Feng Shui benefits.


  • Place candles in pairs or clusters in the southwest corner of your home or bedroom to attract love and create a cozy atmosphere.

Double Happiness Symbol

Double Happiness Symbol
Double Happiness Symbol


  • The Double Happiness symbol is a traditional Chinese motif representing joy, harmony, and marital bliss.
  • It typically features two identical characters meaning “happiness” or “joy” arranged side by side.

Feng Shui Significance:

  • In Feng Shui, the Double Happiness symbol is used to enhance relationships and attract a happy and fulfilling partnership.
  • Displaying this symbol in the love corner of your home can promote harmony and strengthen the bond between you and your partner.


  • Hang or display the Double Happiness symbol in the southwest corner of your home or bedroom to activate the energy of love and happiness.




  • In Chinese culture, the dragon symbolizes strength, power, and good fortune.
  • It is often depicted as a mythical creature with scales, claws, and a long serpentine body.

Feng Shui Significance:

  • Dragons are believed to bring auspicious energy and protection to the home.
  • In Feng Shui, placing a dragon figurine or artwork in the love corner can help attract a strong and passionate relationship.


  • Position a dragon figurine or artwork in the southwest corner of your home or bedroom to harness its protective and auspicious energy for love and relationships.

Mandarin Ducks

Mandarin Ducks
Mandarin Ducks


  • Mandarin ducks are a symbol of love, fidelity, and marital bliss in Chinese culture.
  • They are often depicted as a pair of ducks swimming together.

Feng Shui Significance:

  • Mandarin ducks are believed to strengthen the bond between couples and promote lasting love and harmony.
  • Placing a pair of mandarin duck figurines or artwork in the love corner of your home can attract a committed and loving relationship.





  • Peonies are beautiful flowering plants known for their lush blooms and sweet fragrance.
  • They symbolize romance, prosperity, and good fortune.

Feng Shui Significance:

  • In Feng Shui, peonies are associated with love and marriage luck.
  • Displaying fresh peonies or artwork depicting peonies in the love corner of your home can attract positive energy and blessings to your relationship.


  • Place fresh peonies or artwork depicting peonies in the southwest corner of your home or bedroom to enhance the energy of love and romance.

Rose Quartz Crystals

Rose Quartz Crystals
Rose Quartz Crystals


  • Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal known as the stone of love and compassion.
  • It is believed to open the heart chakra, promoting unconditional love, forgiveness, and harmony.

Feng Shui Significance:

  • In Feng Shui, rose quartz is used to attract love and enhance relationships.
  • Placing rose quartz crystals or decorative objects in the love corner of your home can infuse the space with loving energy and promote emotional healing.


  • Position rose quartz crystals or decorative objects in the southwest corner of your home or bedroom to activate the energy of love and compassion.




Feng Shui Significance:

  • Mirrors can be used strategically in Feng Shui to enhance the energy of the love corner.
  • Placing mirrors in the southwest corner of your home can expand the space and attract positive energy, making it an ideal placement for fostering love and romance.


  • Hang mirrors in the southwest corner of your home or bedroom to reflect the energy of love and amplify its presence in your space.

Feng Shui To Bring Husband Back

Feng Shui To Bring Husband Back
Feng Shui To Bring Husband Back

This is a tough one folks, if the husband does not want to come back, this is beyond the scope of Feng Shui, it can align energies but it cant align goals.

A marriage is consistent hard work that is mutually done by both partners, if one is not willing, marriage counselling or serious talks are required, Feng Shui is NOT and i repeat, it is NOT a remedy for lost interest/love.

Feng Shui To Bring Husband Back
Feng Shui To Bring Husband Back

Let me indulge this even further, lets say Feng Shui was powerful enough to do this, you would need to be able to Feng Shui your husbands current location and places he frequents, which is also impractical.

All i can contribute is this:

Try patience, communication, make amends and compromise, that's all we can really do, hope this was helpful, it was a special request.

The product below would be more suited to these needs, lmao!!

Feng Shui Love Corner

Feng Shui Love Corner
Feng Shui Love Corner

The Feng Shui love corner, associated with the southwest area of the home, plays a vital role in fostering love and connection in relationships.

This area represents the energy of nurturing partnerships and inviting romance into the home.

By activating the love corner with specific enhancements and remedies, individuals can cultivate a supportive and harmonious environment conducive to love and affection.

Here’s how to activate the Feng Shui love corner in different areas of the home:

Feng Shui Love Corner in Bedroom

Feng Shui Love Corner in Bedroom
Feng Shui Love Corner in Bedroom

In the bedroom, the love corner holds special significance as it is where intimacy and romance are nurtured.

To activate the love corner in the bedroom:

Bed Placement:

  • Position the bed so that it is diagonally opposite the door, allowing for a clear view of the room and a sense of security.
  • Avoid placing the bed directly in line with the door, as this can create stagnant energy and disrupt sleep.

Decor Enhancements:

  • Enhance the love corner with romantic decor such as soft bedding, sensual fabrics, and soothing colors.
  • Incorporate pairs of objects, such as bedside tables or lamps, to symbolize unity and togetherness in your relationship.

Rose Quartz Crystals:

  • Place rose quartz crystals or decorative objects in the love corner of the bedroom to promote love, compassion, and emotional healing.
  • Rose quartz is known as the stone of love and can help to deepen the bond between partners.

Artwork and Imagery:

  • Choose artwork and imagery that evokes feelings of love, passion, and romance to adorn the walls of the bedroom.
  • Opt for soft, soothing colors and imagery that resonates with both partners to create a harmonious and nurturing environment.

Feng Shui Love Corner in Living Room

Feng Shui Love Corner in Living Room
Feng Shui Love Corner in Living Room

The living room serves as a communal space for families and guests, making it an ideal area to activate the love corner.

To activate the love corner in the living room:

Furniture Arrangement:

  • Arrange furniture in the love corner to create a cozy and intimate seating area.
  • Place comfortable chairs or a loveseat in this area to encourage conversation and connection between family members or romantic partners.

Decor Accents:

  • Add decor accents such as throw pillows, blankets, or rugs in soft, romantic colors to enhance the love corner.
  • Incorporate symbolic objects such as candles, vases of fresh flowers, or decorative figurines to amplify the energy of love and romance in the space.

Natural Elements:

  • Bring the energy of nature into the love corner by adding potted plants or fresh flowers.
  • Choose plants with rounded leaves or soft, flowing foliage to promote harmony and balance in relationships.


  • Use soft, ambient lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the love corner of the living room.
  • Avoid harsh overhead lighting and opt for lamps or candles to create a cozy and intimate ambiance.

Feng Shui Love Corner in Kitchen

Feng Shui Love Corner in Kitchen
Feng Shui Love Corner in Kitchen

The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home and can also be a place to activate the love corner.

To activate the love corner in the kitchen:

Clear Clutter:

  • Declutter countertops and cabinets to create a clean and open space.
  • Clutter represents stagnant energy and can hinder the flow of love and harmony in the kitchen.

Enhance with Symbolism:

  • Incorporate symbols of love and partnership in the kitchen decor.
  • Place pairs of objects such as salt and pepper shakers or tea towels to symbolize unity and togetherness.

Cook with Intention:

  • Infuse your cooking with love and positive intentions.
  • Prepare meals with care and attention to nourish both the body and soul, fostering a sense of connection and togetherness.

Share Meals Together:

  • Create opportunities to gather and share meals with loved ones in the kitchen.
  • The act of eating together promotes bonding and strengthens relationships, fostering a sense of love and connection within the home.

By activating the Feng Shui love corner in the bedroom, living room, and kitchen, individuals can create supportive and harmonious environments that nurture love, connection, and happiness in their relationships.

Plants In Love Corner | Feng Shui Tips

Plants In Love Corner | Feng Shui Tips
Plants In Love Corner | Feng Shui Tips

In Feng Shui, incorporating plants into the love corner of your home can enhance the energy of love and romance, fostering a nurturing environment for relationships to thrive.

When selecting plants for the love corner, it’s essential to choose species that symbolize growth, vitality, and harmony.

Here are some plants that are particularly well-suited for the love corner:

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii):

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii)
Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii)

Lucky Bamboo is a popular Feng Shui plant known for its symbolism of luck, prosperity, and longevity.

It is believed to bring positive energy and harmony into the home, making it an excellent choice for the love corner.

Arrange lucky bamboo stalks in a glass vase with water to amplify its Feng Shui benefits.

Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum):

Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

Also known as Devil’s Ivy, the Money Plant is revered for its ability to attract wealth, abundance, and good fortune.

In Feng Shui, it is believed to bring positive energy and vitality to the love corner, promoting growth and prosperity in relationships.

Place a money plant in a decorative pot in the love corner to invite auspicious energy into your home.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum):

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is valued for its elegant white flowers and air-purifying properties.

It symbolizes peace, harmony, and tranquility, making it an excellent choice for the love corner.

The Peace Lily’s lush foliage and graceful blooms create a serene and calming atmosphere, perfect for fostering love and connection in relationships.

Orchid (Orchidaceae):

Orchid (Orchidaceae)
Orchid (Orchidaceae)

Orchids are prized for their beauty, elegance, and exotic allure.

In Feng Shui, orchids symbolize love, luxury, and fertility, making them an ideal choice for the love corner.

Display a potted orchid in the love corner of your home to attract romantic energy and inspire passion and intimacy in your relationship.



Philodendrons are versatile and easy-to-care-for plants that thrive in indoor environments.

They symbolize abundance, growth, and vitality, making them a beneficial addition to the love corner.

Philodendrons are known for their trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves, which create a sense of warmth and abundance in the home.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata):

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plants are valued for their air-purifying qualities and resilience.

In Feng Shui, snake plants are believed to absorb negative energy and promote positive chi flow, making them an excellent choice for the love corner.

Place a snake plant in the love corner to purify the air and create a harmonious and nurturing environment for relationships to flourish.

When placing plants in the love corner, it’s essential to ensure that they are healthy, well-maintained, and positioned in a way that allows for optimal growth and energy flow.

By incorporating these plants into the love corner of your home, you can enhance the energy of love and romance, creating a supportive and nurturing environment for your relationship to thrive.

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

Harnessing Zodiac Energy for Love in Feng Shui

Understanding the influence of the zodiac is crucial for enhancing love and romance in your life.

By aligning your living space with the unique energy of each zodiac sign, you can enhance your relationships and create a harmonious environment that fosters love and connection.

Here’s how to harness the power of the zodiac for love in Feng Shui:

Aries (March 21 — April 19):

The Zodiac Aries energy is passionate and adventurous, making them fearless leaders in love.

To attract an Aries partner or infuse your relationship with Aries energy, incorporate bold and vibrant colors like red and orange into your home decor.

Display symbols of courage and excitement, such as artwork depicting daring feats or adventurous landscapes, to ignite the flames of passion in your relationship.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20):

The Zodiac Taurus energy is sensual and grounded, representing stability and devotion in love.

To attract a Taurus partner or deepen your connection with your Taurus lover, focus on creating a cozy and luxurious atmosphere in your home.

Use soft and earthy colors like green and brown, and incorporate plush fabrics and comfortable furnishings that invite intimacy and relaxation.

Display symbols of abundance and prosperity, such as artwork featuring lush landscapes or bountiful harvests, to nurture the bond between you and your partner.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20):

The Zodiac Gemini energy is curious and communicative, fostering intellectual connection and playful banter in love.

To attract a Gemini partner or keep the spark alive in your relationship, create spaces that encourage communication and mental stimulation.

Use bright and airy colors like yellow and light blue, and incorporate books, artwork, and games that inspire curiosity and conversation.

Display symbols of duality and versatility, such as artwork featuring twins or literary quotes about love and friendship, to ignite the intellectual connection between you and your partner.

Cancer (June 21 — July 22):

The Zodiac Cancer energy is nurturing and intuitive, fostering emotional depth and sensitivity in love.

To attract a Cancer partner or deepen your emotional connection with your Cancer lover, focus on creating a warm and nurturing environment in your home.

Use soft and soothing colors like white and silver, and incorporate sentimental objects and family photos that evoke feelings of security and belonging.

Display symbols of love and protection, such as artwork featuring the moon or sentimental poetry, to create a sanctuary of love and emotional support for you and your partner.

Leo (July 23 — August 22):

The Zodiac Leo energy is passionate and expressive, radiating confidence and creativity in love.

To attract a Leo partner or keep the romance alive in your relationship, create spaces that celebrate love and admiration.

Use bold and dramatic colors like gold and purple, and incorporate statement pieces and artwork that command attention and admiration.

Display symbols of passion and romance, such as artwork featuring hearts or majestic lions, to ignite the fiery passion between you and your partner.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22):

The Zodiac Virgo energy is practical and analytical, emphasizing service and attention to detail in love.

To attract a Virgo partner or cultivate a sense of partnership and teamwork in your relationship, focus on creating a functional and organized environment in your home.

Use muted and understated colors like beige and navy blue, and incorporate practical and efficient furnishings and storage solutions that promote productivity and efficiency.

Display symbols of purity and devotion, such as artwork featuring virginal maidens or meticulous craftsmanship, to honor the commitment and dedication you and your partner share.

Libra (September 23 — October 22):

The Zodiac Libra energy is harmonious and diplomatic, fostering balance and cooperation in love.

To attract a Libra partner or maintain harmony and equilibrium in your relationship, create spaces that promote peace and understanding.

Use soft and elegant colors like pastel pink and light blue, and incorporate symmetrical and balanced design elements that create a sense of harmony and symmetry.

Display symbols of partnership and unity, such as artwork featuring scales or romantic poetry, to honor the equality and mutual respect between you and your partner.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21):

The Zodiac Scorpio energy is intense and transformative, representing passion and depth in love.

To attract a Scorpio partner or deepen the emotional and physical connection with your Scorpio lover, create spaces that evoke mystery and allure.

Use dark and sensual colors like black and burgundy, and incorporate luxurious fabrics and textures that invite intimacy and sensuality.

Display symbols of mystery and intrigue, such as artwork featuring hidden depths or intense gazes, to ignite the flames of desire and passion between you and your partner.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 21):

The Zodiac Sagittarius energy is adventurous and optimistic, inspiring exploration and growth in love.

To attract a Sagittarius partner or embark on a journey of discovery with your Sagittarius lover, create spaces that inspire adventure and excitement.

Use warm and vibrant colors like orange and turquoise, and incorporate travel-inspired decor and artwork that ignite the spirit of adventure and wanderlust.

Display symbols of freedom and expansion, such as artwork featuring open landscapes or inspirational quotes, to encourage growth and exploration in your relationship.

Capricorn (December 22 — January 19):

The Zodiac Capricorn energy is disciplined and ambitious, representing commitment and responsibility in love.

To attract a Capricorn partner or build a solid foundation for your relationship, focus on creating a structured and reliable environment in your home.

Use classic and timeless colors like gray and navy blue, and incorporate traditional and sophisticated furnishings that exude elegance and refinement.

Display symbols of success and achievement, such as artwork featuring mountain landscapes or inspirational quotes about perseverance and determination, to honor the dedication and hard work you and your partner invest in your relationship.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 18):

The Zodiac Aquarius energy is innovative and visionary, fostering freedom and individuality in love.

To attract an Aquarius partner or celebrate the unique and unconventional aspects of your relationship, create spaces that inspire creativity and innovation.

Use modern and eclectic colors like electric blue and neon green, and incorporate cutting-edge technology and design elements that reflect your progressive ideals and forward-thinking nature.

Display symbols of originality and authenticity, such as artwork featuring futuristic landscapes or revolutionary ideas, to embrace the diversity and individuality of your love.

Pisces (February 19 — March 20):

The Zodiac Pisces energy is intuitive and compassionate, representing empathy and spiritual connection in love.

To attract a Pisces partner or deepen the emotional and spiritual bond with your Pisces lover, create spaces that evoke serenity and transcendence.

Use dreamy and ethereal colors like lavender and seafoam green, and incorporate soft fabrics and flowing textures that invite relaxation and introspection.

Display symbols of spirituality and mysticism, such as artwork featuring dreamy landscapes or poetic verses, to honor the deeper connection and soulful resonance you share with your partner.

By harnessing the energy of the zodiac in Feng Shui for love, you can create a nurturing and harmonious environment that supports your relationships and fosters love and connection.

Whether you’re looking to attract love with a new partner or deepen the bond with your current lover, incorporating the energy of the zodiac into your home decor and design can help you create a sanctuary of love and romance that honors your unique astrological compatibility and strengthens your connection with the cosmos.

Next Article: All About Feng Shui Plants | For Wealth, Love, House

Previous Article: Feng Shui For Wealth, Career And Prosperity: Everything You Need To Know, Part 3

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

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Feng Shui Bedroom Layout: 32 Tips To Feng Shui Your Bedroom, The Do’s And Dont’s, Bedroom Color Meanings

Buddha Statue Meanings, Placements, History & Types (Giant, Golden, Laughing, Stone, Jade, Bronze, Large, Reclining, Shakyamuni, Amitabha, Outdoor, Garden, Thai, Fat, Greek, Meditating, Medicine, Tibetan)

Enhance Your Bedroom with Feng Shui Wallpaper: Tips for Positive Energy and Harmony

Dragon Statue Meanings, Placements, History, Feng Shui, Types (Chinese, Outdoor, Jade, Large, Japanese, Golden, Garden, Resin, Blue, Baby, White and More)

Feng Shui Masters Don’t Want You Knowing About These Powerful Talismans

Wu Lou Gourd (Hu Lu or Calabash Gourd): Meaning, Benefits, Feng Shui, Placement, Types, Care, FAQ

Feng Shui for Family Harmony: The Family Area

The Powerful Energy of Feng Shui Crystals

Feng Shui Astrology: Aligning Your Life with the Cosmic Dance

Feng Shui Home Office: Layout, Colors, Plants, Art, Lighting, Career Corner, Placement (Desk, Mirrors), Energy Flow, FAQs

The Incredible Diversity of Wind Chimes

Master Every Feng Shui Lighting Principle in This One Masterclass!

Evil Eye Bracelet: Meaning, History, Wearing And Usage Guidelines, Feng Shui, Broken, Types (Red, Gold, Blue, Black, Pink, Swarovski, Men’s, Women’s, Silver, Baby, Green, Red String), Ideas

The Power of Feng Shui Furniture: Harmonize Your Living Spaces

Feng Shui Bedroom Furniture: Fostering Restful Sleep, Nurturing Relationships, and Promoting Personal Growth.

Feng Shui Compass: Types (Luo Pan: San He, San Yuan, Xuan Kong, Ming Gua), Directions, Formulas, Symbols, Elements, Readings, Schools

8 Trigrams: Meaning, Yin Yang Balance, How To Interpret, 8 Trigrams in Feng Shui, 8 Trigrams in Astrology, 8 Trigrams in Numerology, History

Could Your Home Be Sabotaging Your Success? How One Consultation Can Change Everything

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A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey