Feng Shui Bathroom: Key Points For 2024

David Collins
23 min readMar 2, 2024


Feng Shui Bathroom
Feng Shui Bathroom

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

Welcome to the world of Feng Shui bathrooms, where the art of placement and arrangement transcends mere aesthetics to create an oasis of balance and serenity.

I have all thre information you need to set up your bathroom and i’ve included where to get the specific items on amazon, lets go!

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors:

In Feng Shui, colors hold the power to influence energy flow and emotional well-being.

When selecting colors for your bathroom, it’s essential to consider their impact on the overall ambiance and harmony of the space.

Soft Blue:

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Soft Blue
Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Soft Blue

This calming hue evokes the tranquil essence of water, promoting relaxation and rejuvenation.

It suits the bathroom perfectly, creating a serene atmosphere for unwinding after a long day.

Earthy Beige:

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Earthy Beige
Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Earthy Beige

Earthy tones like beige bring a grounding energy to the bathroom, fostering stability and connection to nature.

They create a sense of warmth and comfort, ideal for promoting relaxation and well-being.

Neutral White:

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Neutral White
Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Neutral White

White serves as a versatile backdrop in Feng Shui bathroom design, offering a sense of purity and freshness.

It allows other elements to shine while creating a harmonious balance of yin and yang energies within the space.

Pale Yellow:

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Pale Yellow
Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Pale Yellow

Yellow hues bring warmth and brightness to the bathroom, uplifting the energy and mood.

They create a sunny and inviting atmosphere, perfect for starting the day with a positive outlook.

Soft Gray:

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Soft Gray
Feng Shui Bathroom Colors: Soft Gray

Gray tones offer a sophisticated and calming backdrop in the bathroom.

They provide a sense of balance and neutrality, allowing other colors and elements to stand out while promoting a serene ambiance.

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules:

Natural Materials:

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Natural Materials
Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Natural Materials

Incorporating natural materials such as wood, bamboo, and stone into bathroom decor creates a harmonious connection with nature, promoting a sense of tranquility and grounding.

Soft Textures:

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Soft Textures
Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Soft Textures

Soft textures like plush towels, cotton rugs, and linen shower curtains add a touch of luxury and comfort to the bathroom space.

They invite relaxation and promote a feeling of coziness.

Minimalist Design:

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Minimalist Design
Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Minimalist Design

Embracing minimalist design principles in bathroom decor helps maintain visual clarity and simplicity, allowing energy to flow freely throughout the space.

It promotes a sense of calm and order, reducing visual clutter and promoting mental clarity.

Meaningful Artwork:

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Meaningful Artwork
Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Meaningful Artwork

Choose artwork that resonates with themes of serenity, renewal, and nature to imbue your bathroom with positive energy.

Whether it’s serene landscapes, floral motifs, or abstract expressions, meaningful artwork enhances the ambiance and adds a personal touch to the space.

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Soothing Scents:

Incorporate aromatherapy into your bathroom decor with scented candles, essential oil diffusers, or natural fragrance sachets.

Pleasant scents like lavender, eucalyptus, and citrus promote relaxation and rejuvenation, creating a spa-like atmosphere in the bathroom.

Mindful Storage:

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Mindful Storage
Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Mindful Storage

Opt for storage solutions that promote organization and tidiness, such as floating shelves, baskets, and built-in cabinets.

Keeping clutter at bay allows energy to flow freely and maintains a peaceful and harmonious environment.

Personal Touches:

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Personal Touches
Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Personal Touches

Infuse your bathroom decor with personal touches that reflect your unique style and personality.

Whether it’s a favorite piece of artwork, a cherished photograph, or a meaningful decorative object, incorporating personal elements adds warmth and character to the space.

Soft Lighting:

Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Soft Lighting
Feng Shui Bathroom Decor / Rules: Soft Lighting

Create a soothing ambiance with soft, diffused lighting that enhances relaxation and promotes a sense of tranquility.

Consider installing dimmer switches or adding candles and decorative sconces to adjust the lighting to suit different moods and occasions.

Feng Shui Bathroom Layout:

Feng Shui Bathroom Layout
Feng Shui Bathroom Layout

Open and Unobstructed:

  • Aim for a bathroom layout that is open and unobstructed, allowing for the free flow of energy (qi).
  • Avoid cluttering the space with unnecessary furniture or fixtures, and ensure that pathways are clear to promote a sense of spaciousness and ease of movement.

Strategic Fixture Placement:

  • Position bathroom fixtures such as the toilet, bathtub, and sink strategically to optimize energy flow and functionality.
  • Avoid placing them directly facing the entrance or each other, as this may create energetic clashes.
  • Instead, arrange them in a way that promotes a harmonious balance of elements and promotes a sense of balance and tranquility.

Natural Light Optimization:

  • Maximize natural light in the bathroom by strategically placing windows, skylights, or light wells to allow sunlight to filter into the space.
  • Natural light not only enhances the overall ambiance but also uplifts the energy and promotes a sense of vitality and well-being.

Privacy Considerations:

  • Ensure that the layout of the bathroom preserves privacy and maintains a sense of sanctuary.
  • Consider using frosted glass or window treatments to shield sensitive areas while still allowing natural light to filter through.
  • Incorporate soundproofing measures to minimize noise and promote a peaceful environment.

Ventilation and Airflow:

  • Pay attention to ventilation and airflow in the bathroom layout to prevent stagnant energy and promote a sense of freshness and vitality.
  • Ensure proper ventilation with exhaust fans or windows to remove excess moisture and odors, and consider incorporating air-purifying plants to improve indoor air quality.


  • Design the bathroom layout with accessibility in mind to accommodate users of all ages and abilities.
  • Ensure that fixtures are easily accessible and that there is sufficient clearance for mobility aids such as wheelchairs or walkers.
  • Consider installing grab bars and non-slip flooring for added safety and convenience.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

  • Create a bathroom layout that is flexible and adaptable to evolving needs and preferences.
  • Allow for easy updates and modifications, such as changing out fixtures or reconfiguring storage solutions, to accommodate changing lifestyles and tastes over time.
  • By designing with flexibility in mind, you can ensure that your Feng Shui bathroom remains a harmonious and nurturing sanctuary for years to come.

Feng Shui Bathroom Pictures and Wall Art:

Feng Shui Bathroom Pictures and Wall Art
Feng Shui Bathroom Pictures and Wall Art

Serenity-Inspiring Landscapes:

  • Hang pictures of serene landscapes, such as tranquil beaches, peaceful forests, or serene mountain vistas, to evoke a sense of calm and relaxation in the bathroom.
  • These images promote a connection to nature and help create a peaceful sanctuary for unwinding and rejuvenation.

Flowing Water Motifs:

  • Incorporate images of flowing water, such as cascading waterfalls, gently rippling streams, or serene ponds, to symbolize the flow of positive energy (qi) and promote a sense of tranquility and harmony.
  • Water motifs are particularly auspicious in Feng Shui and can help balance the energy in the bathroom.

Floral Imagery:

  • Display pictures of beautiful flowers or botanical illustrations to bring the vibrant energy of nature into the bathroom.
  • Choose images of flowers with auspicious meanings, such as lotus flowers for purity and enlightenment or peonies for prosperity and abundance, to enhance the positive energy flow in the space.

Symbolic Artwork:

  • Incorporate symbolic artwork that holds personal significance or represents positive intentions and aspirations.
  • This could include meaningful symbols such as the yin-yang symbol for balance, the lotus flower for purity and enlightenment, or the dragon for strength and protection.
  • Select artwork that resonates with your intentions for the bathroom and promotes a sense of harmony and well-being.

Abstract Expressions:

  • Explore abstract artwork that conveys a sense of movement, energy, and flow.
  • Look for pieces with soothing color palettes and organic shapes that evoke a sense of calm and tranquility.
  • Abstract art can add visual interest and depth to the bathroom while promoting a sense of harmony and balance.

Personal Photographs:

  • Display personal photographs or family portraits that evoke positive emotions and happy memories.
  • Choose images that bring joy and uplift the spirits, such as pictures of loved ones, cherished vacations, or meaningful milestones.
  • Personal photographs add a personal touch to the bathroom and create a sense of connection and warmth in the space.

Mindful Placement:

  • Hang pictures thoughtfully, ensuring they are well-positioned to optimize visual flow and energetic resonance.
  • Avoid overcrowding walls and allow space for each image to shine.
  • Consider the overall composition and balance of the artwork to create a harmonious and visually pleasing display in the bathroom.

Lighting Enhancement:

  • Illuminate artwork with soft, diffused lighting to highlight its beauty and create a soothing ambiance in the bathroom.
  • Consider installing wall sconces, picture lights, or LED strips to accentuate the artwork and enhance its visual impact.
  • Proper lighting not only enhances the aesthetics of the bathroom but also promotes a sense of warmth and comfort.
  • More high quality packs:

Feng Shui Bathroom Location:

Feng Shui Bathroom in Bedroom
Feng Shui Bathroom in Bedroom

Feng Shui Bathroom in Bedroom:

  • It’s advisable to separate the bathroom from the bedroom to prevent the mingling of different energies and promote restful sleep.
  • If the bathroom must be located near the bedroom, consider using screens, curtains, or other dividers to create visual separation and maintain privacy.

Avoiding Negative Areas:

  • Be mindful of locating the bathroom in areas with negative Feng Shui implications, such as the center of the home or directly above the kitchen or stove.
  • These locations may disrupt the flow of energy and create challenges in maintaining harmony and balance within the home.

Promoting Privacy and Serenity:

  • Choose a location for the bathroom that promotes privacy, tranquility, and a sense of sanctuary.
  • Avoid placing the bathroom in high-traffic areas or adjacent to noisy or disruptive spaces, as this may compromise the ability to relax and rejuvenate in the space.

Maximizing Natural Light:

  • Select a location for the bathroom that allows for ample natural light to enter the space.
  • Natural light not only enhances the ambiance and aesthetics of the bathroom but also promotes a sense of vitality, well-being, and connection to the outdoors.

Considerate Placement within the Home:

  • Take into account the overall layout and flow of the home when determining the location of the bathroom.
  • Aim to integrate the bathroom seamlessly into the architectural design, ensuring it complements rather than detracts from the overall energy and aesthetics of the home.

Remedies for Challenging Locations:

  • If the bathroom must be located in a challenging area, such as the center of the home or above the kitchen, consider implementing Feng Shui remedies to mitigate any negative effects.
  • This may include using mirrors, crystals, or other Feng Shui enhancements to redirect or harmonize energy flow within the space.

Feng Shui Bathroom Door:

Feng Shui Bathroom Door
Feng Shui Bathroom Door

Smooth and Unobstructed Opening:

  • Ensure that the bathroom door opens smoothly and without obstruction to allow for the free flow of energy (qi) throughout the space.
  • A door that sticks or jams may impede energy flow and create stagnant pockets of energy within the bathroom.

Proper Placement:

  • Avoid positioning the bathroom door directly facing the main entrance or the entrance to other rooms, as this may result in the loss of vital energy (qi) and disrupt the flow of positive energy throughout the home.
  • Instead, aim to place the door in a location that maintains privacy while allowing for ease of access.

Well-Maintained and Appealing:

  • Keep the bathroom door well-maintained and visually appealing to enhance the overall aesthetics and ambiance of the space.
  • Consider painting the door in calming colors or incorporating decorative elements such as frosted glass panels or intricate carvings to add visual interest and beauty.

Closed When Not in Use:

  • Encourage the practice of keeping the bathroom door closed when not in use to contain energy and prevent it from escaping into other areas of the home.
  • This helps maintain energetic balance and privacy while promoting a sense of tranquility and harmony within the bathroom.

Enhanced with Feng Shui Symbols:

  • Consider incorporating Feng Shui symbols or enhancements into the design of the bathroom door to promote positive energy flow and auspicious blessings.
  • This could include auspicious symbols such as the Bagua map, yin-yang symbol, or protective talismans to ward off negative energy and promote harmony and well-being.

Mindful Placement of Mirrors:

  • Be mindful of the placement of mirrors on or near the bathroom door, as they can reflect and amplify energy.
  • Avoid positioning mirrors directly facing the door, as this may cause energy to bounce back and forth, creating chaotic or restless energy in the space.
  • Instead, place mirrors strategically to enhance the flow of energy and promote a sense of spaciousness and harmony within the bathroom.

Feng Shui Bathroom Plants:

Feng Shui Bathroom Plants


  • Known for its resilience and symbolizing strength and flexibility, bamboo thrives in low-light conditions, making it ideal for bathrooms with limited sunlight.
  • Its upright growth habit also symbolizes upward growth and progress, bringing positive energy and vitality to the space.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum):

  • With its elegant white flowers and glossy green leaves, the peace lily is a popular choice for bathrooms.
  • It thrives in low light and high humidity, making it well-suited for the bathroom environment.
  • In Feng Shui, the peace lily is believed to purify the air and promote harmony and tranquility, making it a perfect addition to your bathroom sanctuary.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum):

  • Spider plants are excellent air purifiers and thrive in the high humidity typically found in bathrooms.
  • Their long, arching leaves add a touch of visual interest and elegance to any space.
  • In Feng Shui, spider plants are associated with vitality and growth, making them a welcome addition to bathrooms seeking to foster positive energy and renewal.


  • With its heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines, the philodendron adds a lush and tropical feel to the bathroom environment.
  • It thrives in low to moderate light and high humidity, making it an ideal choice for bathrooms.
  • In Feng Shui, philodendrons are believed to promote abundance and prosperity, making them a popular choice for enhancing positive energy flow in the home.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria):

  • Also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, the snake plant is highly resilient and tolerant of low light and neglect, making it perfect for busy homeowners.
  • Its upright, sword-like leaves symbolize strength and resilience, while its air-purifying qualities promote a healthier indoor environment.
  • In Feng Shui, snake plants are believed to absorb negative energy and promote positive chi flow, making them a valuable addition to any bathroom space.

Aloe Vera:

  • Renowned for its medicinal properties and soothing gel, aloe vera is a practical and aesthetically pleasing addition to the bathroom.
  • It thrives in bright, indirect light and requires minimal maintenance, making it suitable for busy individuals.
  • In Feng Shui, aloe vera is associated with healing and protection, making it a valuable ally in creating a harmonious and nurturing bathroom environment.
  • Learn all about Feng Shui Plants in detail below:

Previous Article: Feng Shui Front Door Colors, Placement, Direction, Decorations And Tips

Next Article: Feng Shui Wallpaper For Career Growth

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

Useful Resources:


Feng Shui Bathroom

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Feng Shui Bathroom

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey