Flowing Fortunes! Enhancing Your Home’s Aura With Feng Shui Water Features

David Collins
23 min readFeb 18, 2024


Feng Shui Water Features
Feng Shui Water Features

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

Feng Shui Water Features are decorative elements like fountains, ponds, aquariums, and waterfalls used in the practice of Feng Shui to attract positive energy, enhance prosperity, and promote tranquility and balance in a space.

Why Water Features?

In Feng Shui, water is a powerful symbol of abundance, prosperity, and renewal.

It represents the flow of life, wealth, and good fortune.

Adding water features to your home or garden can enhance the energy flow and attract positive vibes.

Think of it as inviting a serene, continuous flow of good things into your life.

Types of Feng Shui Water Features

Types of Feng Shui Water Features
Types of Feng Shui Water Features

These are the different types of water features you can use to bring a splash of good energy into your space. Specific products are further below the page.

Indoor Water Fountains:

These are perfect for adding a touch of tranquility inside your home.

Indoor fountains come in various styles, from tabletop fountains to wall mounted ones.

They not only look beautiful but also create a soothing sound that can help you relax.

Outdoor Water Fountains:

Outdoor fountains are larger and can be a stunning focal point in your garden or yard.

They create a calming ambiance and attract birds and other wildlife, adding to the natural beauty of your space.


Aquariums are another fantastic way to incorporate water into your home.

The movement of fish and water is believed to generate positive energy and promote a peaceful environment.


If you have the space for it, a pond can be a wonderful addition to your garden.

Whether it’s a small koi pond or a larger body of water, ponds bring a sense of serenity and natural beauty.


Waterfalls, whether part of a pond or a standalone feature, symbolize the continuous flow of energy and wealth.

The cascading water represents the movement of chi, making it an excellent addition to your Feng Shui setup.

Choosing the Right Water Feature

Choosing the Right Water Feature
Choosing the Right Water Feature

When selecting a water feature, consider the following tips:


  • Choose a size that fits well with your space.
  • Too large can be overwhelming, while too small might not have the desired impact.


  • Pick a style that resonates with you and complements your home decor.
  • Whether you prefer modern, traditional, or natural looks, there’s a water feature for you.


  • Water features come in various materials like stone, ceramic, metal, and glass.
  • Choose a material that aligns with your aesthetic and maintenance preferences.

Best Water Features for Your Feng Shui Journey

Here are a few water features that can help you get started on your Feng Shui journey:

John Timberland Zen Indoor Tabletop Fountain

John Timberland Zen Indoor Tabletop Fountain
John Timberland Zen Indoor Tabletop Fountain
  • Price: Around $40
  • Pros: Compact size, perfect for small spaces; creates a peaceful ambiance; easy to maintain.
  • Cons: Limited water capacity; may require frequent refilling in dry environments.

Get It Here:

Alpine Corporation 3 Tier Waterfall Fountain

Alpine Corporation 3 Tier Waterfall Fountain
Alpine Corporation 3 Tier Waterfall Fountain
  • Price: Around $30
  • Pros: Beautiful cascading waterfall design; ideal for outdoor spaces; attracts birds and wildlife.
  • Cons: Requires more space; regular maintenance needed to keep it clean.

Get It Here:

Homedics Indoor 3 Tier Relaxation Tabletop Fountain

Homedics Indoor 3 Tier Relaxation Tabletop Fountain
Homedics Indoor 3 Tier Relaxation Tabletop Fountain
  • Price: Around $30
  • Pros: Affordable; soothing trickling water sound; compact and easy to set up.
  • Cons: Plastic construction; may not be as durable as higher end models.

Get It Here:

Aquascape Pond Waterfall Kit

Aquascape Pond Waterfall Kit
Aquascape Pond Waterfall Kit
  • Price: Around $136
  • Pros: Great for creating a small pond waterfall; includes everything needed for installation; enhances garden beauty.
  • Cons: Higher cost; requires regular maintenance; needs space for a pond setup.

Get It Here:

BiOrb Flow Aquarium

BiOrb Flow Aquarium
BiOrb Flow Aquarium
  • Price: Around $124
  • Pros: Sleek and modern design; promotes positive energy with fish movement; easy to maintain.
  • Cons: Limited fish capacity; higher initial cost compared to standard aquariums.

Get It Here:

Placement of Water Features

Placement of Water Features
Placement of Water Features

Now that we’ve got the types covered, let’s talk about placement.

Where you place your water feature can significantly impact its effectiveness in enhancing your Feng Shui.

Front of the House:

Placing a water feature at the entrance of your home is believed to attract wealth and opportunities.

It symbolizes the flow of positive energy entering your home.

Living Room:

An indoor fountain in the living room can create a relaxing atmosphere and promote harmony among family members.

Just make sure it’s not placed directly opposite the main door, as it could cause the energy to flow out too quickly.

Garden or Yard:

Outdoor water features are best placed in the southeast (wealth) or north (career) areas of your garden.

This enhances the flow of prosperity and career growth.


A small water feature in your office can boost productivity and creativity.

Place it in the north area of your workspace to align with career growth and opportunities.


This might surprise you, but it’s generally advised to avoid water features in the bedroom.

The active energy of water can disrupt the restful and calming energy needed for a good night’s sleep.

Adding Extra Elements

To enhance the positive energy of your water feature, you can add other Feng Shui elements:


  • Surround your water feature with plants to bring in the wood element, which complements water and promotes growth and vitality.


  • Adding soft lighting can enhance the beauty of your water feature and create a serene atmosphere, especially in the evening.


  • Placing crystals around your water feature can amplify the positive energy and add a touch of sparkle.

Feng Shui Water Feature Maintenance

Just like any other aspect of your home, water features require regular maintenance to keep them functioning properly and to ensure they continue to bring positive energy.

Keep it Clean:

  • Regularly clean your water feature to prevent algae build up and ensure the water stays clear and fresh.

Ensure Flow:

  • Make sure the water is always flowing smoothly. Stagnant water can attract negative energy and defeat the purpose of the water feature.

Check the Pump:

  • Regularly check the pump to ensure it’s working correctly. A malfunctioning pump can lead to stagnant water and negative chi.

Adding these water features into your Feng Shui practice can bring a host of benefits, from enhanced prosperity to a more serene living environment, and lets be honest they look pretty good.

Remember, the key is to choose a feature that resonates with you and place it in a location that promotes the flow of positive energy.

Blessings, my friends,

David Collins

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Feng Shui Water Features

Where should water features be placed in Feng Shui

Water features should be placed in areas that benefit from the water element, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or garden.

Which direction should a water feature face

Ideally, a water feature should face towards the north, east, or southeast to enhance the flow of beneficial energy (Chi) according to Feng Shui principles.

Is there a water feature in Feng Shui 2024

In Feng Shui 2024, water features continue to be auspicious if placed correctly to enhance prosperity and positive energy flow in your space.

How to increase water element in Feng Shui

To increase the water element, you can incorporate water features, such as fountains or aquariums, in the appropriate sectors of your home. Blue or black decor and reflective surfaces also enhance the water element.

Where is the best place to put a water feature

The best places for water features in Feng Shui are in the north, east, or southeast areas of your home or garden, as these directions are associated with the water element.

Which direction should a water fountain face

A water fountain should ideally face north, east, or southeast to harness the positive flow of energy according to Feng Shui principles.

What are the Feng Shui objects for water

Feng Shui objects for water include water fountains, aquariums, bowls or vases filled with water, pictures of water scenes, or decorative items in blue or black colors.

Where to put a waterfall picture in Feng Shui

A waterfall picture should be placed in areas that benefit from the water element, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or office.

In what direction should the water flow according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui principles, the water flow should ideally move towards the center of your space to promote positive energy and abundance.

How do you power a water feature

Water features can be powered by electricity using pumps or motors that circulate water. Ensure proper installation and maintenance to keep the flow smooth and continuous.

Which direction of water flow is good

A gentle, meandering water flow is considered good in Feng Shui, as it symbolizes a smooth and steady flow of energy (Chi) and promotes tranquility and prosperity.

Where to put water feature in Feng Shui

Place water features in areas that benefit from the water element, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or garden, to enhance positive energy and prosperity.

Where is the wealth Corner of the House

The wealth corner of the house is traditionally located in the southeast sector according to Feng Shui principles. Placing a water feature here can enhance wealth and prosperity.

Where is the wealth Corner in 2024

In 2024, the wealth corner remains in the southeast sector of your home. Enhance this area with water features and symbols of prosperity to attract wealth luck.

Can you put a Feng Shui water feature outside the front door

Yes, you can place a Feng Shui water feature outside the front door to attract positive energy and prosperity into your home. Ensure it faces towards the north, east, or southeast for best results.

Where should the water element be placed in Feng Shui

The water element should be placed in areas that benefit from its energy, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or garden. Incorporate water features or decor in blue or black colors.

What are the disadvantages of a water fountain

Disadvantages of a water fountain include maintenance requirements, potential water leakage, and the need for electricity to operate, which can increase utility costs.

Which water fountain is good for home

A water fountain that suits your home’s decor and size, and aligns with Feng Shui principles by facing north, east, or southeast, is considered good. Choose one that fits your space and budget.

Is it good to have a water feature inside the house

Yes, having a water feature inside the house can enhance the flow of positive energy (Chi), promote relaxation, and symbolize wealth and prosperity in Feng Shui.

What do you put around a water feature

Around a water feature, you can place decorative stones, plants, or figurines that complement the water element. Ensure they enhance the overall harmony and aesthetic of the space.

What direction should waterfall be in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, a waterfall should ideally flow towards the center of your space to promote positive energy and abundance. Place it in the north, east, or southeast sectors for optimal benefits.

What is the Feng Shui for 2024

Feng Shui for 2024 emphasizes the Wood element and encourages balance, growth, and renewal. Water features can enhance positive energy flow and prosperity in the coming year.

Where should water pictures be placed in Feng Shui

Water pictures should be placed in areas that benefit from the water element, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or office, to enhance tranquility and prosperity.

Which direction should fountain face

A fountain should ideally face towards the north, east, or southeast in Feng Shui to harness positive energy flow and enhance the ambiance of your space.

Which direction should water be kept

Water should be kept flowing towards the center of your space in Feng Shui to symbolize abundance and promote positive energy flow. Ensure it aligns with the north, east, or southeast directions.

What are the spiritual benefits of water fountain

Water fountains in Feng Shui promote relaxation, tranquility, and a sense of well-being. They symbolize the flow of positive energy and can enhance spiritual harmony in your environment.

Where is the best place for a water feature

The best place for a water feature in Feng Shui is in the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or garden. These areas are associated with the water element and can enhance prosperity and positive energy.

Where do you put the water in a water feature

The water in a water feature should be placed so that it flows smoothly and harmoniously within the fountain structure. Ensure proper circulation and maintenance for optimal Feng Shui benefits.

Should a water fountain be in the sun or shade

A water fountain can be placed in either sun or shade, depending on your preference and the specific Feng Shui considerations of your space. Ensure it aligns with the north, east, or southeast directions for optimal energy flow.

Where to keep a water fountain in a home according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, place a water fountain in areas that benefit from its energy, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home. Ensure it enhances positive energy flow and promotes harmony.

What shape is water Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, water is associated with flowing and curving shapes that symbolize flexibility and adaptability. Choose water features or decor with smooth, meandering designs to enhance the water element.

Where should a sink be placed Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, place a sink in the north, east, or southeast sectors of your kitchen or bathroom to enhance the flow of water energy and promote cleanliness and prosperity.

How to boost water element Feng Shui

To boost the water element in Feng Shui, incorporate water features like fountains or aquariums in the north, east, or southeast areas of your home. Use decor in blue or black colors and reflective surfaces.

Where to put a water feature at home

Place a water feature at home in areas that benefit from its energy, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors. Ensure it enhances positive energy flow and promotes tranquility and prosperity.

Which is wealth corner in Feng Shui

The wealth corner in Feng Shui is traditionally located in the southeast sector of your home. Enhance this area with water features and symbols of prosperity to attract wealth luck.

Where should a water feature be placed

A water feature should be placed in areas that benefit from its energy flow, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or garden, to enhance prosperity and positive Chi.

Where should a waterfall picture be placed in Feng Shui

Place a waterfall picture in Feng Shui in areas that benefit from the water element, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or office. It promotes tranquility and abundance.

Can we gift a water fountain

Yes, you can gift a water fountain to others as it symbolizes harmony, abundance, and relaxation in Feng Shui. Choose one that aligns with the recipient’s home decor and Feng Shui preferences.

How to attract prosperity in Feng Shui

To attract prosperity in Feng Shui, enhance the wealth corner (southeast sector) with water features, such as fountains or aquariums, and symbols of abundance. Keep the area clean and clutter-free.

Where do you put Feng Shui water

Place Feng Shui water features and objects in areas that benefit from their energy, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home or garden. Enhance positive energy flow and promote harmony.

What Feng Shui element is 2024

In 2024, the Feng Shui elements emphasize Wood energy, which signifies growth, renewal, and flexibility. Water features can complement this energy by promoting harmony and positive flow.

What destroys water Feng Shui

Negative factors that can destroy water Feng Shui include stagnant water, clutter around water features, or placing water elements in unsuitable areas that disrupt energy flow and balance.

How can I activate my water element

To activate the water element in Feng Shui, incorporate flowing water features, such as fountains or aquariums, in the appropriate sectors of your home. Use blue or black decor and reflective surfaces.

Where to put a water fountain in a house according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, place a water fountain in areas that benefit from its energy, such as the north, east, or southeast sectors of your home. Ensure it enhances positive energy flow and promotes harmony.

Which direction is good for a water fountain

A water fountain is best placed facing north, east, or southeast in Feng Shui to harness positive energy flow and enhance the ambiance of your space. Ensure it promotes tranquility and abundance.

How do you power a water feature

Power a water feature with electricity using pumps or motors that circulate water. Ensure proper installation and maintenance to keep the flow smooth and continuous for optimal Feng Shui benefits.

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David Collins

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey