Feng Shui Mirrors | Placement, Facing Doors, Living Room, Bedroom, Office, Facing Each Other, Bad Feng Shui Mirrors

David Collins
18 min readFeb 28, 2024


Feng Shui Mirrors
Feng Shui Mirrors

Last Updated: 7/30/2024

Feng Shui Mirrors Placement

Feng Shui Mirrors Placement refers to the strategic positioning of mirrors in a space to optimize energy flow and promote harmony according to experts in feng shui principles.

It involves placing mirrors thoughtfully to attract positive energy, enhance natural light, and create a balanced environment throughout the home, living room, bedroom or office.

Feng Shui Mirrors in Bedroom

Feng Shui Mirrors in Bedroom
Feng Shui Mirrors in Bedroom

Feng Shui rules says place the mirror where it won’t directly reflect the bed to avoid disrupting sleep in the bedroom.

Ideal locations include on the side of a bedroom dresser or closet door. Ensure the mirror reflects something pleasant in the bedroom, like a piece of artwork or a beautiful view, to feel relaxed and attract calm, restful energy.

Attraction: Calm, restful energy for rejuvenation and relaxation.

Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Windows

Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Windows
Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Windows

Position mirrors on walls opposite windows to reflect natural light and expand the space visually.

The rule says avoid placing them at angles that cause glare or reflect clutter.

You want optimal placement, which is usually perpendicular to the window, attracting abundance, vitality, and a feel of openness.

Attraction: Abundance, vitality, and a sense of spaciousness.

Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Each Other

Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Each Other
Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Each Other

If mirrors must face each other, ensure they reflect positive imagery or artwork in the home.

Experts avoid positioning them directly opposite each other to prevent a constant bounce of energy.

Angle them slightly to create a harmonious exchange of energy, attracting harmony, balance, and mutual understanding.

Attraction: Harmony, balance, and mutual understanding.

Feng Shui Mirrors in Living Room

Feng Shui Mirrors in Living Room
Feng Shui Mirrors in Living Room

Strategically place mirrors facing beautiful objects or views, enhancing the room’s ambiance.

Consider placing them on walls opposite each other to create balance.

Ensure they don’t reflect clutter or sharp objects to maintain harmony, attracting sociability, abundance, and positive interactions in the home.

Attraction: Sociability, abundance, and positive interactions.

Feng Shui Mirrors in Office

Feng Shui Mirrors in Office

Position mirrors to reflect natural light or inspiring images, fostering productivity and creativity.

The rules say avoid placing mirrors facing your desk to prevent distractions.

Opt for locations that amplify space and light without causing glare, attracting clarity, focus, and success.

Attraction: Clarity, focus, and success.

Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Doors

Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Doors
Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Doors

Place mirrors to deflect negative energy entering through doors. Position them to reflect away from the door’s entrance, creating a protective barrier.

Avoid placing mirrors directly facing doors, as this can disrupt energy flow, attracting security, positivity, and stability.

Attraction: Security, positivity, and stability.

Feng Shui Mirror Shape

Feng Shui Mirror Shape: Circular mirrors
Feng Shui Mirror Shape: Circular mirrors

Consider the shape of the mirror when placing it.

Circular mirrors symbolize unity and harmony, while rectangular mirrors represent stability.

Choose a shape that aligns with your intentions for the space, attracting specific energies associated with that shape.

Attraction: Unity, harmony, and stability.

Mirror in Entryway Feng Shui

Mirror in Entryway Feng Shui
Mirror in Entryway Feng Shui

Position a mirror near the entryway to reflect positive energy into the home.

Avoid placing it directly facing the front door, as this can deflect energy away.

Experts opt for a location that enhances the entryway’s openness and welcoming atmosphere, attracting prosperity, positivity, and opportunities.

Attraction: Prosperity, positivity, and opportunities.

Bad Feng Shui Mirrors

Bad Feng Shui Mirrors
Bad Feng Shui Mirrors

Avoid placing mirrors facing locations that reflect clutter, sharp objects, or negative imagery.

Ensure they don’t directly face beds, doors, or desks to prevent disruptions in energy flow.

With mindful placement, you can harness the full potential of feng shui mirrors to create harmonious living spaces.

Attraction: Disrupted energy flow and negative influences.

Feng Shui Mirrors in House

Feng Shui Mirrors in House
Feng Shui Mirrors in House

Strategically place mirrors throughout the house to optimize energy flow and enhance overall harmony.

Experiment with different placements to find what works best for each room’s specific energy needs, attracting a harmonious and balanced atmosphere throughout the entire home.

Attraction: Harmonious and balanced atmosphere.

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

Feng Shui Mirrors Facing Front Door

In Feng Shui, mirrors hold a significant role in harnessing positive energy flow throughout your living space.

When strategically placed, mirrors can amplify natural light, expand space, and even deflect negative energy.

One key area where mirror placement is crucial is near the front door. The front door serves as the entry point for energy, also known as chi, into your home.

By strategically positioning mirrors near the front door, you can optimize the flow of energy and create a welcoming atmosphere.

One effective placement of mirrors near the front door is to position them in a way that reflects positive energy back into the home.

Placing a mirror on the wall opposite the front door can help reflect natural light and chi into the space, creating a bright and inviting entryway.

Mirrors placed near the front door can also serve a practical purpose by allowing you to check your appearance before leaving the house.

However, it’s essential to be mindful of certain Feng Shui principles when placing mirrors near the front door.

Experts avoid placing mirrors directly facing the front door, as this can create a harsh energy flow and deflect chi away from the home.

Instead, position mirrors at an angle or on adjacent walls to the front door to encourage a gentle feel and harmonious flow of energy.

By incorporating mirrors near the front door according to Feng Shui principles, you can enhance the positive energy flow into your home and create a welcoming and harmonious environment for yourself and your guests.

Remember, the front door serves as the gateway for energy to enter your home, and strategically placing mirrors can help optimize this flow for the benefit of all who dwell within.

FAQ: Feng Shui Mirrors

What are the rules of Feng Shui for mirrors?

Feng Shui offers several guidelines for mirror placement to optimize energy flow and promote harmony in your home.

These include avoiding placing mirrors directly facing doors or beds, ensuring they reflect pleasant imagery, and maintaining cleanliness to prevent the accumulation of stagnant energy.

Where should mirrors be placed for good luck?

For good luck, mirrors can be placed strategically to reflect abundance, positivity, and natural light.

Consider placing them facing windows to amplify sunlight, or in areas where they reflect symbols of prosperity and happiness.

Where not to put mirrors?

Experts say avoid placing mirrors directly facing doors or beds, as this can disrupt the flow of energy and create tension in the space.

Refrain from placing mirrors in cluttered or chaotic areas, as they can amplify negative energy.

Where should a mirror be for wealth Feng Shui?

For wealth Feng Shui, mirrors can be placed in areas associated with abundance and prosperity, such as the southeast corner of the home or the area corresponding to the wealth gua on the Bagua map.

Ensure the mirror reflects symbols of wealth and prosperity to enhance its effectiveness.

What not to do with mirrors?

Avoid placing mirrors in locations where they reflect clutter, sharp objects, or negative imagery.

Additionally, refrain from placing mirrors directly facing each other or directly facing doors, as this can create energy imbalances and disrupt the flow of chi.

What are the three rules of mirror?

The three main rules of mirror placement in Feng Shui are to avoid placing mirrors directly facing doors or beds, ensure they reflect pleasant imagery or natural light, and keep them clean and clutter-free to maintain positive energy flow.

Should I cover my mirror at night?

Covering mirrors at night is a personal preference and not a strict rule of Feng Shui.

Some people believe covering mirrors during sleep helps prevent the accumulation of negative energy, while others feel comfortable to leave them uncovered.

Which direction should a mirror not face?

Mirrors should not directly face doors or beds, as this can disrupt the flow of energy in the space. Additionally, avoid placing mirrors facing each other, as this can create energetic conflicts and imbalance.

What happens if you put a mirror in front of a mirror?

Putting a mirror in front of another mirror can create an infinite reflection effect, which some people believe can lead to energetic disturbances and imbalance in the space. It’s generally best to avoid this configuration in Feng Shui.

Which way should a mirror face in a bedroom?

In the bedroom, mirrors should ideally not directly face the bed. Instead, position them where they reflect pleasant imagery or natural light, creating a soothing and harmonious atmosphere conducive to rest and relaxation in the bedroom.

What should a mirror not reflect in Feng Shui?

In Feng Shui, mirrors should not reflect clutter, sharp objects, or negative imagery.

It’s important to ensure that mirrors reflect positive energy and symbols of harmony and abundance to maintain a balanced and harmonious living environment.

What are the rules for mirror placement?

The rules for mirror placement in Feng Shui include avoiding placing mirrors directly facing doors or beds, ensuring they reflect pleasant imagery or natural light, and keeping them clean and clutter-free to feel and maintain positive energy flow.

Should a mirror face a door?

Mirrors should generally not directly face doors in Feng Shui, as this can disrupt the flow of energy entering the space.

However, mirrors can be strategically placed near doors to deflect negative energy or welcome positive energy, depending on your intentions/ feel.

Learn All About Feng Shui And How To Feng Shui Your Home.

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David Collins

A lover and student of feng shui sharing what i learn on my journey