18. How to work from anywhere — 30 Days Of Medium

James Thomas
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2018

Welcome back to 30 Days Of Medium.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading, clapping and commenting so far! Today’s topic is — How to work from anywhere.

You can catch up on the first 18 days of my 30 Days Of Medium challenge below if you missed them:

0. 30 Days Of Medium

1. What do you need to build your own website? — 30 Days Of Medium

2. How to find a business you love — 30 Days Of Medium

3. How to build your own website — 30 Days Of Medium

4. How to measure your website’s performance — 30 Days Of Medium

5. How to get more customers by answering their questions -30 Days Of Medium

6. The successful business website cheat sheet — 30 Days Of Medium

7. How to measure success — 30 Days Of Medium

8. Understanding the Online Sales Funnel — 30 Days Of Medium

9. What is traffic and why is it important? — 30 Days Of Medium

10. What is Google URL Builder and why should you use it? — 30 Days Of Medium

11. Double your traffic by automating your social media schedule — 30 Days Of Medium

12. How to tell what sells — 30 Days Of Medium

13. How I grew my Medium following 6,500% — 30 Days Of Medium

14. How you look at things matters — 30 Days Of Medium

15. How to SELL services to small businesses — 30 Days Of Medium

16. How to win more deals with effective proposals — 30 Days Of Medium

17. How to setup an online store in 10 minutes — 30 Days Of Medium

18. How to work from anywhere — 30 Days Of Medium

19. Why your website is sabotaging your sales — 30 Days Of Medium

20. Where does your traffic come from? — 30 Days Of Medium

21. How to actually recognise burnout — 30 Days Of Medium

22. How to hack your schedule and get twice as much done — 30 Days Of Medium

23. Don’t copy your competitors — 30 Days Of Medium

24. How to SEO optimise a blog post — 30 Days Of Medium

25. Be unique or be forgotten — 30 Days Of Medium

26. Going with your gut — 30 Days Of Medium

27. People don’t pay for average — 30 Days Of Medium

28. How to do keyword research — 30 Days Of Medium

29. Why The Pareto Principle is the world’s biggest hack — 30 Days Of Medium

30. Your content is more profitable than your telephone — 30 Days Of Medium

The 9–5 is dead

In 2018 we are incredibly lucky in that its possible to make a living doing just about anything.

Anything you could think of, I would be hugely surprised if you could think of something that someone, somewhere, is not being paid to do.

We have smart phones that possess the same computing power as our most advanced computers of 30 years ago.

We can instantaneously video chat with people the other side of the world.

We have Instagram. (o.k they can’t all be useful).

That being said, the 9–5 is on its way out.

With software eating the world and robots soon to polish off the scraps in the next 10–20 years, the job landscape today is vastly different to what it was even 10 years ago.

The ‘9–5’ is a thing of the past.

Lots of companies still adopt these business hours, but we have remote work forces, people working from home, shared responsibility across jobs and entire business functions offshore.

In 10 years, huge chunks of our retail, hospitality, manufacturing and construction jobs will be gone. But we won’t lose them to immigration, we’ll lose them robots!

How to work from anywhere

There are limitless ways of working from anywhere, depending on how skilled and creative you are.

Here’s one simple way you can sack your boss and work from anywhere:

  1. Become proficient in a skill (design, development, mobile, marketing, UI)
  2. Learn inbound marketing and adopt an inbound model to acquire customers
  3. Build up your business/cashflow over a year
  4. Get a good laptop
  5. Move:)


There’s actually a huge community of people doing this called Digital Nomads.

They have their own online community and the owner even created this amazing tool called Nomad List.

Nomad List

This super cool platform aggregates and rates all the locations you can live and work in remotely.

The community is comprised of entrepreneurs and digital workers who travel the world moving from freelance project to freelance project.

There’s a slack channel, forum and chat rooms for you to talk to other digital nomads doing the same thing!

Are you currently working remotely and travelling the world? If so I’d love to hear from you.

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James Thomas
The Startup

Owner of squareinternet.co. Writing about how to build, grow and scale a business online.