28. How to do keyword research — 30 Days Of Medium

James Thomas
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 27, 2018
30 Days Of Medium

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0. 30 Days Of Medium

1. What do you need to build your own website? — 30 Days Of Medium

2. How to find a business you love — 30 Days Of Medium

3. How to build your own website — 30 Days Of Medium

4. How to measure your website’s performance — 30 Days Of Medium

5. How to get more customers by answering their questions -30 Days Of Medium

6. The successful business website cheat sheet — 30 Days Of Medium

7. How to measure success — 30 Days Of Medium

8. Understanding the Online Sales Funnel — 30 Days Of Medium

9. What is traffic and why is it important? — 30 Days Of Medium

10. What is Google URL Builder and why should you use it? — 30 Days Of Medium

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13. How I grew my Medium following 6,500% — 30 Days Of Medium

14. How you look at things matters — 30 Days Of Medium

15. How to SELL services to small businesses — 30 Days Of Medium

16. How to win more deals with effective proposals — 30 Days Of Medium

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20. Where does your traffic come from? — 30 Days Of Medium

21. How to actually recognise burnout — 30 Days Of Medium

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23. Don’t copy your competitors — 30 Days Of Medium

24. How to SEO optimise a blog post — 30 Days Of Medium

25. Be unique or be forgotten — 30 Days Of Medium

26. Going with your gut — 30 Days Of Medium

27. People don’t pay for average — 30 Days Of Medium

28. How to do keyword research — 30 Days Of Medium

29. Why The Pareto Principle is the world’s biggest hack — 30 Days Of Medium

30. Your content is more profitable than your telephone — 30 Days Of Medium

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of finding the stuff your customers are searching for on Google.

Using Google Keyword Planner, or AHREFS, you can see data directly from Google on what keywords people use, how many searches they get and how difficult they are to rank for.

For example, let’s say you run a WordPress & Woocommerce agency like me.

My customers are small businesses who need help building or growing their WordPress or Woocommerce sites.

I need to find keywords with commercial intent from the 3 parts of the inbound marketing funnel.

They search for things like:

  1. ‘How to add posts to a page on WordPress’ — KD 0 (0–10)
  2. ‘Setup PayPal in Woocommerce — KD 0 (0–10)
  3. WordPress add photos — KD 0 (0–10)
AHREFS Keyword research

How do I know this? Because they are from my actual long tail keyword research that I use to write my blog posts.

Why do keyword research

This is like asking why advertise?

Or probably more appropriately, why put a sign on the front of your store?

People are looking for what you can provide. They just don’t know you can do it yet.

Keyword research allows you to write smart. If you’re going to write good content, write it so it’s searchable and can bring your targeted organic traffic from Google.

What’s better — a well written article that no one reads, or a well written article that 100 people read over the year?

Out of those 10 people there might 1 or 2 customers for you.

This is why keyword research is so invaluable, as it allows you to write short well written pieces of long tail content (content written for a long keyword) that can generate leads for your business.

There is also the case of establishing thought leadership in your field.

One of the quickest ways to grow your business is to establish yourself as an authority for content marketing.

Your customers don’t know what you know, only you do.

So tell them! Show them how knowledgeable you are on your chosen topic and build trust with them. Over time this will convert into future business.

How to do keyword research

It’s actually really simple, follow this process.

  1. Type your chosen keyword into AHREFS or Google Keyword Planner
  2. Click on ‘Volume’ to show the lowest volume keywords.
  3. Build a list of low volume, low competition keywords with commercial intent (you can see your customers typing these keywords into Google).
WordPress low volume keywords

For the search term ‘WordPress’ there’s over 100 thousand low volume, low competition keywords. So I have a lot to chose from.

When doing my keyword research I need to make sure I use relevant, targeted keywords that future buyers might be using.

You need to do the same with your keyword research.

To rank for these keywords, write at least 300 word articles on each of these keywords that are well written and helpful.

I would recommend of building a list and planning out your content months in advance.

This helps me be productive and write my content at the same time every day with a minimum of effort.

Ranking for long tail keywords is a long term strategy that yields great results but takes time and consistent effort.

Don’t expect 1000 new visitors overnight. Consistently monitor your organic traffic using Google Analytics and the Acquisition Report I talked about in my previous article 20. Where Does Your Traffic Come From — 30 Days Of Medium

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James Thomas
The Startup

Owner of squareinternet.co. Writing about how to build, grow and scale a business online.