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Pourquoi Les Croissants sont partis en vacances le temps d’une semaine

Les Croissants est la première matinale radio intelligente. Stanislas, co-fondateur et créateur de l’app, explique pourquoi son équipe a pris une pause le temps d’une semaine, dans une aventure en pleine


Global teams working across offices, cultures, and languages

The story of how we…

How I got more realistic about being an entrepreneur

The last resort for me seems to be entrepreneurship. However, how could I become an entrepreneur?

In my first year at university, one of my mentors recommended me to visit an event by Etic, a NPO matching…

Be The Fuck Alone

I wrote this a few years ago, a time when I was slowly embracing my introverted side. The picture? It was taken when I was

How to live and die with your one thing?

Robert Greene said in his book Mastery that a person requires at least 10,000 hours of work in a single field to get mastery over anything.

It is equivalent to 416 days nearly. So if you can work on one thing for 416 days, you will…

Shut Up and Listen, Then the Magic Happens

I have worked in social media for almost 10 years and have always thought of it as a…

everyone is an expert at giving advice

You can be an expert at a lot of things. I know expert musicians, expert athletes, and…

Origins #60 — Exploring physical locations for our product

The touch and feel

In this series we are documenting the journey of building DULO, starting from Day 1. Every week we publish a new chapter that takes you behind the scenes of our process…
5 Awesome Medium Publications Digital Nomads Should be Reading
Timothee Grassin

I’m so honored to be included with such a worthwhile group! Thank you Tim Denning!! And thank you for introducing me to On Your Terms — I hadn’t discovered that pub yet.

Here’s to an amazing future all around!

Chapter 12: Sink or Swim!

Long before I became a CMO, I worked for over seven years making low-budget action/horror movies for the NY based

Thank you for providing tips on navigating on medium.
Phoenicia Oyeniyi

Hi Phoenicia Oyeniyi,

Yes, it’s a nice place to write your ideas. And we all want to encourage one another.

Blessings in your writing,


women’s empowerment international santa

Women’s Empowerment International Santa- Women’s Empowerment International California

The Tracy Repchuk International Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt*, not-for-profit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable

How To Keep Your Customers and Leads In The Know With Beamer

In Episode 75 of the podcast, I talked about the difficulty in keeping customers and prospects up to date with information about your business. Between aggressive spam checking, consent regulations like GDPR, and just…

Women’s Empowerment International California

Women Empowerment Training to Learn and Lead- Women’s Empowerment International California

The Tracy Repchuk International Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt*, not-for-profit corporation organized and operated exclusively for