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Quantum Computation: a journey on the Bloch sphere.

by the QWA writing squad*.

Two weeks ago we familiarised ourselves with the fundamental concepts of quantum computing. In this article, we continue building up more intuition about what a computation is, and what…

How to manage your team like a boss

The beloved uncle of a superhero once said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Five Reasons Why Balanced Teams Are So Important For Startups

This is originally an article that I had published on Forbes on May 11, 2018.

According to a study by Statistics Brain, the failure rate of all U.S.-venture-backed companies after five years was…

7 Entrepreneurs who inspired me most

Codnostic Solutions was a long sought after dream. The fact that it manifested in 2016 was because I wanted to fill the gaps that I saw in the industry, my way.

I set off, inspired by people who were idealists in philosophy, philanthropist…

Stagnant wages are stirring populist anger and making “CEO” a dirty word.
13D Research

“Meanwhile, John Della Volpe, polling director at Harvard, has said of millennials and capitalism: ‘“They’re not rejecting the concept. The way in which capitalism is practiced today, in the minds of young people — that’s what they’re rejecting.”’

Importance of Having a Solid SOW for Creatives & Entrepreneurs

Rewind almost 8 years ago. I had won a pretty significant sized project, which would have yielded the agency I owned at the time an almost 50% profit margin (unheard of in the agency space).

Join Me Today at 12pm EST on Monica Michelle’s Podcast!

Join me today at 12pm EST to listen to me discuss my phenomenal journey on Monica Michelle’s podcast. I will be discussing my business, Phenomena Corporation. I have created Phenomena in 2016 and in its 2 years of existence has logged…

This story is unavailable.

Nice read. It is interesting… I have been reading a lot of these books as I recently left my full time job to pursue my own events business. I think there are some good things to take from Gary Vee and Grant Cardone and Tim Ferriss. They have all achieved success in different ways. I try to be discerning in what I read (although I really like what…