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Product Management

Product Management for Journalists (一)-新聞室PM該具備什麼樣的能力?

Knight Center的「Product Management for Journalists」課程,總共四周的課程,每週請不同的專業講師來講解新聞室PM這個角色。第一堂聚焦在PM職位的介紹,為什麼它將成為新聞室不可或缺的角色,以及它需要具備的條件、職位內容等。

Plan Product Features with Barvas

Here at Barvas we are big believers in eating your own dog food (i’m even drafting this blog post in Barvas!). We manage all of our Product Development, Sales and Marketing Projects in Barvas. After all, if we can’t use the tool to get things done, how can we expect…