The Hero’s Hold #11 — Jan. 24, 2022

6 min readJan 24, 2022


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the details about heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with game news, statistics, metrics, and more!

This week, we’ve got a shorter edition for you — the old API is running so far behind that I can’t get all of the data that I’d normally like to share. But now that v6 is running in Beta (see below), we will hopefully have access to its data by next week!

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (News)
  • The Crystal Ball (Upcoming)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Stats)

Let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

Yes, the market is crashing all around us, but DFK keeps delivering. As Fox likes to say:

APIv6 Launched on Beta

After many weeks of anticipation (and a few of headache), this week we finally saw APIv6 launch on Beta, newly powering the tavern and a bunch of other in-game functions. Many thanks to our devs, especially Pine Cone, GomaDare, and typicool t-rex, for all of their hard work on the back-end development and front-end implementation.

Thank you, Pine Cone!

If you haven’t tried the tavern on Beta yet, it’s running smooth as butter, and while there are still a few kinks to work out (including a Priest named Pubahn Vineformer who wants to be the new Doro Phannulon), we can all agree it’s a huge improvement!

This new API will also serve as the backbone of future development for DFK. Frisky and other team members have stated numerous times that the new database will allow for features like tagging your heroes, and will undoubtedly play a role in the future quest system as well!

New $JEWEL/$CRYSTAL Airdrops Announced

On Saturday, FriskyFox announced the next round of JEWEL/CRYSTAL airdrops, starting today, and taking place over the coming weeks. They include:

  • Secret Snapshots for xJEWEL Holders
  • JEWEL/CRYSTAL and Crystalvale Gen0 Airdrops for xJEWEL Holders
  • JEWEL/CRYSTAL and Gen 0 Airdrops for Hero Levelers
  • JEWEL/CRYSTAL Jackpot for Hero Summoners

For full details, check out the official Discord announcement linked above, or read Samichpunch’s writeup & summary of all of these airdrops and contests.

New Details on Hero Genetics

During the past few weeks, more people have learned about the four Active and Passive traits that each hero carries in their genetic code (active1 active2, passive1, and passive2— mentioned in my Deep Dive on Hero Genetics).

Mirroring the class tree, these genes can mutate from basic to advanced to elite to transcendent. Hubert told us this week that we can expect these abilities to be used in combat, and perhaps more.

But what came to light more recently, however, is that the original team heroes (#1–19) were inadvertently seeded with recessive genes from the upper tiers, making their descendants potentially more powerful than other heroes without having those genes mutate first.

As Hubert noted, this was unintended and potentially game-imbalancing. The team is currently discussing what changes they may make, but it is unknown at this time what will happen with those first 19 heroes and all of their descendants.

We are aware and we do want to make it right, because that was not our intention. — Hubert Cumberdale

Heroes of the Week

Finally, two heroes of the week as we finally crossed the threshold of 100,000 heroes summoned:

Teneret Moltenreaper #99999 (Katsukatsu)
Harmonia Dirgesprinter #100000 (Katsukatsu)

Congratulations to Katsukatsu on for summoning both of these milestone-marker heroes!

The Crystal Ball

A few things that the team has mentioned we can expect in the coming weeks:

  • Stamina Changes — Upcoming changes to stamina regeneration will allow heroes who have finished a quest that hasn’t been completed (i.e. pressing the ‘Complete Quest’ button) to begin regenerating stamina!
  • Gardening Changes — Confirmed during last week’s AMA, we will see Gardening reworked to add a jackpot/lucky roll, just like Mining, and also to institute a minimum JEWEL reward per stamina spent.

The Summoner’s Circle

Even with this week’s limited data, let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far.

Total Heroes: 103,744 (+7,099 / 7.35%)

Hero Growth

This week we saw hero summons continue to increase, as the Summoning airdrop came to a close. The total number of heroes increased by 7,099 this week — 7.35%, with an average of over 1000 new heroes summoned every day!

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Jan. 24: 103,744 (+7,099 / 7.35%)
• Jan. 17: 96,645 (+5,490 / 6.02%)
• Jan. 10: 91,155 (+6,187 / 7.28%)
• Jan. 3: 84,968 (4,125 / 5.1%)

Leveling Competition Heats Up

While we can’t get into detailed stat breakdowns this week, we can, however, take a closer look at the Hero Leveling Competition (see above).

A number of heroes have been chugging Stamina Vials in hopes of being one of the Top-5 heroes by level when the competition ends on Feb. 14. So while last week, we’d only seen a handful of Level 5 Heroes, this week, hero levels have gone up dramatically. Here are the top heroes that have reached at least Level 7:

Note: These numbers were taken at approximately 9:30am ET, and have already changed since then. The competition is fierce!

  1. Hubertine Casksong #1290(testy bug) — Level 9 (1986/16000)
  2. Anorim Whitshield #253 (sashei) — Level 8 (12000/12000)
  3. Lowuen Greatbow #19802 (Littledwf2) — Level 8 (2180/12000)
  4. Mango Hammercutter #35099 (Rindodo) — Level 8 (161/12000)
  5. Arlolin Deathseeker #6760 (DonkeyPunch) — Level 7 (8750/10000)
  6. Phellamene Summerscream #57622 (piero) — Level 7 (1789/10000)
  7. Mor Venorus #581 (Vedas) — Level 7 (1345/100000)
  8. Sinead Driftblade #1627 (Michael3388) — Level 7 (90/10000)

Along with the massive amounts of stamina required to reach these levels, we can also see that the amount of XP required per level is beginning to increase dramatically!

Finally, if you choose to take part in the competition, keep in mind that while Stamina Vials are allowed, exploiting bugs to increase your stamina or quest production is prohibited:

Happy Questing!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper on Twitter.

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The interior of the Hero’s Hold is finally revealed!

