List #6: 30 Questions I Reflect On Every Saturday Morning

30 Lists of 30 to Celebrate my 30th Birthday

Georgie Nightingall
6 min readAug 6, 2021
Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

The What & Why Behind This Project:

This year I turn 30. And my gosh, I have been thinking about it a lot. I don’t know if it’s the pandemic, or the fact that this milestone is loaded with many societal expectations, but my mind has inundated me with reflections and memories from the past, with questions arising about my life choices and lesson learnt, about my expectations of being a human and about my desires for the future. And this combined with pandemic reflections has meant there has been a lot on my mind….🤔

I started writing a series of questions and lists of all the elements I wanted to capture and articulate. There were a lot, unsurprisingly; 30 years is a long time really! So I gave up on the 1 list idea that I normally write (30 reflections/lessons turning 30) and decided to write 30 lists.

30 Lists of 30, for my 30th Birthday.

Who are these lists for, you might wonder? I started writing reflections many years ago to get to know myself better. And when I shared these raw and real accounts with friends I discovered that what I wrote about my individual journey, touched upon something universally human. Beyond the masks and labels we wear is a messy, beautifully complex life, with highs and lows. And more similar to others than we might think.

So I share them in the hope that you too might feel something — intrigue, joy, resonance or maybe even difference — as you reflect on what it means to be a human. I recognise that my experiences are my own, that some come from a place of privilege and that they may not all be relatable or interesting to you. I know I can’t please everyone, so take what you can…(and let me know what lands!).

So, Back to Lists…

The Why Behind List #6: 30 Questions I Reflect on Every Saturday Morning

If you haven’t realised it already from the nature of this project, I absolutely LOVE reflecting. A few years ago I realised the value of journaling around specific questions. It made me stop and look back, celebrate and re-live the good moments and also understand what wasn’t working and why so I could change my behaviour. The insights I discovered were invaluable, and the act of staring out the window with coffee (the coffee is essential by the way) and questions every Saturday is so deeply joyful and one of my favourite rituals. It has also had an enormous impact on re-wiring many of my Type-A clients who spend their time achieving so much and yet rarely take the time to notice the journey. If I could gift the world some practices, this would be in the top 3! Lastly, I tried the 5 minute journal and other reflective question practices but didn’t like the questions enough so compiled my own. This is version 4. Enjoy!

List #6: 30 Questions I Reflect on Every Saturday Morning

  1. Complete the Wheel of Life — what number (out of 10) would you give each of these areas of your life?: Work and Career, Finance, Relationship with Significant Other, Family, Friends, Hobbies & interests, Energy/ Health/Fitness, Spiritual And Personal Development
  2. What was my greatest accomplishment over the past week? What am I proud of?
  3. Which moment from last week was the most memorable, or joyful and why?
  4. Which moment from last week was surprising? Why?
  5. What good decisions did I make this week?
  6. What has been my biggest challenge this week?
  7. When did I feel the most stressed, exhausted or out of balance?
  8. What did I learn this week? How can I apply this to next week?
  9. How have I looked after myself this week?
  10. What was last week’s biggest time sink? What could I spend more and less time doing?
  11. What did I crave this week?
  12. How did fear and uncertainty affect what I did and didn’t do?
  13. Is there anyone who deserves a big ‘Thank You’? / What am I most grateful for this week?
  14. The word or theme for this week is….
  15. Is there anything else that needs to be acknowledged about this week?
  16. What’s the #1 thing I need to accomplish next week? What would make next week a success?
  17. What do I need to do to ensure I accomplish this?
  18. Am I carrying any excess baggage into the week that can be dropped? What mental clutter can I clear?
  19. What have I been avoiding that needs to get done?
  20. What can I do right now to make the week less stressful?
  21. Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to talk to?
  22. How can I help someone else this coming week?
  23. What am I looking forward to during the upcoming week?
  24. What are my fears about the next week? What do I need to do to meet those fears?
  25. Assess your 1st goal for the next 3 months. Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goal?
  26. What’s the next step for goal 1?
  27. Assess your top 2nd goal for the next 3 months. Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goal?
  28. What’s the next step for goal 2?
  29. Assess your top 3rd goal for the next 3 months. Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goal?
  30. What’s the next step for goal 3?

☕ If you enjoyed reading this list and want to support my writing I would love a coffee!

👉 👈

Your support will help me fund my PhD starting in October 2021 at the School of Design Engineering, Imperial College, London. The subject: Human Connection & Conversation Design. This research lab >

Want To Read More Lists?

I’m publishing one list every day in August (and will add the hyperlinks below).

  1. 30 Reasons Why I’m Writing 30 Lists of 30
  2. 30 Questions I’m Living Right Now
  3. 30 Ways To Have An Awesome Conversation
  4. 30 Risks I Took & What I Learnt
  5. 30 Ways to Create and Cultivate Community
  6. 30 Questions I Reflect on Every Saturday Morning
  7. 30 Essential Items I Pack Backpacking
  8. 30 Skills We Need But Don’t Teach
  9. 30 Things I Wasn’t That Grateful For But Am Now
  10. 30 Reflective Questions that Lead to Fascinating Conversations
  11. 30 Signs I am Most Definitely an Adult
  12. 30 Beliefs I Changed about Myself & Life
  13. 30 Games I’m Playing in Life
  14. 30 Confusing Messages I’ve Internalised About Who To Be & How to Live
  15. 30 Ways I’m Totally Imperfect
  16. 30 Considerations for Designing Meaningful Human Connection Experiences
  17. 30 Mundane Experiences That Can Actually Be Quite Magical
  18. 30 Words To Describe Elements of My Pandemic Experience
  19. 30 Things I’ve Learnt About Human Behaviour That Show Up Everywhere
  20. 30 Words I Love
  21. 30 Parts of Me
  22. 30 Principles I Live By
  23. 30 Lessons from 5 Years of Entrepreneurship and Creating
  24. 30 Health, Productivity, Creativity and Happiness Optimisation Experiments I’ve Explored And The Life Hacks that Resulted From Them
  25. 30 Things I am Proud of (Achieving) Before 30
  26. 30 Experiences (& Goals) For the Next 10-ish Years
  27. 30 Things I Need To Let Go As I Move Forward Into The Next Chapter
  28. 30 Journal Entries from the Last 20 Years
  29. 30 Lists That Didn’t Make it to the 30 Lists
  30. 30 Reflections Writing 30 Lists of 30

Follow me on Medium to read them.

Still Curious?!

💬 Watch my TEDx talk: Talking to Strangers: Having a Meaningful Conversation

📖 Read about some of my work recently published in How to Become a Master at Talking to Strangers

✍️ Stay connected through Conversations With Georgie: The Home of My Thoughts as a Life-Long Learner. Curious. Deep. Exploratory. Real and Raw.

📧 Contact Me:



Georgie Nightingall

Founder @ Trigger | Engineering Human Connection Through the Lost Art of Conversation | Lifelong Learner