All Stories published by Business Daily: Startups, Business Development, Management on January 28, 2014

Our investment in Medium

All of us at Greylock are thrilled to be leading an investment in Medium. Both Josh Elman and I are joining the board. We look forward to supporting Ev Williams as he builds Medium into the next great publishing network. You can read Ev’s thoughts on our partnership here.

13 Useful Tools Every Startup Should Be Using


It is always helpful to know when someone has opened or not opened your emails so you know when you need to follow-up. Now you never have to worry or wonder if someone…

Mindfulness is Not What You Think

Mindfulness, as TIME Magazine notes this week, is #hot. As I pointed out in The Art of Zen Leadership, finding your still point is an essential aspect of leadership. It’s also the foundation of living what counts, from top to bottom: mental clarity, emotional balance…

Business Daily: Startups, Business Development, Management
This is a collections for articles about business including startups, business developments, and management. Managed by @tkwyoung and @aptnumber2
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