Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet
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5 min readSep 22, 2021


Crow’s Feet writers and readers are fired up, jumping into this great conversation to re-define life as we age. Old stereotypes are falling but not quickly enough. People still face anxiety when they see how their worth is being questioned because of their age.

Anxiety can serve a purpose. It can push you to examine what’s wrong and what’s right about your life. Many Crow’s Feet writers are doing just that and finding wisdom and humor in how they are living their lives.

Roger Reid recognizes the ageism problem in his piece that describes how a late-life crises is external. It comes from a culture that praises disposability — a notion that unfortunately, also includes its seniors.” He then offers practical solutions to balance this negative force, urging readers to retain their identities as useful and contributing members of society.

Check out Roger’s piece and dozens of insightful stories in this week’s digest of stories about life as we age.

Reflections on Life

You May Have Made It Through a Mid-Life Crisis, But Your Late-Life Crisis is Going to Be a Bitch! The problems and challenges that confused and worried us thirty years ago are no longer the issue. By Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

Never Give Up on Hope. No matter what comes your way. By Bruce Stambaugh

Are You Enjoying Old Age with All the Optimism You Can Muster? Each day is a gift to enjoy, even with all its faults. By Richard Armstrong

We All Suffer from Two Great Addictions. Yes. That Means You and Me, Too. And they are ripping us apart. By Julia E Hubbel

The Retirement Revolution Will Not be Televised. What are you rebelling against? By The Recovering Educator

Reflections on Death

Are You Afraid to Die? I’m not. By Mary McGrath

Dealing With Grief, Loss and Death. There is no proper way to grieve. By Destiny S. Harris

We Need To Make Our Final Wishes Known Before Our Time Comes. Our families will thank us for it, I promise. By Ruby Lee

The Hourglass of Time

Reading the Face of Father Time. It’s the most urgent wake-up call you’ll ever receive. How will you answer it? By Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

Life Has Its Limits After All. How a lifetime shrinks in the span of history. By Nancy Peckenham

Would You Want to Live to 100? My mother is just 2 years and 1 month away from 100 years old, but I’m not asking her if she wants to get there. By Marie A Bailey

Life Secrets Revealed

I Don’t Wear a Bra. So what? By Roz Warren

Hello Anxiety, My Old Friend. One of my dearest friends is a recovering alcoholic, with 27 years of sobriety under her belt. This is how she describes her drinking: “I… By Kate Stone Lombardi

How I Solved My Midlife Crisis. Without buying a Ferrari or taking a mistress. By Micah Ward

Finding Solo Pleasures. Life has new lessons for me in enjoying embodiment. By Colleen Hannegan

The Lies That Loneliness Like to Tell Us. As we get older, these unwelcome guests creep into our minds more often. This is what I do about them. By Carole Olsen

I Remember When…

Then and There, Here and Now. The 30th reunion haunting. By Carol Lennox

Why I Still Have A Landline. A Boomer defends the indefensible. By David Martin

TV-Watching Ground Rules for Baby Boomers. Sit Too Close and You’ll Go Blind! And NO “Dark Shadows!” By Roz Warren

Has Writing Letters Become a Lost Art? One magical moment would change my way of thinking forever. By Jackie Madden Haugh

Health & Wellness

Away From Her. Accepting my mother as she is now. By Judah Leblang

Confessions of a Mature Belly Dancer. Looking for an interesting, fun exercise program, I found the one for me! By Meryl Baer

I Think I Might Be Losing My Hair. But I’m too scared to find out for sure. By Keith Dias

My Butt Moved to My Belly. Accepting the body’s rearranging with age. By Laura Culberg- Welcoming Opposites

Cosmetic Surgery…Yes or No? I’ve got mixed emotions on this one… By Mary McGrath

My Husband Says I Don’t Tolerate Pain Very Well. After putting up with his litany of ailments all these years, I came back with the perfect rebuttal. By Carole Olsen

A Breakup Letter to My Dentist: This Dental Gold Mine is Pulling Up Her Stakes. State-of-the-art does not mean that you can treat old people like morons. By Carole Olsen

A Retired Friend, My Age, Had a Stroke Because He Stopped Taking His Meds. And that scares the hell out of me. By Lee J. Bentch


Restart, Not Retire. How to convince yourself it’s time to pack it in. By David Martin

At What Age Should Someone Retire? The answer surprised me. By Ruby Lee

Retirement Seminar Fail. I was about to give my first retirement investment seminar. I was hyped, ready and knowledgeable — but wrong. By Brian Dickens Barrabee


Four Old Guys Go To The Park. And sit on park benches. Ridiculous conversation ensues. By Mark Starlin

Three Amusing Announcements to Tickle Your Funny Bone and One Driving You to Tears. A little help from an old man on what to throw and what to stow. By Richard Armstrong

Driving Isn’t Easy When Your Partner’s in the Car. We’re about ready for marriage counseling! By Mary McGrath

The Media

Five Ways TV Commercials Insult People Over 50. Women get hit hardest, but men take their lumps, too — and if you’re in your 40s, they’re coming for you. By Janice Harayda

Tik Tok is Not Just for Gen Z. Think you’re too old for Tik Tok? Think again. By Dagmara Cintron

Can We Talk about Podcasts? What are you listening to? By Pat Austin Becker

Best of the Rest

My Neighborhood Turned into a NORC. And I maybe sort of don’t like it. By Orrin Onken

Flight 93. What is a hero? By Barry Knister

Please — Don’t Call Me Dad. It just didn’t feel right to have him call me Dad. By Brian Dickens Barrabee

The Finishing Touch — baubles, hair, and makeup are not the only things we need in our lives. Examining my reflection in the full-length mirror. By Jackie Madden Haugh

Back to School for This Old Fogey. It’s been three decades. By Robin James

Tips For Finding a Job When You Are in Your Sixties. It’s an uphill climb for sure. By Ruby Lee

Mr. Eric, The Best School Bus Driver Ever! Seeing my husband in action with preschoolers, melted my heart. By Carole Olsen



Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet

Journalist, editor, mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, adventurer, history-lover. Editor of Crow’s Feet