This is Part 3 of a series on popular photographer tools by Polarr Photo Editor. Read…
As the mainstream design community, Behance and Dribbble, provide great convenience for…
Tools I love working with ❤️️❤️️❤️️
Professor: Molly Wright Steenson, PhDTAs: Francis Carter & Silvia Mata-Marin
In this post I’ll share some simple facilitation methods I use on the job in order to create definition, expedite the design process and create transparency with various stakeholders and team members on any given project.
A s a UX designer, when I tell people what I do for a living I usually get responses such as:
Creating a “Brand” for a startup is complicated. Every article I’ve read about it seems to start the same way: “brand isn’t just your company colors and your logo… it’s other stuff, too. But this other stuff is fluffy and intangible…
Lately, at least once a week I find myself sitting across the table from someone, walking through an explanation of what UX Design is.
“MVP” suffers from over exposure. It has lost its original meaning. Like “beta” before it, MVP is often (usually?) used to allow corner cutting with empty promises of fixing it next time. We should be using clear language that is descriptive and has meaning built in.
UX Design is short for “user experience design”. It is exactly what it’s called, designing for user experience. Let’s read the following definition:
User Experience Design (UXD or UED or…
Designing empty states is never an art. Instead, it is a psychology. Before we dig in, what are empty states? According to Craig Dennis “Empty states are places in apps that have no content or data. They are empty. A blank page.”
We take design seriously at Akanka. It’s why we started Akanka Labs as a way to explore how…
You’ve been on Pinterest, or Instagram, or wherever, and you’ve seen this new modern calligraphy thing. Or you’ve seen one of those Buzzfeed posts or Insider videos where someone does beautiful writing with a fancy brush pen, and you think, “wow! I could never do that”.
This is a story about a GV-style design sprint. If you’ve never heard of that, you can learn more here or read the book.
Хочется верить, что нелегкий процесс обучения всё же двигает нас вперед. Как бы плохо и лениво я не выполняла новые задачи, надеюсь хотя бы пара нейронных связей в мозгу возьмет да укрепится.
A product created from nothing.
What you are about to read is how an inexperienced UX designer gave birth to a mobile application prototype called ‘re.Intro’. The creation of ‘re.Intro’ was developed as a…
2016 has been a big year for me. I have made the decision to transit from a quant finance people to a product designer. I have made bad decisions and good decisions on the way.
…Why this is the best thing you’ll ever hear.
The title of this paper is inspired by an interesting article that John Zimmer…
Curated by Krishnaa Artisto.
My buying process is quite easy being a designer. If it is packaged well it’s in my cart.
Couple of months back I got offered a project to design for a beverage brand which…
As UX designers we strive to deliver and ship the best products out there. Our passion often…
In order to get a better understanding of User Experience (UX) Design let’s start by defining ‘design’…
As the title suggests I’m currently on a train, tired from a weekend of bootcamping at GA…
That’s (maybe) the reason I feel like my life is running through my hands.
I remember I was twelve years old in. It was Christmas time. We got our first PC. I was hoping for this machine for a year. I would talk about long to everyone how much I want one and what I would do if I would own one. My excitement was so big, I even opened…
The real origin of today’s digital flat design was not Microsoft’s phone UI. It was the arrival of reliable browser support for CSS 2.1, which brought the box model, positioning, and other features that allowed designers to begin actually designing “in the browser.” This was revolutionary, and necessary, as the new mobile web, really introduced by…
Amazon Alexa dominated CES with hundreds of other companies integrating the Voice Control into their products.
This is neat, but as the list of Alexa’s skills goes longer, it could also get bloated. There are…
(Know your Victorians)
“Second Empire Architecture,” is a sub-type of Victorian and refers to French history under the reign of Napoleon III. Bonaparte is acknowledged as the leader of the First Empire, his son was known as “Napoleon II,”…
Ótimo artigo Ruan de Almeida (Kakate)!
Atualmente uso o Sketch, migrei recentemente do Photoshop e é uma ferramenta espetacular! E ainda tem os diversos plugins para facilitar nossa vida. Vou testar alguns que você citou.
Ah, coloca os links dos plugins na matéria ;)
Yes, visualization requires a combination of design, data, and tech skills. But the person…
As a mother I was always complaining about the daily organization: I have a freelance job, my husband a full-time job as employee and my two kids have a lot of appointments (school, sports and friends). Sometimes my Agenda is full of events/notes and at a first glance there’s no white space to add a coffee…
Totally ridiculous, who says Airdrop is not functional? Considering the fact that you have shown no data to back all your “assumptions” clearly means you have broken the number 1 rule of creating a UI (learn to do research)
I use Airdrop everyday more than those social medias you’re putting as priority.
In the 1980s, I was designing computer graphics tools that could do lots of things, but sometimes our customers…
I’ve been on quite the journey in the 8 years since I committed to learning the…
Yesterday I have downloaded Amazon Prime Video app.
Sadly it doesn’t have any tvOS app.
But the AirPlay experience is pretty unique and awesome.
The 2017 FRC season has kicked off and TNT members have been hard at work designing and prototyping their first…
One of the toughest challenges I’ve experienced innovating in the field is knowing when to draw the line between a “prototype”…
The gay couple who live in the double-fronted house just off the south circular en route to Hither Green station have a perfect life. At least, they present the image of a perfect life.
Big sash windows offer a view of moodily-lit living, cooking, and eating areas…
Week 1
Last semester involved a lot of research and exploration that would result in me dabbling with my curiosities for my thesis project. For one, the relationship between language and culture has always intrigued me because they go…
CZ BOXING — 100% Custom Design Boxing Gloves Manufacturer, Can Be Customized With Your Own Logos, Private Labels. :
Functionality First, UI Second & How You Can Still Build Beautiful Software Without Making UI Design Your Top Priority
User interface design is important. User interface design is fun. And user interface design is often procrastination.
love it! m.
With Gilad Benyamin Shahar
This week I focused on exploring the topic of Interaction Design. My main priority was to design an application that would be able to easily collect data from a group a users. The data would be used by scientists in a group called ‘Citizen Science’…
Thank you Ohans Emmanuel. The article is very informative. Saving in my Basket to check back later. Need time to consume all of it :)
Many people here were very excited about the new bridge near my house, and while I wasn’t 100% on board, I sure did think it looked pretty while they were building it. Unfortunately while they were building it, my normal routes to avoid traffic became quickly as bad as…
Brief roots of UX Design
The idea of designing a user’s experience goes back for generations. One kind of UX Design that stands out to me is that of the Grecian architects who used tricks to create an exaggerated sense of immensity in their ionic column. Whereas a normal architectural column would have the same diameter at…
Hello, everyone! So here we are with our daily dosage of inspiration to help you boost your creativity…
In my UX design course, we learned about metadata — data about data — and how it can be used for search optimization. Now, I’ll admit that I’m not totally into analyzing and manipulating data (just ask both of my statistics professors), but the idea of metadata is an interesting one.
90%. I’m not in love with Times Roman Numeral, but it doesn’t offend my senses. “IMPACT” would be OK if the letters were not so close to each other. A person I used to work with tried to get everyone in our office to use a font based on our individual handwriting. The reason I started using a typewriter then a word processor, (yes I am older than…
There are a lot of options available to homeowners when considering adding a backsplash to a kitchen. Few have the impact visually than glass mosaic glass tiles. Tile has several advantages. Tile can add a splash of color to your walls, it is practical by providing an easy cleaning…
Two weeks ago I spent a week with a friend who’s an architecture student. He’s very passionate about it that we discuss it by observing surroundings every single time we go outside.
It was very rewarding to me as a UX designer, we may not be designing the same objects or even operate in the same world, but that’s the beauty…
Yes, I was in rehab for a month and graduated on, 12/19/2016. I learned a lot, but the real reason I went was because I couldn’t stop using, even for a day. That crap had my ass in A bind. I am doing fine now, just taking things a day at a time. However, I am right back in the same position I was in before I went to treatment. I am right back to…
All tech hobbyists have a use for photo editing software. Whether for fun or professional use, there are many programs out there that let us transform a photograph. The first program that comes to mind is Adobe’s Photoshop. While it is a great a program, it’s definitely…
Design article #04 _17.01.15
In 2017 designers should not be afraid of starting from design patterns to cover the basics, and then focusing the bulk of their time on the details that will make…
Desktop wallpapers are images that you can use as the background for your personal computer monitor. At the outset of your day’s work, once you open your personal computer, what concerns your view first is the desktop of your computer. And that is the stepping…
Welcome to our foyer!
One of the charms of our wonderfully quirky house is that there is an actual foyer. When you come in the front door, you aren’t already in the living room. There’s actually a landing spot with options. You can head downstairs to the…
Okay, so around 9–14 i started to realize that i am not the normal kid. I had problem’s like keeping my family alive, working and most of all the art of trust and lying. More around 9–10 my father started forgetting how innocent and young i was and put hard decisions on me. Like…
By Migdalia Torres
Land of Dreams Candy-colored beams Tree streams of Yellow Lemon Dew Drops
Work life promotes the idea of a ‘honeymoon period’. It’s sometimes referred to when we start a new job — usually the timeframe when we’re forgiven for making mistakes. Post-vacation people will talk of how they’re still in ‘holiday mode’. Journalists and PRs will…
Somewhere in each of our family’s pasts, there are memories of a quaint house, offering feelings of warmth, hearth and home, where stories were told, meals prepared together and laughter was in the air more often than not. Hugs were shared, tears were shed and…
Rick’s talk is an excellent one for anyone involved in programming, regardless of your level of experience. His definitions of simple and easy draw a firm line between the two concepts. Simple is something that is not complicated and easy is within a person’s skill-set. The two concepts are not…