Learning the trigonometry trio — sin cos and tan — is right near the top of my reverso bucket list (things I hope…
via Muzli design inspiration
As the mainstream design community, Behance and Dribbble, provide great convenience for designers. Most of them usually will follow both of the two platforms for showing and sharing their works. So, most UI/UX designers display their Dribbble or Behance…
Porto, Portugal [EN version]
The new human being does not wish to do or…
“Voice will never be the interaction model,” they say, out loud, to communicate their thoughts.
Four years ago I found myself in a peculiar place: I was a demanded graphic designer on my way to art…
$31 billion worth of food is wasted each year in…
“A 12-year-old girl live-streamed her suicide. It took two weeks for Facebook to take…
Becoming more creative starts with becoming more aware of what’s going on around you.
This is an introduction to a new series of articles about responsive material design patterns. In every post, I…
We all want to learn new things. We just can’t figure out how.
It’s time to start that new project at work. You know, the project the CEO is talking about. The project…
If you’re looking to build a cutting edge team with modern practices, update your current process or confirm the validity of your own process. I couldn’t recommend this book enough.
Maintenance pages are boring, always the same boring ‘Be right back’ or ‘Please stand by’ message.
Having successfully completed the user research phase of our capstone project, the team is getting ready to power through the next design phases. As we were project planning for the next 3 months, our capstone advisor suggested we explore Lean UX. Nervous…
Very few of them are my original creation, while most of them are crowd sourced and quoted by the legends of the industry. Here are 52 quotes to keep you inspired weekly for the rest of the year.
Design is a field that has gained a lot of interest in the recent years. Not only are startups more…
I’ve got a backpack problem. In the sense that I buy too many. My current bag is one that Charles Hudson turned me on to from DSPTCH, a local SF…
“I’ve seen this idea before!... this guy must’ve copied it from that one!"
You don’t want any more statistics telling you how much time people are spending on their phones. How much time they spent…
The sudden ( or is it?) exponential increase in the use of BIM in the architecture industry has brought a huge shift among the various things that require concern and in fact raised a lot of questions…
After thirteen years of successful business in the domestic and foreign markets, I bring you a game-changing announcement: we have teamed…
I’m going to be tackling all the methods to build those headers (in pure CSS) in a series of psots, Just Published Part 1:
Ultimate Guide to Non-Rectangular Headers: Pure CSS Diagonal Separators
New year, new career. That’s the motto for General Assembly’s graduating UXDI course this January. After completing the…
Everyone knows startups are hard, but most are confused about why.
Wechat is a free, cross-platform and instant messaging application developed by…
2017 para os bots e suas tendências, IBM para negócio Bancários, destaques da CES 2017, bots para a hospitalidade, de 1 a 100k pessoas no bot em 48h e mais.
Weekly Summary:
week01: Create our team north star
“You want your app to feel like its thriving with content…”
At the bottom of my wardrobe, there is a draw I called my “technology graveyard”. This is where I put my small collection of technologies that no longer useful in the world of 2017.
As an industrial designer, I love these beautiful objects. They represented a small…
Last summer I was working for Roskilde Festival (which I am by the way super excited to do this year as well), being in charge of the visual appearance and the onsite communication…
One question that I’m asked on an almost daily basis is ‘what design events should I be attending?’ so I…
Colors are all around us. And they can influence our emotions weather we realize it or not. For instance, politicians often wear the color red in order to portray confidence and authority. Whereas in a yoga studio you’ll see a lot of neutral and green colors, which help to evoke the…
Multi-awarded interactive designer and co-founder of DVTK, alum of Les Gobelins (2012), Kim Boutin has made a name for herself while working at Blondie and Kenzo. A few months ago, she moved to London to launch her own venture.
UI/UX design— We’ve heard these words being thrown around in discussions when talking about a product or service. Some are able to distinguish the disciplines, while…
Personal findings of 5 sites with great use of typography.
From making fire to putting together the internet, the common theme that runs through is the role of humans as…
Startup Feedback Session = a periodic call we run with our Romanian IT community members where we review one startup per call and test their product, while providing go-to-market or technical feedback. Startup Feedback Sessions gives freshly launched startups…
Today, we had a design thinking workshop from IBM interactive experience team. We went through 4 processes in…
I believe truly great product practitioners accept that heuristics are essential for creating wonderful products. I think great product practitioners accept that empirical observation and understanding is greater than being a grandiose visionary parachuting in with strokes of disruptive genius…
For my first posting, it will be all about my take on the websites that used fonts in an awesome way. This article will be, of course, a subjective take on a specific taste so by all means tell me what you think. So hang on to your seats and hopefully you will also be inspired as you…
What is your design process? As designers, we’ve all been asked and asking the question.
There are design evangelists moving among organizations and corporations trying to sell and establish the design process — the one or ones that are supposed to ensure great…
Writing a summary post doesn’t seem to be a popular thing to do at the beginning of the year. After all, it is the time to…
What is the secret to creating a memorable brand? In my opinion it’s all about…
It wasn’t the first time I've designed a Logo for any product but this time it was a…
Before I become a practitioner inside the UX field, I was previously not a person in design, software, tech, tech-startup, or anything that are close to the term. The term “UX Research” or “UX Design”, as much as they become the buzzword…
When somebody is in doubt, you tell them stuff that is derived from your perspective and more importantly, your…
Karl Popper: not a scientist, but his philosophy of science has been profoundly influential on the modern world. His best known idea is simple — you should try to disprove your hypotheses, not…
Our objective for our first project was to create a simple mini application to help our classmate solve a problem or meet a need they have in their life. We were tasked with conducting a one-on-one interview as research, building a persona and scenarios to…
Founding a startup isn’t for everyone. For those with both an entrepreneurial and creative mindset…
Making a home truly special is not just down to the furniture you put in, it is down to what…
Task analysis methodology is one tool that helps aid UX designers in their design process. Quite simply, task analysis is the process of laying out the steps of accomplishing a task from a user’s perspective.
Before diving into the field of UX design, it would be appropriate to first have a quick look at what engineering is. Engineering is derived from the latin word ingeniare, meaning to devise, to contrive. As a matter of its existence, it includes all the acts of research, invention, design and…
We as a whole know about that #Lightning .Lightning is the most recent innovation in…
For those who have been following my journey, here is what I did today: lesson 7, bonus lesson.
This is, again, another biweekly Brain Dance list. That’s what happens when you have a long Xmas break and you spend proper quality time not connected to the online universe and I hope I can keep the pace of the weekly list. But well, back to the action now…
In school when you first saw the sum ‘2 + 2=’ you had no idea how to get the answer. It was only until someone taught you that you were able to do it yourself and know the answer.
A cobrança abusiva no trabalho sempre foi um problema para o bom desempenho e resultados. Essa prática acaba com a capacidade da organização de experimentar modos diferentes de trabalho. O CEO da Ideo, empresa global de design, Tim Brown, ficou famoso em 2009 por compartilhar um caminho diferente…
Em 2014 fui convidado a palestrar no Front In CG e resolvi falar sobre design e desenvolvimento web para dispositivos de alta resolução.
My career as a copywriter was just starting when someone asked me: “Would you rather be the head of a mouse or the tail of a lion?”
That question shook the early beliefs of what I expected from my professional career. It…
10 days ago, I created a mockup of an app I wanted to fix-up. It’s an app I built to record TV Show and Movie recommendations.
Since graduating from college three years ago I have been committed to getting as close as possible to the quote “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life” I…
Happy and productive New Year’s everyone!
Originally published at FeedbackGuru.com. Get design feedback on your websites and web applications. Quickly enhance User Experience.
Steve Jobs once said “It’s not the customer’s job to know what they want”. Agree? May be not! But remember, it’s not user’s job…
I think the next major fashion event in Lagos will be more about ingenious designs, not a…
When my husband and I were apartment searching, we found the most perfect apartment, except for one thing; the walls were covered in the most outdated wallpaper. While my husband didn’t mind the outdated wallpaper, it was an eye-sore to me. On the condition that we…
The new year has started with a bang. A couple of juicy pitches have already come up for grabs and we’ve appointed Graeme Douglas, former executive creative director at TBWA and creative director at Wieden & Kennedy, to be strategy partner.
If you don’t know the Lemon Law, it basically allows a person to “at any point during the initial five minutes of a first date” call off the…
How do you show who you are in the Information Era?
“Design is how it works.”
That oft cited quote from Steve Jobs shows that it’s no wonder that UX as a…
The Heng Balance Lamp is a proof in concept that shows a new approach to turning on a light. By bringing the two balls closely together they turn on the outer light ring, while swinging delightfully in…
Task Analysis is a effective tool/process for laying out scenarios, to be able to look from a users’ perspective and understand them. It’s a way to figure out the frustrations and find a way to solve those frustrations. As a designer, you want to perform a task analysis for…
In the present time, the home and home décor play a major role in defining the stature of a person. A home that matches the contemporary décor and has all the top-notch amenities is regarded as an ideal home and the person is regarded as the…
These following webpages are examples of typography that should make any typographist weak at the fingers. Each webpage features clear and concise lettering, with well defined leading, kerning, and tracking. Most of these fonts are also quite thin, and use…
I wouldn’t go as far as banning TNR, but I wouldn’t suggest anyone using it for websites or other professional documents. I grew up being required to use 12pt TNR for literally everything I wrote. By the time I got to college, I was so sick of looking at it that I’d gladly accept the grade penalty for using a different typeface.
Clap Creative delivers bespoke WordPress development services in Los Angeles. Whether you want custom WordPress plugins or bespoke themes, we make them all. We take your ideas from drawing board and develop them into beautiful high-performance WordPress…
“Doing good work and everything else will follow.”
Yeah, four months of work all has come to stop today.
After waiting in a line outside in the rain for forty minutes, I walked through the revolving doors into the warmth of the Guggenheim Museum. I was looking forward to seeing the work of Agnes Martin, a painter I’ve always thought of as my charming Taoist auntie…
Colors are the blend of art and science,
Recalling the grace and charm of past,
Podcasts are popular learning and entertainment channels right now. I used to read books for knowledge, but in recent years I either watch YouTube videos or listen podcasts. YouTube videos are good for tutorials and brief introduction to topics, podcasts are good to dive deep…
Seguro has accedido alguna vez a un sitio que te ha parecido estupendo al leer su encabezado en Google, pero al…
This design practice is the continuity of one of my class projects. I did some further thinking about the mobile OS’s smart notification feature.
You will love our Cabo seagrass dining set of 2 chairs. Purchase these durable chairs for small, medium, and large size dining arrangements.
Cabo Seagrass Dining Chairs Set of 2:
-Finished in a light…
Let me start by saying this: Hamburger menu is all good, absolutely no problem with menu itself, we will only discuss…
We’re very excited to announce something that’s been in the works for a very long time: the launch of Projects! Projects…
Before I get into Unity in Action Chapter 2, one important lesson I’ve learned for building habits which are the foundation for producing amazing results, is something I heard summed up very well — “do less than you can”. If you finish one chapter easily, stop there. It…
Industrial design can be described as a blend of both applied science as well as applied art. Products are improved functionally, aesthetically in order to achieve better productivity and marketability. There are a number of industrial designers serving…
A bathroom is a standout among st the most vital rooms in the house. What’s more, the most essential piece of your bathroom is your washroom vanity.
A quite informative article about typography. Typography is more than reading, in fact it is more what we see than we read.
This year we decided to treat our clients and friends to a very special Sinterklaas gift, a collection of our Friday cocktail recipes.
New apps are always when new requirements occur. An app called Hi Plant ,created by myself, is designed for people who majored in botany and want to record the information of plant species. Therefore, they are facilitated to observe and…
“Love is the only Force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” Dr. Martin Luther King jr. Strong words that are needed at this time. Bullies might feel emboldened and it might feel really good to be Petty and throw insults back and forth at the time. However if your first course of action is to call someone with opposing views by a derisive…
The overall beauty of a house depends on home furnishing items. Cushions, curtains, door mats, carpets and the furniture all play a pivotal role in boosting the beauty of your homes. Cushion covers can transform the looks of your…
To find people so passionate about the product that they are willing to argue to the death and also see beyond their egos is a balance that the best are able to achieve.
I’m excited to announce my new site is live!
What I’m really thrilled about is the ability to share my design work and writings in one spot! Two things I love to do!
We love a simplicity in websites. The acronym K.I.S.S always sat well with me. Keep It Simple Stupid. It’s funny too… see you laughed. I heard it.
When you come across a minimalistic site, you’ll see there’s a heavy emphasis on…
https://plus.google.com/107279396573877013764 https://www.pinterest.com/casinobabes/ http://www.bagtheweb.com/u/casinobabes http://casinobabes.blogspot.com.mt/ https://del.icio.us/casinobabes http://www.feedspot.com/u/7f04e1e49cbc http://imgur.com/user/casinobabes1…
Citizen Science is incredibly useful in getting scientists more data. This project aimed to use the citizen sciences in ecology while I looked into conservational biology. Through the following steps, I was able to create a prototype of a mobile app that could help scientists preserve…
Projeto Gráfico |Direção de Arte e Diagramação.
There is a quote I heard a long time ago. It goes you do the best you can, with what you have, Where You Are. What I like most about this quote is that it breaks down the idea of a goal into…
This article is going to discuss different types of graphic designs. You can go through the blow provided points to understand the things clearly.
Glad you enjoyed the article Elliot!
When a hotel originally looked at this venue, it was completely run down and under utilised — a perfect pick for their next big transformation.CDG furniture is an industrial furniture manufacturers.
With over 35 years in the antiques market, Pittet Architecturals owner and founder Raymond Pittet has built his entire career searching for the uncommon and the beautiful. Over his four decades traveling the globe, Raymond has tapped into Europe’s best sources…
love it :)
In each girl’s imagination in the closet, must has piles of personality different computer glasses: different color, different shape, different personality, mood and costume for cooperation is not the same as you. Sorry in harsh international…
We’re thrilled to launch our brand spanking new version of Revolve today. This new-and-improved version is jammed packed with new features to make it even easier to bring your great music to your eager crowd and bring more ideas to life. Some of the New Features Include:
Nectar as it s known is nutrition of deities. There is a small factory where this magic substance is produced by the wee elfs. The artwork of…
You may already have noticed, they have redesigned all the websites available on the internet and all of them now…
Checking your work is very important. Even if you believe your work is fine, always check it so you know for sure! You may decide as you go through that you want to rephrase a sentence or swap a word you’ve used too many times. Go through the list below and check off the boxes as you edit…
A quick sketch from over the weekend had a really busy time and didn’t have a whole lot of chance to sit down with any kind of good time with the Sketchbook but did have a couple ideas floating around. One of them was a nice little lad Dreamscape Little Dream Big action going on. It was a loved one some of the words and phrases that I saw out there…
#Catch the #inspiration, my friends, when it flies so close and rashly #pegasus https://ekaterinamoong.wordpress.com #art #work by…