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打造健康的工作生態SOP (設計師)

上一篇文章裡,簡單介紹了改善與工程師溝通效率的方法 (文章連結:三個步驟提升設計師的工作效率),其實在此之前,我花了不少時間與PM 和 RD 規劃工作SOP,從需求、設計到開發,因為我是設計師,下面主要談論設計的部分


Farewell, Zygmunt

Zygmunt Bauman est décédé hier. Il était une pierre angulaire de notre projet au Tank et chez Spintank. L’occasion de vous expliquer pourquoi, et de lui rendre hommage.

Character Rigging At LooseKeys

Most of the videos we do at LooseKeys involve characters and these characters often need to interact and…

D&AD — Sydney Opera House

For me D&AD has always been the most coveted award. It was the first annual I picked up in design school…

Looking for Custom & Coolest Interior Designs

When you are dealing with custom interior design for a small room you can actually go quite far as long as you are flexible and versatile. Another thing that you have to do is have control of the room and let it show. Think about the benefits of that…

3 Furniture Repairs You Didn’t Know Leather Experts Would Do

Did you know that Mobile Leather Repairs offers furniture repairs beyond just cleaning and patching damaged or dated leather? Learn what else we can do. 
 You know that when the leather on your sofas or chairs gets scuffed or…