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2016 — A Year in Design

In 2015, I shared some bets with First Round. These bets where my thoughts on the future needs of our design team…

2016 in experimentation

(This is my annual round-up of my tweets about A/B-testing. 2015’s review is here).

Elections are like experiments gone terribly wrong. You have different success metrics for each variation, participants constantly arguing between themselves on Facebook…


這一篇是 2015 年聽過的一場講座側記,這一場講座開啟了我對 wabi-sabi 侘寂美學的認識,也看見 delicate antique 創辦人陳啟樂追求卓越、享受生活的態度,分享給你,一起培養自己的五感生活。

9/12 (六) 在路由藝術 Nunu Fine Art 聽了一場很棒的講座,講題是:「The aesthetics of space and display — 空間陳列的美學」,講者是 delicate antique(原名為「古道具」) / 香色 xiang Se 的店主: Jin…

Design Sprint além do Design

Iniciei no AppProva como Head de Produto há exatamente um ano. Meu principal desafio, sendo colocado de uma…

Why my design team meetings never start on time

Late last year, the UX team at SEEK took the rare occurrence of having all our SEEK employment designers in the office at the one time as an opportunity to head out for a team offsite, and I kicked things off late, as usual. There’s a good reason…

🇧🇷 Chatbots — Resumo da semana #007

Dicas de UX e aplicações em vários segmentos de chatbots, Inteligência Artificial para bots, Amazon Echo, pesquisa sobre chatbots e muito mais.

New Year’s Resolution: More Hellos

This summer I wrote about how I said hello to almost every neighbor on my block by cleaning up the tree beds on my street.

And then things took on a life of their own. It’s difficult to stop at hello!

Lo que me dijo Coco Chanel en una quote de Goodreads

Publicación original en: POSH Magazine 61 | Take Fashion Seriously

La moda es el primer espacio habitable del ser humano. El más próximo. La escala espacial inmediata ocupada por el cuerpo: un “habitáculo”…

Architectural 3D Rendering Services

Architectural 3D Rendering services provide to arrange and got wind of a style for construction functions. These square measure sometimes tendered by many construction corporations with skilled artists to confirm that purchasers approve the ultimate arrange similarly…

Common ideas for Architectural Renderings

Architectural 3D renderings are used daily to produce associate overall read of the project style. It helps architects and shoppers establish with the project, see what changes have to be compelled to be created and see the ultimate product before the…

Designing for Stuff in User Experience Design

Originaly published: 06 April 2015 at johncowen.co.uk

I recently read Stuffocation where author James Wallman explores what he see’s as an emerging social trend for large scale pairing back of our material possessions.

Structural Design Services For Vital Process Of Quality Outputs

Structural Design Services and drafting is an indispensable procedure of auxiliary building administrations. To assemble exact building structure, it is must required process. Any kind of development whether it is a…